We’ve had quite a few submissions so let’s get to them. JT already posted his but I’ll post it again anyway:
That last one really needs to have the gif embedded so here’s the quoted post:
We’ve had quite a few submissions so let’s get to them. JT already posted his but I’ll post it again anyway:
That last one really needs to have the gif embedded so here’s the quoted post:
Haha happy to have made teh cut
King Trumpo beat them all tho
Not on list for some reason. System obviously biased against TheDuker. #RIGGED
TRUMP IMPEACHMENT PLAYING CARDS Pre-Orders now being accepted! If you can’t keep track of all the players in the impeachment saga, you’re not alone. Can’t remember who Michael Atkinson is? Can’t tell Lev from Igor? We’ve got you covered. Now the whole family can learn about this momentous episode of American history while playing Gin Rummy or Go Fish. Bulk discounts available for schools, prisons, Congressional staffers, etc. Order yours today!2019 Unstuck Enterprises LTD. [ca…
gg rigging the stats for himself
We’ve had a lot of submissions, so thanks to those tagging posts.
Still trying to figure out the best way to make everything readable ITT, bear with me.
So what exactly are the Dems supposed to do? It’s been said numerous times that impeachment is a political process not a criminal process.
For starters, if the roles were reversed, the GOP would be blanketing the airwaves with pro impeachment ads. Like where the fuck is Tom Steyer now? #NeedToImpeach
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what comes next. I thought about making a new thread, even. But like he’s going to be impeached, then he’s almost certainly going to be acquitted in the Senate in like February. This gives him the total green light to do anything he wants in the 2020 election with zero ramifications until 2021, and if he wins zero ramifications until 2025. We all know what that means.
So we’re about to enter this new phase of just all out political war. The Dem nominee WILL be investigated by the DOJ. The president WILL use the office to pressure foreign countries to investigate the Dem nominee. The president WILL try to get foreign countries to hack for him, to cut deals to help him, etc, etc. Money WILL be funneled from Russia, Saudi Arabia and Israel to the Trump campaign. Facts will be totally disregarded. The amount of mud that is flying from the right will be orders of magnitude more than we’ve ever seen.
So what should the Dems do and what will the Dems do? There’s no way they do what they should do, imo, which is to match the fervor and intensity but do so legally. They should already be preparing now, and they’re not. They should be going for the transcripts of every call with MBS, Netanyahu, Putin, etc. They should be going through the courts now to enforce subpoenas so that maybe it plays out in time to have major public testimony about various misdeeds in June through November of 2020. They should be lining this stuff up now. Make sure the headlines are not like, “DOJ Investigates Biden/Sanders/Warren/Pete for _____________.” Make sure the headlines are about explosive testimony that’s damning for Trump. You have to win that battle, or the Comey letter is going to look like child’s play.
What else should they be doing? They should be making sure Trump is charged by NY and other states shortly after he’s acquitted in the Senate. Is he indictable? Well we should sure as shit find out, let’s make SCOTUS rule on that in 2020. Why wait? Is there any doubt the GOP would have charged Obama in like Alabama for some state crime if they had the chance???
You need the shit you’re slinging back at him to be a level more serious than the shit he’s slinging at you. If it’s an indictment in a court of law, hey, that’s not partisan politics that’s a GRAND JURY OF HIS PEERS. It’s a nice bonus that it’s ACTUALLY in the pursuit of justice as well. That it’s all legal and above board.
Meanwhile, as you keep turning the screws on him, you increase the number of unforced errors he’s going to make. All of this should be going on while the nominee totally ignores it and hammers HEALTHCARE AND JOBS AND HEALTHCARE AND JOBS AND MONEY AND JOBS AND HEALTHCARE AND MONEY AND HOPE AND YES WE CAN AND LIFE IS GOING TO BE SO GOOD FOR YOU WHEN I WIN.
Let House Oversight, Intel and Judiciary go in on him. And, while we’re at it, clear those committees of anyone who isn’t up to the task and load them up with total bulldogs who do not have future presidential ambitions. I want Maxine Waters chairing some of these hearings, so move her over or find a way to put them in Financial Services. In fact, change the house rules to bring in lawyers to do the questioning and bring in the best, most cunning, most assholic lawyer possible. Or let Robert de Niro do it, that’d be fun. This is fucking political war, democracy hangs in the balance.
On 11/4/20, there should be no dry powder anywhere within a mile of these Democratic investigations. Fire it all.
And obviously there should be targeted ad campaigns to suppress Republican turnout. There should be Super PACS that are not at all connected to the candidate that are being run by people like Tom Steyer that are running ads painting Trump as an out of touch scummy elitist who’s scamming the good Christian folks of God’s country. Has he paid for abortions for his mistresses? Who can be sure? Many people are saying it! Let’s dredge up some of the disparaging shit he’s said about Pence that ties into religion. You think Obama’s line about clinging to guns and Bibles was bad? What about this other shit Trump said?
But I have a feeling the Dems are about to walk into a fight like this…
Expecting to play thumb war. One, two, three, four I declare a… Sorry, my dude, you just got hit in the face with a trident. Why’d you bring nothing more dangerous than opposable thumbs to a street fight with tridents and swords?
Look, I am not so hot take that I don’t understand differences in passed down beliefs steeped in organization, tradition and culture vs a relatively new dumb ass theory. That said, it is hand in fucking hand. The rejection of science in order to protect religious beliefs is partly what fuels this phenomenon. If you are going to reject evolution you can just as easily reject the evidence that the world is not flat.
The percentage of people who believe in evolution for valid scientific reasons is vanishingly small. A lot of intelligent-design type arguments against evolution are basically sound arguments that just happen to be wrong due to the mindboggling fact that the earth has been in existence for billions of years, which is nuts.
Evolution is even a bad example, because the theory itself is basically plausible. Think about what well-informed people believe about cosmology, which is broadly speaking this:
- The universe is extremely old (OK!)
- The universe didn’t always exist, and it started out smaller than a single atom. (Wait, what?)
- Virtually instantaneously (i.e., expansion time: human lifespan << human lifespan : total age of the universe), the universe expanded to something close to its current size due to something called an inflation field (Don’t ask what an inflation field is, because no one has any idea)
- After that, the universe evolved according to the normal physical laws we see on earth, although the scales are very different. (Whew, glad that weird shit is behind us)
- Except also, the only kind of matter we have any direct experience of is basically insignificant, and a solid majority of the stuff in the universe is invisible fairy dust that no one has ever seen or has convincingly explained the nature of. (…)
- Also, there is a mysterious energy that permeates the universe that makes gravity work backwards for no known reason. (You’re the guys who say that flat-earth makes no sense?)
Again, I’m not saying that fairy-dust theory is false, it’s apparently true (or true-ish, or a stand-in for the truth). The point is that virtually everyone who believes this crazy shit doesn’t believe it for well-justified empirical reasons. The explanation for inflation has to do with a mathematical property called “anisotropy” that can be sussed out only through an exhaustingly precise examination of the static you see when you tune an old-fashioned radio or television to a dead channel. (<-- This is precisely true!)
