Democratic Primary Debates

Imagine Attack Dog Liz overruling the parliamentarian on some consumer finance bill and casting the deciding tie-breaking vote. I’d pay the exorbitant prices for cable just to watch finance bros stroke out live on CNBC. Might even jerk off to it.

  • Mike’s money real good right now.


So, I’m basically Warren over Bernie almost entirely cuz I’d rather have a woman, but I’ve shifted to Bernie#1 now that’s he rolling in the polls (and since Boots endorsed him (still mad @JohnnyTruant didn’t tag me when he posted that tweet tho)).

And I watched the debate in full after the fact and have thoughts that no one gives a shit about. 1) Liz was great. Duh. 2) I wish they could avoid the hand-raising, both she and Bernie looked like dumb shits doing that, but she fucking repeatedly ethered the stage and that was fantastic.

3)But I was kind of unimpressed by Bernie. Full disclosure: I’m in a bad time zone and have not yet been interested enough to watch any of the other debates later but I did this time. Do any of his Stans feel like he was a little off in this debate? I kinda hope so. He definitely was better in the 2nd half, but still… something seemed weird.

If he knew 100% how good Liz was gonna be, then my strategy (again, monday-morning QBing) for him would have been to basically never even fucking acknowledge Bloomberg by name. Maybe obliquely refer to the fact that some scumbag billionaire bought his way onto the stage, but other than that, every time anything came his way (his 3 houses? don’t respond to that, lol) he should have just Herman Cain’d it and fucking 999’d health care, college tuition, minimnum wage, etc.

He should also mock the moderators. (He actually tried to and fucked it up: “Who’s winning that poll?” If he could have landed that one, then yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. But basically, clown them.) They willingly misrepresent “socialism” whenever they can and the fact that he doesn’t have a brilliant go-to line for that is worrying.

Anyway, I’m rambling. I’m in for Bernie, but as a theater critic watching for the first time, I’m hoping he can hit another level in these things.


Bad sports analogy incoming: Liz has a fastball no one left in the D primary can match but she leaves a curveball hanging too often, while Bernie is out there just pitching a consistent knuckleball.


Meanwhile Joe is tossing eephus pitches wondering why he’s getting shelled

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And we’re playing against the Astros.



(I’m a Yankees fan, take that for what it’s worth)

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Liz has a long history of being disingenuous. Which, when juxtaposed with her self-righteous anger, makes her a much less convincing messenger of the progressive gospel.

I tend to agree with those that look at her skeptically, and view her as a hypocrite.

Good thing I’m running for President.

Pitch in a few bucks. Whatever you can to help out.

Bernie doesn’t think you can be President, chum.

Like, I wouldn’t assume he really supports Bernie.

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Sound effects added:


Tim Duncan did a Bloomberg commercial.


It also ran counter to her entire image as a fighting progressive akin to Bernie. I will fight for you and get you your fair share from the billionaires who are pillaging America, except for on healthcare, where you’ll get a half measure and you’ll like it.

Uhh, no?

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This is really what’s so troublesome to me. Watching and listening to her, she’s so passionate and convincing. Yet, I know her to be disingenuous. Her attempted take down of Bernie is a prime example and that makes it really tough to get behind her. Unfortunately, she’s miles ahead of my next least worse choice. If Bernie doesn’t win the nom it’s going to be really bad


Someone please help me with my morality here. Ever since Trump won the election I’ve been in a constant state of shock and despair. It is literally ruining the quality of my life and maybe even taking a physical toll. It’s like I’m hoping to wake up and learn that it’s all been some surreal dream that he’s really the POTUS. We all know what a racist monster and despicable human being he is, but if the establishment usurps the Dem with the most votes and super delegates him or her out of the nomination, It will have destroyed my last bit of faith in our democracy anyway

If that does happen, I’m honestly not sure what I’ll do. I’d never vote for Trump, but I just might stay home or go with a write in. As bad as Trump is, I’m not sure I’m in the #votebluenomatterwho camp. Mainly because I don’t think we have the time to fuck around with another centrist for 4-8 years. And if we do lose, I’m not going to lie. I’ll get sick perverse pleasure out of watching the Dem party be destroyed. But who am I kidding? The establishment would rather have Trump than a real progressive. It’s a free roll for them. If whoever they shove down our throats loses, they’ll just blame Bernie supporters anyway and they’re not as against Trump. They’ll at least get to keep their status quo


Maybe someone can talk me into the fact that I’m putting far too much weight into what Sanders can actually accomplish as president? After all, he probably won’t have the senate. If so, then I suppose I’d be more inclined to vote for someone I don’t think will be in the best interest of the people, but it’ll still be a Dem, which as to be better than any GOP member or Trump

I’m seriously at a loss. I wouldn’t call myself suicidal, but I’m so utterly depressed by everything that’s going on. I need a break from news. I need a break from all this. It’s causing me to go insane


warren cosponsored the literal bill in the senate called medicare for all. then she said she was ‘with bernie’ on m4a. then she moved away from it. pretty cut and dry to me

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Aw man a two-fer with Biden and Bloomer both.

If it looks like Bernie might get fucked, I’m going to be in Milwaukee with a yellow vest

If he does get fucked and its Bloomberg, we blow up the D party and write in Bernie en masse

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