Who will run in 2020?

Those two 'I don’t recognize …" are being used in entirely different ways and contexts

It’s like someone making a statement about the State of Georgia and then someone else making a point about the country of Georgia and claiming it’s relevant because they both have the word Georgia.


donated to Big Bad Bernie




I think Vermont is Bernie country. They will Bern it all down before the GOP ever has a shot.

Essentially every major elected position in Vermont is a Democrat. The one sore spot is their governor, Philip Scott (R), but his Lt governor is David Zuckerman, a member of the Progressive party. Phil’s popularity even among Democrats in Vermont has been consistently high. Though I LOL when they acknowledge he has killed all of the local legislation Bernie wants. They say things like yeah, Phil sucks, but he’s so nice…

Fingers crossed.

Possibly true for me too because I get a lot of those messages from Yang, but my messages from Bernie are:

can I help phone bank
go to a rally?
go to a rally?
go to a rally?
volunteer conference call?
phone bank?
heart attack
town hall?
ask for donation

So, I have to go back quite a few contacts to find a request for money.

Bernie is asking me for money every ten minutes right about now


yeahhh had to unsub. I clicked the “send me only important emails” message a week ago and that apparently got me 3 emails a day? :thinking:


I’m voting this for @bestof but let the record show this post made me have a sad

Just add: Now imagine doing “x” instead of fixing this :(

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You guys must be big donors.

I get asked a lot as well and have maybe donated $75 this year amongst everyone. I have gotten a few requests to phone bank. Phone calls asking for donations : phone calls for banking, maybe 2:1. Mostly I get A LOT of emails asking for money.

Bernie is the champion keep donating


Happy New Year all


i donated twice every time bernie set me and email or text today lol


Lvl 1000 Bernie Pass says ‘hi’

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“The end is coming” is just as accurate and probably works better.

Ok, its upto like $90.

FED deadline was eastern time? Shrug.

Good spot to chime in though because there will be plenty of doctors to the stars that take STRAIGHT CASH HOMEY and she can wear that shit like an Apple watch or whatever things dumb rich white people do to flash status.

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Narrator: He ended up raising the goal to 3.5M… and ended up with 4M.

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