What actually happens is that people’s empirical beliefs are obtained, in almost all cases, by ingesting the pronouncements of authoritative figures. There are many excellent reasons why science guys are a much better source to obtain scientific beliefs from than the Pope, but it’s a serious error to assume that a person’s choice of epistemic authority figure tells you much about that person’s character. For the most part, people just follow the authority figures that their social context tells them to follow. The only people you can really get some information about is people who were born into one social context but chose to adopt the epistemology of another–people who deconverted from a serious religious sect (not Episcopalianism) or joined a cult.
Flat-earthers are remarkable not because their beliefs are weird (the earth does look flat!), but because they are unsanctioned. The strangeness isn’t what they believe, it’s that they came to believe something that is unsanctioned by all elements of society.
Sriracha isn’t even that good.
I love Chapo but their limitations are on full display with the WeWork episode. Matt somehow thinks the Saudis gave money to SoftBank to give to WeWork to prop up urban real estate values? They seem unaware that Amazon is profitable? Do some homework, fellas.
My main beef with them has always been that many of their takes are just lazy armchair homerism. Hot take: Although they are way smarter, more informed and entertaining, I think they are the closest thing the left has to Limbaugh.
You know Abraham Lincoln and George Washington
Saint Ronald Reagan and Robert E. Lee.
But do you recall, the most famous president of all?Donald the orange-skinned fuhrer,
sprayed his skin from head to toe,
and if you ever saw it,
you would even say it glows.All of the stupid liberals,
used to laugh and call him names,
they tried to impeach poor Donald,
but McConnell saved the day.Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Melania came to say,
Donald with your skin so bright,
get out of my bed tonight!Then how the ladies loved him,
The Republican girls shouted out with glee,
Donald the orange-skinned fuhrer,
Won’t you grab me by the pussy?Merry Trumpmas, kids!
The next Dem POTUS needs to act not just like the preceding POTUS was Donald Trump, but like they will be followed by Donald Trump. They need to not just not be oppressive, they need to dismantle tools of oppression.
He’s real to me now
a hairy potato man
And I root for him
And here’s the most liked posts since the last update:
Another fortnight gone, time for another Best of Unstuck update.
Our first multiple posts nomination
Maybe, but if your theoretical is only theoretical, is it really the model of mental health? I have yet to meet a person who is both sophisticated and impervious to the perception of others. We can perhaps wax poetic about how great it would be to be so, but I am unconvinced it is attainable. I would argue instead that mindfulness, along the lines of "I am aware of my feelings of feeling judged, and those feelings are negative. There are things I could have done better (x, y, and z), but on balance, I have achieved well, notably (a, b, and c). "
Re the pyramid, I think anything ordered around “needs” is essentially bullshit, because humans create more “needs” whenever their current ones are satisfied; “needs” are inherently an egotistical way of approaching one’s place in the world. A less egotistical way is approaching the world in terms of ways of interacting with it, there are any number of ways you can break that down, but one I like is Emily Esfahani Smith’s “Four Pillars of Meaning”:
Smith organizes her research into four pillars of meaning:
1) A Sense of Belonging , meaning relationships “where you really feel like you matter to others and are valued by them, and where you in turn treat others like they matter and are valued.”
2) Purpose , or “having something worthwhile to do with your time,” says Smith. “It’s this pursuit that organizes your life and involves making a contribution to others.” Smith writes and speaks about the best ways we can find purpose in our own lives. This includes locating our strengths and talents, what our unique perspective on the world is, and bringing that all together to give back.
3) Transcendence , “those moments where you’re basically lifted above the hustle and bustle of daily life and you feel your sense of self fade away.” Transcendence, for a lot of people, is part of a religious pursuit, experienced through meditation, prayer, and other expressions of faith. But you can also experience it in nature, or at work, explains Smith.
4) Storytelling , the final pillar “surprised me in a lot of ways,” Smith says. “Storytelling is really about the story that you tell yourself about your life, about how you became you. It’s your personal myth.”
Note that, aside from perhaps the fourth one, these are not “what do I need to extract from the world” but rather “what are the modes in which I need to interact with the world”. Ideally you want something to put in all the columns here, but you need at least one to keep you going.
One of the breakthroughs I had in the treatment of my depression was realizing that we aren’t supposed to be happy and most of the things I thought I needed/desired (which in turn drove my feelings of failure/worthlessness that were central to my depression) were created by the external world, they didn’t originate as part of some actual need or desire, rather they were there because that’s what the world I grew up in and interacted with told me I need/desire. Seems silly/obvious in retrospect, but it was a big deal for me at the time.
five syllables first
seven syllables second
five syllables last
NeverTrumpers are happy with the Republican Party of 2012 but 2016 is too extreme for them. They should not ever be listened to.
Lets do a double shot to kick off the reveal.
Category 5: A song that really really really makes me want to sing along even though I’m in a quiet office.
In 15th place, scoring 1 (1,1) Jalfrezi - Vitamin C by CAN
Ege Bamyasi (Remastered) - Album by CAN | Spotify
In 14th place, scoring 2 (2,1) Smrk4 - Center of the Sun by Conjure One
Sooooooooo, yeah.
dem: if you study the projections from the bureau of labor statistics and the congressional budget office–
trump: the numbers have never been better for me, check the numbers! check the numbers!
dem: the websites are xxxxx.gov and xxxxx.gov, please audience look for yourself, it proves that trump is a liar!
trump: if you read the website, you’d find out that the numbers are the best of any president in history! read the website! read the website!
audience: we’re not doing homework, 2/3 of us barely made it out of high school
It turns out that domino theory was completely correct if you substitute inequality-fueled oligarchy in for communism.
“According to the McConnell Rule, the Senate should not be taking up any critical matters during an election year, instead leaving it to the people to determine the makeup of the Senate that will determine President Trump’s fate. I hope Cocaine Mitch will respect the will of the people and get back to work. There are approximately 10000 bills passed in the House this year that are awaiting action in the Senate.”
Someone needs to shop Nancy’s face (or her clapping at Donny) onto Jr’s book with a new undertitle and tweet it at all the Trumps.
I’m legit concerned about Space Force. It’s a chance to create a branch of the military completely in the deplorable image - from top to bottom - which can then be used as leverage against the other branches.
And it has perfect cover in that it seems goofy and liberals will just make fun of it until it’s too late. Like Trump’s presidency.
And finally, the most liked posts since the last update.
Time for another update!
There will be a few incidents, clearly, it’s a big country, but most of these people aren’t doing shit.
I can’t remember where I saw it, but a light bulb moment for me was reading someone say that what these people want is literally the words. That is, they don’t want to go to war with Iran, for example, they just want to hear people say that if those fuckers get out of line, you will own them. Representation is reality. Like that’s the frustrating thing about Trumpism right? He just has to say “manufacturing is coming back and we’re building the wall” and it’s true to these people whether it’s actually happening or not.
What most of these people want is to be immersed in a fantasy world where they have agency in their lives and they don’t have to experience the crushing feeling of alienation that we all feel in this age. Actually doing something isn’t just too hard, it’s impossible because it would expose the fantasy nature of this control they are asserting over things.
