US Kills Soleimani in Airstrike

Specifically Derek Davison, who wrote that explainer article ChrisV(?) linked to. They did a similar ep on MBS after the Khashoggi killing, which was good (haven’t listened to this one yet).

“Awww, they’re all gonna call me General Silley now, aren’t they?”


Don’t worry I’m sure the Ben Garrison ex-Ron Paul fans/virulently anti-neocon/America First/isolationist faction of Trump’s base will stick to their principles and abandon Trump when he becomes the most frothy neocon ever.


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I was listening to Democracy Now this morning and they had on The Guardian’s reporter in Baghdad. He grew up there. He said for most people the sanctions were worse than the war. Not that war isn’t terrible, but that the sanctions were worse.

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This isn’t new:

I think the US wins almost every time fwiw. A Pyrrhic victory though.

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What does “winning” even mean?


Where are they going to bomb from? No country (even allies) will allow them to have bases to bomb from in their countries after random indiscriminate bombing. Try an illegal nuclear bomb and then the military would have grounds to remove Trump on the spot an arrest him. Are they going to start long range missiles that have lower accuracy and could hit random targets that will be well documented and turn their allies against them? What happens if the US goes crazy and does whatever the hell they want anyway? The EU and all major allies may decide that they will no longer support the US and try to form their own international banking system.

The last couple things would never happen because of the corporate pressure for a coup at that point would stop it. The military I hope would have enough people left over in high positions to push back on ridiculous orders and would probably take an easy way out and refuse stating what was demanded they were not capable of rather than openly revolt.

Oh you sweet summer–

Okay, I hope you’re right.

thank god putin’s working on it. i hear that guy’s great.

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Yeah we’re gonna need a definition of “win” please.


Derek Davison made a good point re: the Soleimani assassination, the military definitely wanted this, because in other times when Trump has tried to do things they didn’t want to do, they pushed back and manipulated him into changing his mind. With this decision, there appears to have been nothing.

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They’re all just completely disgusting human beings. Every last GOP shitstain.

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Has Tulsi voted present on this yet?




The best people, tho. Trump’s idiots also accidentally emailed House Democrats their their talking points on the Ukraine fiasco quite recently. I think it’s OK to be disgusted by the sheer incompetence, but nobody should be surprised by this.

Diego Garcia, for a start - and anyone who thinks the UK is going to raise a single issue with that is deluding themselves.

Also, I would think Northern Iraq, Air Craft carriers in the region, and possibly government controlled parts of Afghanistan. For the most part I’m pretty skeptical about the US’s ability to project force into Iran, but bombing / droning / cruise missiling is the one thing I think they can certainly do.

If it starts it will remain to be seen how effectively Iran and its allies can attack those places. I’m sure they’ll try and probably be successful to some extent, but the US can get a good amount of planes and drones overhead for starters.

Edit - If it all kicks off and Iran does target US allies like SA and Israel, then they can fly from there too.