Who will run in 2020?


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@skydiver8 Choice? Like healthcare insurance choiceā€¦ :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Yeah but if everyone raised money like Bernie does, theyā€™d have to be accountable to their constituents.

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Sent Bernie another donation last night. Hope he can break his 5 million donation target. The last two weeks have caused my hope to rise slightly. Hopefully Iowa will come through.


I would like to send a donation to Bernie but Iā€™m a UK residentā€¦If thereā€™s a way I can send $18 let me know in a pm please. :pray::beers::v:

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Appreciate the sentiment but Iā€™m not sure we should be arranging straw donations here.


I talked a non-voter/3rd party/hates the Dā€™s and Rā€™s guy into considering Bernie yesterday - a guy who lives in Wisconsin!


Thanks for thisā€¦ I appreciate the response and will take this advice. :+1:

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Bernie is now 65k donations away from 5 million. Hope is rising.

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Another horrifying see of State polls out for Florida and Virginia. Only Biden beating Trump in either State. Others easily losing. Wtf? Virginia?

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VA is an unlikely dem loss. (though theyā€™re kinda sunk if they lose VA, domino effect would lose a lot more than that) FL is probably Trump win though regardless of candidate. So many olds down there.

Some people on twitter are starting to learn midterms donā€™t mean shit for the next presidential election though. Thereā€™s enough people that like divided govā€™t and things havenā€™t literally gone to hell like some expected.

Saw a graph that was interesting to probably only meā€“basically in LA/MS/AL Rā€™s canā€™t gain anymore than they have right now as rural areas are all tapped out for them. Somewhere, far in the future, theyā€™re in trouble in those three states if the cities keep gaining people on them. In other words in at some point, Dā€™s will have the south, Rā€™s will have the north. The more things change, the more they cycle back.

The way I see it, Iā€™d be thrilled with either UBI or M4A. I wouldnā€™t expect to get both in one term, and realistically I donā€™t see how one candidate would be able to promise both.

I think M4A would be the better thing to have, though. For most people 1k/mo would be more than enough to pay for their insurance, but insurance coā€™s might just triple their prices knowing that everyone can afford more. And if UBI replaces welfare, poor people wouldnā€™t get to use much of their UBI checks to pay for insurance.

Sent Daddy some money


Shipped some to our savior!


I didnā€™t donate today but I gave Warren $150 this month.


LOL @ thinking Biden can win Florida, no fucking way. Donā€™t get me wrong, Bernie would have to put in a lot of work to win this state but Biden sure as hell wonā€™t happen.

I feel pretty strongly thereā€™s so many olds that biden certainly has a lot better chance in FL than bernie. Rā€™s obviously favored to win FL in either rate. ( al ot of models say even, but models arenā€™t accounting for a fuck ton of old people)

The general idea is that a lot of times presidents lose midterms but win re-election. Thereā€™s a non insignificant number who like divided govā€™t and all that.

Also with devils advocate Hillary had (a mistake of course, she played it safe when she didnā€™t realize that many people just made up their minds last second and they swung hard against her) a VA senator as VP choice as well, couldā€™ve been the reason she didnā€™t lose that state in 16 too.

(Iā€™m not one of the doubters on VA here, I think dem wins pretty easily though (except for the one I think might not even win pop vote HU vs trump))

Also, donā€™t forget that a lot of the folks who turned VA purple/blue are socially liberal folks who work in the lobbying and govā€™t contracting industries. If Bernie and Warren can actually implement their agendas, itā€™ll come for their walletsā€¦