Edit: Like it’s hard to get your head around because most of us want concrete things to happen in the world as a result of politics, but if you entertain the idea that they don’t, things fall into place. For example, the fact that they don’t care that Trump is a transparent bullshit artist. Representation is reality to him too, that’s why they connect.
Imagine, if you are able, a moment in history where the future of American democracy is at a pivot point. One of the most important elections, perhaps ever. A time when the scotus seat was blatantly and unapologetically stolen. A time when open gerrymandering and voter roll purging is rampant. A time when voter machines are being left purposely vulnerable. A president impeached for bribery. Atrocities at the border. Prison camps for babies. Back ally abortions on the menu. Racist fires being stoked for political gain. Science being denied. Environmental protections being torn up. Alliances disrupted.
Now imagine the opponent the Dems choose to counter this is saying he’d run with a repub, will only run for one term and parroting taking points from the right even as the gains made by the administration he is depending on for his clout by association are all being demolished one by one.
Republicans are bad but the Dems are only better in that we are the ones they are focused on grifting. I’m getting 20 emails or texts or fucking advertisements on social media a day begging me for more money. The money I already gave them has probably been spent asking me for more. By a mile the message I have heard the most from the candidates is they need my fucking donation.
Of course the rightwing pols are better at this shit. They are smarter. They picked the easy side to grift while our pols picked us, still marks to be sure, But tougher. Of course the ones who picked the easy money rubes on the right better operators. They are self selecting as more clever already.
These Media Posts will serve as notification to the United States Congress that should Iran strike any U.S. person or target, the United States will quickly & fully strike back, & perhaps in a disproportionate manner. Such legal notice is not required, but is given nevertheless!
Democracy in Iraq, seems like mission accomplished to me
Live blogging from Costco for u guys
I made this analogy before but it really feels like Putin was playing that brick breaker game and binked the shot that gets the ball behind the wall when Trump was elected.
Hard to fathom what kind of country would do such a thing.
I’m pretty surprised it’s looking like the plane was shot down. Chris called it right away. I would have lost money on that bet for sure.
This will only be like the third passenger plane ever shot down I think.
There have been a bunch, there’s a Wiki list of them here.
Upgrade your Bayesian thinking imo. The question “what causes planes to go down” is a very different one to “what causes planes to go down over Tehran, on fire, at now of all times”. A low-probability theory which neatly explains the particulars can easily become more likely than a coincidence. This is also sort of what is going on in the Epstein thread. The question “what causes prisoners to die in jail” is a very different one to “what causes Jeffrey Epstein to die in jail”.
به مردم شجاع و رنج کشیده ایران: من از ابتدای دوره ریاست جمهوریم با شما ایستادهام و دولت من همچنان با شما خواهد ایستاد. ما اعتراضات شما را از نزدیک دنبال می کنیم. شجاعت شما الهام بخش است.
No wonder they eventually drink too much or develop an oxy habit.
The biggest privilege in the world is the privilege to fail. I spent the better part of a decade as basically a compete fuck up, making many poor decisions that would have had serious life altering consequences for a poor person. When I finally got my shit together, it was basically all fine. And I always knew if I got in real trouble somebody would bail me out.
The Chinese came over and dropped pearls in the water. Really I mean big beautiful pearls. I’ve been married. Nobody knows pearls better than me. And these pearls, you wouldn’t believe it, ploop ploop ploop, right in the water. So they called it Pearl Harbor. And we were furious. “What a waste!” we said. Nobody knows this but we actually went to war over it.
My interpretation: Imagine going into a desolate old Soviet town deep in Uzbekistan and the locals sneered at you thinking you were very lucky to see the splendor of the number one country in the world and they wish you’d get the hell out. Now imagine that in Walmart parking lot outside Gary, Indiana.
And finally, the most liked posts since the last update.
Are we tweeting any versions of these?
Thanks for posting that while I was slacking, ggoreo. Lots to catch up on so let’s jump right to it:
Everybody knows Trump never uses the word “fire” when talking about ending a person’s employment. Remember his famous catch phrase on the Apprentice “you’re taken out.”
Regarding Joe Rogan, a few things:
Not all of the people who consume some of his content are part of this toxic crowd that is being spoken of. (If this is getting you triggered, make sure you read the rest of #1 and #2.) For example, he has on some experts in their field and does long interviews with them and gets way in depth. I was interested in eating broccoli sprouts for their numerous health benefits, and a woman called Dr. Rhonda Patrick is like THE broccoli sprouts expert. He had her on for a long interview and I watched some of it on YouTube looking for specific information. This is one of a few times I’ve stumbled onto his YouTube looking for content of a specific person who ended up having been his guest.
There’s definitely a toxicity about a lot of his content/audience. I had a friend who I cut out of my life in 2017 for a handful of reasons, but basically the dude was just a toxic macho bro guy who was really annoying to me and could never let an argument go. He also thought Trump was hilarious and would be harmless, I could have made a big bet with him that people would end up in cages but I couldn’t live with myself making money that way. Obviously I should have taken the bet and donated it to charity. Anyway, this guy LOVES Joe Rogan. I didn’t know much about him at the time, and my buddy really wanted to go see a comedy show of his in Philly and hang out, so I agreed. At this point in time, I basically only knew Rogan as the Fear Factor guy. There were definitely a number of cringe moments during the routine for me, and each time my buddy was cracking up and loved it. The biggest cringe thing was the crowd. As soon as we got near the theatre and were walking in, I knew I had fucked up and was in for an annoying evening. It was like allllllllllll dudes. Barely a couple there, no groups of women, and the jokes/comments you could overhear made me uncomfortable being part of that crowd.
Lots of these people will vote for a staunchly liberal candidate who doesn’t lecture them about the ills of their views on progressive social issues, then ignore it as that candidate does a bunch of great stuff on those issues along with the Medicare for All type stuff. Should we cater to them? Obviously not. Should we discourage their votes and support? I don’t know for sure, it’s a fair debate, but I think not. It’s complicated.
I mean, Rogan also said this, which is left of and stronger than what probably 95% of elected Dems in Congress would say about these issues:
Like, can you even imagine Joe Biden or Chuck Schumer or insert prominent eDem here saying of family separation, “If that doesn’t freak you the fuck out, you’re not a part of the team man, you’re missing it… What are we here for? We’re here for 100 years of whatever. If you want to spend a hundred years saying, ‘Hey she shouldn’t have fucking broke the law,’ I don’t want you on the team, you’re an asshole. I don’t give a fuck if you’re right or left, I don’t care if you’re religious, I don’t care if you’re an atheist, if that’s what you support, you’re an asshole and we don’t want you on our team.”
He goes on to basically say he’s glad AOC won even if he disagrees on issues with her, because she’s getting money out of politics and represents the people in her district, not the money.
Now I’m sure people can dig up a bunch of absolutely TERRIBLE things he has said or his guests have said without him pushing back, and I get that, and the left should have a discussion of this kind of stuff, but if we want to make big changes in the next decade, we probably need the support of these types of people.
