US Kills Soleimani in Airstrike

Putin will probably call Trump and offer to take care of Iraq for him and tell him it’s okay to withdraw, Russia’s got it from here. Trump will agree and brag about it to the American people.

Putin is In Syria at this moment, he flew in on a surprise visit today…

This outcome actually has a TON of equity.

Very interesting that Netanyahu distanced himself from the assassination. Judging from public statements, Netanyahu has long tried to foment a US war with Iran. But now he seems to be drawing back from the possibility of a real war, which would certainly draw attacks on Israel.

This suggests to me that Likud’s Iran war mongering was always just for show. The propaganda advances the beleaguered Israel narrative, and distracts from the occupation.


Israel hasn’t shied away from assassinations. They tried to kill Saddam Hussein and they did kill 4 (I think it was 4) Iranian nuclear scientists.


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smh @ “that brick breaker game”. I’m deducting 50 points for not knowing the name of the game or any of its many clones.

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I’m deducting 100 points from myself for not even knowing the brick…

And 25% of the American people will absolutely slurp it up without question or reservation.

Break out of this funk you are in.



It’s been along week… Feels like a month tbh. :sleeping:

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Breakout was the Atari original. Most of the post-1990 clones are based on Arkanoid.



Yeah Iran’s government tells it’s people all their problems are because of Israel, and Israel’s government tells its people all their problems are because of Iran.

you get rid of the bad guys and your voters might actually expect you to improve their lives

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They need to import some minorities to blame for everything.


What was the iteration that had like maybe four brick castles that warred? 70s or 80s.

Washington Post Beirut Bureau Chief says at least six rockets are confirmed to have hit a US airbase in Iraq:

This guy says the attack is ongoing:


  1. Iraq formally asked the US to leave.

  2. The US refused to leave and specifically cited this base as something they wouldn’t relinquish.

  3. Iran attacked the US on this base.

Does that make Iran the liberators in this conflict?

Trump’s managed to make this whole thing backwards.