- Catfacemeowmers nailed it with this:
Like, what kind of people did everyone think those Main Line Republicans for Clinton would be?
I play poker with a handful of these dudes on the regular, like literally Trump voters who either fit that country club suburban Philly stereotype right down to the private golf course pullover or the Joe Rogan listener South Philly type.
The country club types are almost strictly voting on finances, so if we want to woo them with Joe Biden and promises not to raise their taxes, we can try, but at the end of the day, the teeny tiny difference between Biden’s tax plans and Trump’s tax plans may be a bridge too far and they may be in for four more years. This way we don’t get the Joe Rogan endorsement for the candidate, and we may feel morally superior in that regard, but if you think those voters aren’t spewing their toxic masculinity every time there aren’t women around, I don’t know what to tell you.
Some of the Rogan types will go for Bernie, because they really only care about 2-3 issues, and they tend to be stuff like getting money out of politics. I actually had a quiet conversation at the table with one of these types recently. He’s an Obama-Trump voter who I have considering Bernie if he wins the nomination. I had to ignore some comments during the back and forth about various issues that I really didn’t like ignoring, but by focusing on healthcare, getting money out of politics, honesty of the candidate, and just being a good person who’s not going to rip families apart, I was able to get through to him a bit. He viewed Trump as a necessary brick through the window even though he thinks he’s an asshole, and if his choice is to pick that same brick up and throw it again or to pick up a nicer brick and throw it, he’ll take the nicer brick, but he’s not voting for Joe Biden or Pete Buttigieg.
- Joe Rogan’s overall political views may surprise some people. Like, I’ve seen < 10 YouTube videos of this guy totaling < 60 minutes in my life, and I can tell you he’s for socialized healthcare and improving and further socializing education. He’s for less bombs. He’s not randomly endorsing Bernie… His views actually match up with the liberal wing of the Democratic party on a lot of issues.
If you ask me, the question is not whether we should seek or accept these endorsements, it’s whether we should promote them and celebrate them. There’s a moral question to it and a risk-reward question. Bernie may have alienated some supporters and sent the wrong message to them… But bottom line: if we start getting a significant percentage (maybe even like 10-15% counts) of votes from this archetype of voter over the next decade, 60 seats in the Senate are back in play and just dominating the political landscape is in play. If the Faustian bargain is to not lecture them about their bigotry and sexism, and then to placate them with policies we want to enact anyway (Medicare for All, getting money out of politics, progressive tax policy) while doing the right thing on all of those social issues… That doesn’t seem like a bad idea to me. Instead of giving them someone to blame for their problems, we fix their problems (which happen to be things we want to do anyway) and do the right thing on those social issues while hoping that their bigotry is reduced when their economic situation improves.
And, listen, if they don’t like it, they can vote for someone else next time and we should tell them to fuck off at that point. Nobody is saying we should be on bended knee on social policy for these voters.
@Rivaldo, not sure if it will do the same for you but my very favorite baked pastime lately is watching these elite dancers do the same choreography. I can watch this shit on loop forever because each dancer is worth paying attention to individually. The best ones transcend interpretation of the song and almost seem like the song is interpreting their dance. The downside is I end up liking pretty shitty songs after a while. Try it.
I want to take a moment to say I am thinking of Mendoza and others who have already had much more direct impact and concerns than I do or should at this time. And without qualification, thanks for the support here all. It means a lot. I consider this place a group of friends.
ETA: even tho most of you have terribad music taste. (The scotch had done it’s work now.)
My wife forwarded this to me:
ALL THE WITNESSES: Ok we all agree. This is what happened.
REPUBLICANS: None of you were in the room!
BOLTON: raises hand Well I was in the…
REPUBLICANS: Who asked you?! Shut up! You’re a liberal pawn!
BOLTON: Um… I’m actually I’m a lifelong Republican and I was literally Trump’s national security advi…
REPUBLICANS: Shut your mustache! Somebody bring back the first national security advisor.
FLYNN: in orange jumpsuit Hey sorry guys I’m in jail lol.
FLYNN: For lying to the FBI about the Russia investigation.
REPUBLICANS: Well what idiot told you to do that?!
FLYNN: The Pres…
REPUBLICANS: Shut up! No one believes either of you!
KELLY: raises hand I believe them. And I was Trump’s Chief of sta…
REPUBLICANS: Shut up! Let’s talk to the real chief of staff. Who is he?
MULVANEY: raises hand It me.
REPUBLICANS: Shit. Never mind.
PARNAS: raises hand I was also in the room. In fact, here’s a cell phone video of the President saying that…
REPUBLICANS: Wait what?! How in hell did you sneak a cell phone into a meeting with the President?
PARNAS: It was easy I just walked right in and…
REPUBLICANS: Shut up! You’re a criminal!
PARNAS: Correct. And I just walked right into…
TRUMP: I don’t know him.
PARNAS: And here’s 500 pictures of me with the President because we’re besties.
REPUBLICANS: Wait… What idiot introduced you to the President??
PARNAS: His personal lawyer.
COHEN: also in orange jumpsuit Hey no sorry guys I’m in jail too.
COHEN: For campaign finance violations.
REPUBLICANS: Who’s campaign?
COHEN: The Pres…
PARNAS: It was Giuliani.
YOVANOVITCH: Giuliani! That’s the guy who had me fired from my job!
REPUBLICANS: Who are you??
YOVANOVITCH: I was the ambassador to Ukraine.
REPUBLICANS: Wait, you had her fired? Do you work for the government??
REPUBLICANS: Well who is the ambassador to the European Union??
SONDLAND: raises hand Me. I was also in the roo…
PUTIN: rubs his bare chest
I make a deep run in a poker tournament and come home to this? Ugggggggh. Curse the 73o my KK got cracked by that made me tune back into this. I miss my sweet, sweet ignorance.
If the GOP won’t vote for witnesses, the Democratic response is simple. Wait for them to acquit, then immediately open a new impeachment inquiry and subpoena Bolton, Mulvaney, etc to testify. This is a raw power struggle, it’s time to get in the fucking game.
The GOP wants to acquit for process reasons? They want to say it’s the House’s job to get these witnesses to testify? Okay, that’s within their raw power to do. But the House gets to open a new impeachment inquiry, they can say the Senate never actually ruled on the charges themselves, they ruled on the process, and so we’re going to get these additional witnesses ourselves. Oh, it’s happening in the middle of an election year? Too bad, so sad, fuck you. You could have had the witnesses and wrapped it up in early February, you didn’t, now we’re doing it. Enjoy your second impeachment trial that much closer to the election, Senators Collins, Gardner, Ernst, Tillis, and McSally. Cry us a river.
You will hear from John Bolton and then you will vote again.
Instead they’ll talk about how important the 2020 elections are to save democracy, meanwhile Trump and the GOP will be colluding with anyone and everyone, deleting voters from the rolls if their addresses are in big cities that vote heavily Dem or their last names indicate that they are likely a minority, and perhaps straight up rigging the machines. They’ll be investigating the nominee, probably the VP too, and probably some Democratic challengers in the Senate. Illegal doesn’t matter, it’s going to be within the presidents proven rights to do anything necessary, regardless of the law, to ensure his or her own re-election because it’s in the national interest.
We’re going to get shellacked in 2020 if the rules of the game are that Trump can do whatever he wants, and Democrats will play fair and hope for the best.
And not only are the Democrats too stupid to get in the game, these clowns running the party are trying to push Joe Biden down our throats so that even if we win, after four years of Trump and after the GOP has explicitly said that the president has king-like powers to do whatever he or she wants, Joe will be like, “Nah, we’ve gotta get this back under control and make some bipartisan deals with Mitch McConnell, my dear friend in the Senate.”
We are all so so so so so so so so so so so so so so fucked.
This one’s a first, I’m putting this post behind a spoiler because while it’s funny, it’s also in poor taste
I’m just gonna put this out there:
Mat’s first girlfriend, like, when he was 14-15 or whatev, was raped and murdered by a serial killer.
In case anybody ever noticed and wondered why I had a strange sympathy and empathy for him.
His father?
Well, if your premises are wrong, that’s not a problem with the logic per se.
Also if the premises are incomplete or unknown, which is often the case due to the nature of the world (open) of analysis. There are people who are good at using deductive reasoning to reach conclusions in closed worlds like pure mathematics. Where they seem to comically fail is applying that approach to open worlds, namely the empirical one we live in. In fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s a trait of the people we’re talking about. Consider these two claims, the first being deductive and the second inductive:
(1) It has been shown under unobjectionable assumptions that artificial wage floors reduce total employment and result in suboptimal levels of economic output. Therefore, a new minimum wage law in Nevada will only hurt the workers it’s designed to protect.
(2) Research on minimum wage policy since the early 90’s provides little, if any, evidence that minimum wage laws, as implemented in practice, have any appreciable effect on employment or output levels. Therefore, it’s unlikely that a new minimum wage law in Nevada will have measurable deleterious effects on employment or output.
Focusing only on these argument styles as opposed to their strengths, how often do the people getting dunked on make arguments of type (2) as opposed to type (1)? How often do they express any doubt or sense of probabilism about their conclusions? I’d answer rarely to all of those questions.
I’m thinking specifically of that thread about tax cuts stimulating the economy. There is no evidence (in fact, there is anti-evidence) that tax cuts pay for themselves, and there were approximately zero economists on the IGM expert panel who believed that they would. But if I remember correctly, Mason’s argument was something like (a) he proved it on the back of a napkin and (b) some Trump slapdick had confirmed it by thinking about it. Of course, this is all built on the foolish core belief that government is inefficient, therefore any action it takes (i.e., taxing) throttles the economy by taking capital out of the hands of philosopher king job creators.
Now, mind you, he wasn’t arguing in good faith, but I maintain that the following observation holds up pretty well: the “it’s just simple logic” bros are hopelessly married to deduction, their core beliefs immutable and their ability to update and generalize from observable phenomena limited. It’s especially noticeable in libertarian/ancap/Austrian economists who eschew empiricism in favor of logic principles–and Ben Shapiro. Why that particular type of reasoning seems to be associated with so many ethnonationalist and phobic conservatives baffles me though.
Hello, this is Americansky Guyovich from Iowa one. Mister Bernie Sanders has 10,000 votes but we give him zero delegate. Goodbye.
when he said “paid family leave” I’m pretty sure I saw Melania start to stand up
Just posting this because I can’t stop laughing
My meditation teacher likes to say that there are three ways to relate to the world, doing, feeling and thinking, and that people tend to have one that is their primary mode, one that’s a backup, and one that they suck at.
As things are at the moment, the Dems have people who relate to the world via thinking and the GOP have people who relate to the world via doing (think about the emphasis on Triumph of the Will, action for action’s sake, the military etc etc) and there’s a fight over people who relate to the world via feeling. “Feeling” here suggests warm and fuzzy Marianne vibes but that’s not necessarily the case. People who get super upset over abortion relate to the world via feeling. Ditto people who feel a great sense of injustice over immigrants supposedly getting special treatment over Real Americans or whatever. You really don’t want an alliance of Doing and Feeling types where they agree to tell the Thinkers to go fuck themselves, as that describes the Nazis and most totalitarian movements in history.
A lot of the bewilderment Dems have over the behaviour of non-Dems is a failure to recognise that they simply don’t approach the world the same way. This is also the reason we need good stories with clear villains to convince the undecided. Things which logically benefit them if they think about it aren’t necessarily going to make an impact.
Uh, no, I knew exactly what was going to happen.
Quoting locked threads is a bit of a pain, all quotes from this thread. Context is that there were rumours back then (November) that Vindman was getting fired.
I don’t get this, man. Have you looked at who Vindman is? For the GOP senators, he is their literal wet dream of what an American immigrant should be. If they aren’t behind him, they will be absolutely exposed for the frauds we already know they are. It will be pounded over and over how bad this is in hearings, and the GOP won’t be able to run away from it.
There are lines even these people won’t cross, in my opinion.
No, this is an inflection point. It’s the point where you can tell whether there is any chance on conviction. If this doesn’t move any or many of these GOP senators, nothing will.
Then we live in an absolute dystopia, and all is completely lost. Dems lose in 2020 in a massive loss, and we get 20 terms of Trumps. The reality is this will make GOP senators radioactive in 2020 and 2022, and I wouldn’t want to be any of them if they try to stand by this shitbag if he actually did this. It’s like the people around here can’t see any trends that suggest all of this shit is mattering.
I am using this Vindman smear/firing as a litmus test of what the GOP senators are going to do on impeachment (I couldn’t care less about how it affects anyone else). This is something that absolutely should move the needle for them specifically because of how they feel about heroes/military people/war, etc., and if it does nothing, nothing, I mean nothing, will.
Now think about what would happen if he gets away with this scandal. I think even these scumbag GOP senators are going to understand the gravity of this to their re-election chances by the time it gets to the trial (even if they acquit), and if the Vindman firing is real that will accelerate. I can’t see it any other way, sorry.
Remember, my point is very simple. You’re placing this very particular (not) incident into the mindset of the GOP having not done anything about tons of things that should have moved the needle. I’m placing this into the prism of this guy is an American immigrant war hero with a purple heart who has risen to be a Director on the NSC to these 53 people (the same types of people who defend the traitor Flynn solely because he’s a General), and he is the first fact witness (was on the call) to the crimes Trump is being impeached for. How is it this hard to see a simple difference? If this had happened, and the GOP senators wouldn’t have had their needle moved on this, absolutely nothing ever will. I’m in complete disagreement that this wouldn’t have moved the needle of at least a half dozen GOP senators.
You didn’t do what I asked. Vindman wears the uniform right now, and I’m quite sure you won’t even once hear Graham call him deep state.
Hey let’s check in on what Graham thinks about the Vindman firing
Lindsey Graham: Trump ousting of Vindman 'was justified' | Washington Examiner
Boy, this must be reflecting terribly on the GOP! Probably the public are up in arms and ready to throw these bums out of office!
Come spike the football at the end of the impeachment process.
You seem to be very close to saying straight up that issues like transphobia and misogyny are niche concerns invented by educated liberals to satisfy their perpetual need to feel morally superior, which seems to imply that these issues aren’t worth caring about, or that nobody authentically cares about them, which is wrong.
I guess I’m saying two separate things:
The same people who whine about being personally attacked by Bernie Bros for not supporting M4A, or having the wrong foreign policy, or whatever, are constantly doing the same to other people for violations of liberal orthodoxy. There’s an example right there in your post where you refer to Rogan as a “sack of shit”; lib types aren’t going to call you out for that, but if I go call someone a “sack of shit” for not supporting M4A, it’ll be whining about uncivil Bernie Bros and their inability to be polite to us nice liberals.
The extent to which even mild transgressions against liberal orthodoxy are treated as sins of the most heinous kind is ridiculous. I’m talking about things like this:
Upon accepting the Rogan’s endorsement, Sanders faced backlash on social media from those offended by the podcast’s comments on transgender people — as well as the nation’s leading LGBTQ group, the Human Rights Campaign.
Alluding to those comments, HRC’s David said in a statement Rogan has “attacked transgender people, gay men, women, people of color and countless marginalized groups at every opportunity.”
“In 2019, 25 transgender people were killed because of the type of transphobia that Rogan stokes,” David added.
Bolded is frankly absolute bullshit and is an obviously offensive charge to level at Rogan. Rogan is guilty perhaps of insensitivity and of being hurtful to trans people; that’s it. The HRC endorsed Clinton over Sanders in 2016. To repeat, Clinton is close friends with Kissinger and voted for the Iraq War. Kissinger’s actions in Vietnam and the invasion of Iraq both resulted in tens or hundreds of thousands of people killed and maimed. If you don’t think Clinton is a more morally reprehensible person than Rogan you’re a moral imbecile.
The extent to which people are cast out from the liberal “club”, as the high priests of the movement attempted to do to Rogan, has nothing to do with actual real-world harm done and everything to do with maintaining the hegemony of an educated elite. Educated liberals are confident they don’t know anybody who would be mildly transphobic like Rogan, all their friends understand the niceties of discourse well enough not to do that. Therefore, he is beyond the pale, cast him and his fans into the fires of hell. They’re less confident that they don’t know anyone who supported the Iraq War, or who is OK with the staggering level of inequality which maintains the privilege of the Ivy League elite. So can’t we be a little polite about those things? Why do these Bernie Bros have to get so mad?
I’m not saying that transphobia and misogyny aren’t genuine issues, but I am saying that the oversized importance they take on in the liberal movement is not real concern for people, but rather a fight for power within the coalition. This is what that looks like:
This is purely and simply a resistance to reorganizing the liberal coalition in a way which includes people like Rogan and excludes people like Tanden. This reorganization is desirable because Tanden does vastly more damage to the advancement of a just and humane politics in America than Rogan ever has, or is even capable of doing. If you disagree with that sentence then we’re not on the same political team.
Man, where was Warren the last 4-6 weeks.
I think the Warren from last night is the authentic Warren, and the watered down version that lost her toehold on the nomination was the over-consulted to version. One of the worst features of modern American politics (and there are a lot of bad features) is that there is a large consulting class that hovers around candidates looking to hoover up their money in exchange for terrible inside-the-beltway recommendations that largely amount to moving to the middle to where lobbyists can make more money. When people complain about lack of sincerity in federal politicians, a lot of it comes from this consulting class and their outsized influence. They polish up candidates to be appealing to insiders, which is almost diametrically opposed to what is appealing to the general public.
Bad sports analogy incoming: Liz has a fastball no one left in the D primary can match but she leaves a curveball hanging too often, while Bernie is out there just pitching a consistent knuckleball.
Meanwhile Joe is tossing eephus pitches wondering why he’s getting shelled
And we’re playing against the Astros.
I’ll try not to wait a month before the next update.
There is so much good shit in here, it is going to take until the election to read it all. Thank you for collecting these.
Especially that cuse post on Joe Rogan. It’s in a megathread that runs at too fast a pace for even me, so I missed that one and probably a whole lot else.
I’ll try not to wait a month before the next update.
This turned out to be a bit of a lie…
I’m going to try to work through the backlog of posts this week, starting with these 20:
I’m only now starting to realize how much MJ was ahead of his time. Dude wore the mask, covered his eyes, had his face replaced with antimicrobial plastics, and protected his hand with a sequined glove which is second only to tax cuts in reducing disease transmission.
These Canadian healthcare horror stories are up there with Canadian girlfriends in high school.
Trump is only one layer of bad guys. He’s a cheap AI-cheating video game boss that incites you to pump quarters into the machine and distracts you from the fact that the developers are stealing your money and have been forever. First you’re mad that the AI cheats, but then you realize that the weak characters you’re forced to chose from were also created by the developers. Gamers are outraged and want Bernie Sanders as a playable character. Instead, the developers fold all of the shitty characte…
63 to 18 on black voters in VA. That has been polled for months and been nowhere near that. Endorsements from Pete and Klob who had combined 0.05% black voters there turned it guys!
All my life people have been telling me I need to vote for the lesser of two evils because SCOTUS, because down ballot races, because the alternatives are worse, etc. etc. Republicans currently control: The Presidency (and probably the next one too) 5/9 SCOTUS seats (probably soon to be 6) 7/13 Federal appeals courts 53/100 Senate seats 26 governorships 29 state legislatures In my lifetime, inequality has skyrocketed. Real wages have flatlined. Incarceration rates are shockingly higher than …
Do you think that Bernie and Biden are similar, at all, politically? I don’t. And Pete’s policies were much closer to Biden’s than they were to Bernie’s. IMO pretending that Biden/Pete want the same things Bernie and the left does is harmful. It gives the impression to voters that the outcomes of a Biden presidency will be largely the same as the outcomes of a Bernie presidency. That’s why you get people voting based on personality and how loud someone is and whether they think their neighbor…
make it into two million gallons of homeopathic hand sanitizer
It’s Schroedinger’s Virus. You’re both infected and not infected until you test for it. Then you’re infected.
Democrat hoax to hurt your favorite president Fake News Media overhyping threat to hurt Trump Seasonal Flu is way worse. THINK ABOUT THAT! “Foreign Virus” is gonna kill you, but I’ll stop if by keeping dirty Euros out. What about Obama killing thousands with Swine Flu? It’s a National Emergency! We will take care of everybody. Here’s some CEOs who love me. Stock market, please clap! Pray to God for divine intervention because that’s our only hope. All in the span of a week.
Horror movies where all the characters do incredibly dumb shit to put themselves in danger aren’t unrealistic after all.
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I’m in Chicago, in my bedroom, you’re in Australia, a place I’m not sure really exists. We’re talking! Why would I need to leave the house?
The most recent donation has been received. Thanks? [image] My opening this up in front of my wife initiated a fun conversation about the fact that I was a treasurer for an online forum, and that apparently meant that people could send me random gift cards that: obligated me to donate the equivalent amount of cash to the site. eat $25 worth of skyline chili I will of course provide a trip report of my consuming this chili, but I’m not sure when that’s going to be. I’ll just say it’s not…
It is absolutely maddening that this virus outbreak has been known since early December, recognized as a serious problem since January, been a localized health disaster since early February, and a full blown global pandemic for a month, and we still don’t know a god damn thing about anything. The reliability of information is equivalent to what we see in the first couple hours after some natural disaster or terrorist attack. Does it spread by contact or aerosol or spit or something else or all …
You have to humiliate and attack the ego until it gets to complete meltdown. Direct personal challenges. “Mr. President, can you explain why the stock market has lost over a third of its value on your watch while Barack Obama–some say the best president of all time–was able to triple the stock market. Is it because you are incompetent with respect to virology and disaster management or is it simply because Obama had a much larger penis?”
This pandemic that’s going on right now should, at the very least, destroy the myth of the smart/benevolent billionaire. We knew what was coming in mid February and they did nothing. They like to hide behind the “I’m going to donate 99% of my fortune to help humanity” excuse, but like, if there was every a time to use your fortune to help humanity, it was six weeks ago.
Can’t watch. Best Buy is closed. No place to get a new TV. I can use the same brick over and over however.
Other than my Wheel of Fortune story a bit ago I’ve largely avoided engaging in this thread, and not because I don’t appreciate all the effort that has gone into making this one of the best resources for COVID on the internet. This whole saga has just really drilled home the impossibility of achieving leftist policy in this country during my lifetime, and I am struggling with that. I’d like to rant a bit. It should be crystal clear to everyone in this nation the types of policies that could mit…
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Let’s take a look at 20 more top notch posts from the Unstuck community:
We need an Unstuck Likes Stimulus package I’m almost out. Stop posting so well
I find it ironic that Trump himself is the hydroxychloroquine of our country’s star-culture. Unproven as an effective public servant, yet many people bought into the hype and injected him into their veins. Others could tell from the start that he was far from the cure for America’s ills. So it makes perfect sense that he’s plugging this unproven drug. Snake oil salesmen gonna sell snake oil.
Pick #2: Moscow Mitch McConnell [image] Chapter 1: Before the Senate Every monster has a beginning. Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. was born on Feb 20, 1942 to Addison Mitchell McConnell, Sr. and Julia Odene “Dean” McConnell in Sheffield, Alabama. Remarkably I was able to find footage of his birth https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ypxjm (looks like the NSFW parts were cut) In 1944, at the age of two, Addison Jr’s upper left leg was paralyzed by a polio attack. The treatment potentially …
Just kidding, this is an easy decision for Heritage to let the masses die.
As Patrick Henry famously said: “Give me liberty or give me the death of every American”
Sure, why can’t I pay a tax to make covid-19 go away? I mean. If the govt can change the earths climate why not eliminate a virus? Is the govt here to help us?
News at 12…Pigeon shat on pony![]()
^This one’s a chain of posts, follow it and scroll up
My dad caught tuberculosis when I was a kid, he came out okay, mom and I tested negative. Boy, the tuberculosis wiki page is some nightmare fuel, right? Official WHO global health emergency since 1993. Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis seems like something we should be worried about? I knew TB was still around from personal experience and my morbid interest in these kinds of things, but you could be forgiven for thinking that TB was only a problem back in the cowboy days. But yeah, a lo…
Learn how to spell wildabeast for one, and 2ndly, don’t be a rivaldo.
Thought so
Maybe if the migration of 22 doesn’t work out, Mason can open a new forum called 6 + 7 + 5 = 19
Right, but one of the indisputable truths that the Trump era has illuminated is that America and Americans are largely defined by their nakedly transparent contradictions. Desperately wanting socialist policies while being violently opposed to socialism isn’t just possible, it’s quintessentially American.
America just seems to have an unmatched number of people who are fully committed to living in a fantasy world and their entire project in life is to attempt to prevent the intrusion of any ideas which might necessitate any mental discomfort or introspection at all. This runs through the culture imo. Germans have to open history books and read about how 80 years ago they were the worst country in the world. One of the founding myths of Australia is Gallipoli, which is all about how Australia was…
The GOP is all-in on Trump. There’s no way they can repudiate him and survive, so they have to go in the direction he leads. If you had to make decisions with the constraint that you can’t contradict Trump, what would you do? Republicans are also working off of the idea that the economy needs to be back to normal by November for them to win and treating all losing scenarios as catastrophic. They need to gamble to have a shot at winning. And the longer you lock things down, the more justific…
These next 20 finally get us caught up to June at least:
[Life of Brian - The People's Front of Judea]
The last four months alone could probably fill out a whole new version of We Didn’t Start the Fire. 2020, Auld Lang Syne, Soleimani droned and died, Iran let some missiles fly, fighter jets in the sky. Burnt koalas, Senate trial, we were all sweet summer childs, Donald Trump showman speech, Rush Limbaugh in the seats, Kobe helicopter crash, Brexit happens at long last, Iowa Dems cannot count, Bernie’s chances start to mount, Impeachment acquittal day, Sondland, Vindman blown away, Donald…
Right, the problem with the left broadly is that they are good at thinking but not very good at actually doing stuff. The right, who typically have people in their ranks like businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers, tradesmen, military types etc etc, are good at doing stuff, less good at thinking. The battle with the left is always actually getting things accomplished, which is why I think questions like “how will this help people get healthcare” are a good litmus test as to whether things matter…
Hmmm… https://twitter.com/propublica/status/1258904742769688585?s=20 Great work holding weird nighttime parades and also arresting black people who congregate and ignoring MAGA chuds brandishing assault rifles outside the home of the director of public health. I’ll be sure to screw in a blue lightbulb and make my apartment look like a shot from a Panos Cosmatos film to honor these brave first responder heroes while our state’s nurses are sleeping in closets and breakrooms inbetween shifts intu…
^another one where you should click and scroll up
Winger begs to differ: Yey I saw sparks fly, from the corner of my eye When I turned, it was love at first sight I said please excuse me, I didn’t catch your name Oh it’d be a shame not to see you again And just when I thought she was comin’ to my door She whispered sweet and brought me to the floor, she said I’m only seventeen (seventeen) But I’ll show you love like you’ve never seen She’s only seventeen (seventeen) Daddy says she’s too young, but she’s old enough for me […
It’s only weird if you are incapable of holding two obviously contradictory beliefs at the same time. One of the failures of argumentation with Trumpkins is the instinct to present them with normally appropriate arguments they don’t give a fuck about: Hey, that’s a self contradiction! Guess what, they don’t care. They are willing to hold opposing views A and B if both A and B can be interpreted as owning the libs. Hey, that’s a double standard! Guess what, they don’t care. They LOVE d…
To be more serious for a minute, I actually don’t doubt that you are engaging in American politics at least as seriously as the vast majority of Americans, I just find it deeply alarming. There is a deep political rot spreading, not just in the U.S., and I believe that at least some of its origin can be found in the particular mix of cynicism and naivete unmoored from any practical reality that lets you, in Ireland, get drawn into debates about U.S. health insurance and income taxes with the sa…
tldr, but I think the political rot in the world is that, while it’s ok for rich educated people to be cynical, it’s deeply alarming when you see it from your inferiors.
The first wave hasn’t even crested yet, and we’re reopening lol… What a stupid country. Our opponent exposed his hand on the turn for no apparent reason, he has quads, we have an open ended straight flush draw. There’s like 1,000 in the pot and we just jammed a million in there and said, “I have a good feeling about this!” Our opponent is confused, re-checking the board a few times. We’re like “Wanna raise the stakes? Hey honey, go get the deed to the house!”
Strong on Crime, the Border and Agriculture — and he loves our Vets!
Foghorn Trumphorn
This is begging the question. If I ask how you know he’s cheating, you can’t say it’s because his results were very different after cheating. That requires me to assume the conclusion. Impossible? It seems like the only way a winrate could literally be impossible is if he won more than was ever in play or something. Why couldn’t he play perfect merely from guessing correctly a bunch of times in a row? It’s obviously not impossible. You are merely claiming it cannot be done and I don’t reall…
I have this exercise I go through when I don’t understand others’ behavior. First, I assume that I am not inherently better than them. Then, I consider what life experiences it might take for me to act similarly. Then, I think deeply about the life experiences that these people have had. I have lived my life up to this point trying to make other people feel safe. I have never been in a fight, threatened violence, or shoplifted. But given a lifetime of cumulative disadvantage, racial/social inju…
^This one has a tweet that I can’t make embed here.
Yeah I don’t recall Ferguson being anywhere near this level, and I paid close attention. I don’t recall people trying to attack/kill protesters until Charlottesville, and now we’re seeing it in numerous cities at once across the country, and we’re seeing actually destructive left-wing protests in numerous cities at once across the country. I think that’s part of it, and I think you had a lot of accumulated anger over the years, but I think it goes beyond that… In just the last couple of month…
My head tells me Biden wins in an absolute massacre. My heart refuses to believe it.
Please don’t bet on it
These posts get us all caught up, and today we have something special: the first post to be tagged by multiple people.
I had to zoom in to make sure those weren’t big macs
Maybe if you get a twister you’ll see some flying pigs.
And do what?
Of course that’s your contention. You’re a first year grad student. You just got finished reading some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably, you’re gonna be convinced of that until next month when you get to James Lemon, then you’re gonna be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That’s gonna last until next year, you’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talkin’ about, you know, the Pre-revolutionary utopi…
I think the major impact of trump is everybody’s brain cracked open but in a different way. MAGAs (the police, the GOP etc) realised they could let fly and no one was really going to do anything about it. That we already hate them so they might as well go nitro. Lefties brains broke and they finally seem to have realised and comprehended (like the maga peeps) that there are no rules, there’s no such thing as objectivity in a political sense, you can’t appeal to the refs. That morality is enough …
Hmm are they though? I’m legit not sure if this is true! At least not in the context under discussion here. Back in the old days, after I got out of the Army, I worked for a while at the phone company GTE, one of the baby Bells. I’ll let y’all look that up, it’s an outdated term and I won’t bore you with the details. Anyway, the company used to publish this thing called a “phone book,” which I guess you young folk nowadays might accurately call a “doxxing book,” because it had the name and add…
We’re down to about 15 racists and pretty soon it’ll be zero
This is probably the perfect example for lapka. Well done. I don’t know what a Bernoulli equation even is so I couldn’t do this example properly. @zarapochka : We don’t have to feel guilty about our privilege, merely acknowledge it and try to do what we can (even when a bit inconvenient) to try to right it. I, for example, pretty blatantly favor black owned trucking companies. I give them better work (which means better pay) than they deserve if I judged them by my usual standards in a vacuum. …
And now, the first post tagged by multiple posters, made of course by none other than…
Link to the post if you haven’t already blessed it with a like.
Link to the post if you haven’t already blessed it with a like.
LOL that Trump post is going to soon be the most-liked post on UP
Really amazing to read through. I spend a lot of time reading these forums but I probably had not seen 65% of those posts before.
Let’s take a look at some more of our best posting:
Trump campaign officials said the risk was negligable, noting that most infected staffers “had only been handing out masks” and that attendees who took one “aren’t wearing them anyways.”
Why are so many people in that arena dressed up like blue chairs?
link to post
So I was planning on posting this in here because I thought after the hate rally all of you would need something heartwarming to read. But then I went golfing with my daughter and came back to see that the hate rally had less people than my daughter’s last elementary school recital. But I’m going to post this here anyways because even on a day when Trump gets humiliated, it’s still nice to know there’s good in the world… So, like most places, my town (Olympia, WA) cancelled our annual pride par…
https://www.captiongenerator.com/1888712/Trump-reacts-to-2020-election-results enjoy!
Maybe for some reason having herpes makes you resistant to COVID-19?
They were panicked and sweaty, feeling like the end was near. Like a brave action hero, with his damsel in distress in tow, they kneel down by the front door to catch their breath. “You ever fire one of these before” he said in a gravelly tone as he removed the magazine to confirm a ready bullet, reinserts it, then chambers a round. “No” she says with a panting breath. He gently holds out the gun. “Point it at the bad guys and pull this trigger. Now stay with me if you want to live.” He pok…
A nice feature of Trumpism is that his insane base doesn’t like anyone else. Now that they’ve mainlined the pure opium racism they’re not going to settle for the dog whistle version from Tom Cotton or whoever. Anyone as insane as Trump will be legitimately unelectable and anyone sane won’t get the base to the degree Trump does. Assuming they lose in 2020 (big if, obviously), the GOP is completely fucked moving forward, especially given demographics. They know this, which has me terrified of the …
I met an Aussie couple once who had tried to climb Triglav, in Slovenia, without any gear. The guy didn’t even have sports shoes, he was climbing in casual dress shoes. They got caught in a storm halfway up and went into a shelter hut, where everyone else was heavily geared up. Everyone at the hut stares at these terminally underequipped idiots. Eventually someone comes up and says “let me guess, are you Australian?” My point is, very racist imo.
Virus isn’t real Virus is real, but not very widespread Virus is real and widespread, but not very dangerous Virus is real, widespread, and dangerous; but is totally out of control now so we might as well just accept it
Wrath of Khan? ETA: Meeeeeebbbbbbbbbbbbbb!
Having finished, this is how I might write a review of the book. Overall, the idea for History of the World from a Gambler’s Perspective isn’t awful, but the execution is horrible. Most of the chapters begin with a lengthy restatement cribbed from Wikipedia. The use of quoted sections from Wikipedia seem like they were intended to lend gravitas, but they are completely random. These historical sections come across as written by an incompetent high school student who is too lazy to paraphrase…
And please no one tell Clovis this thread is a thing, god help us if he figures out all of Zepplin’s songs are about 15-year-old girls, hobbits, and 15-year-old-girl hobbits.