Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I guess I left off an important part in my post. His nationwide task force would possibly actually get some coverage from the media. He is, in fact, hosting many round tables, conferences with medical professionals, and town hall style events. But you never see them because he is basically black listed my the mainstream media.

But carry on being a whiny bitch as you try to paint the rest of us as just that. You’re coming across pretty pathetically.

The biggest argument against the electability of Sanders is media treatment of him. I think the mainstream media has signaled a willingness to put the thumb on the scale for Biden against Trump in a way that they clearly won’t for Bernie. That’s not fair, but it’s the political reality we live in. The most progressive outcome might be to push for as liberal of a running mate as possible the find a way to metaphorically shiv Biden and push him out the door after the election.

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This is true but the hardcore Bernie fans also like to pretend America isn’t a very conservative nation. Part of the reason he can’t get traction is his policies are too liberal for a super conservative nation.

His policies poll great. The media spooks the electorate with ZOMG SOCIALISM.

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Some do many don’t.

Right, but one of the indisputable truths that the Trump era has illuminated is that America and Americans are largely defined by their nakedly transparent contradictions. Desperately wanting socialist policies while being violently opposed to socialism isn’t just possible, it’s quintessentially American.


Most want these socialist policies for themselves, not others.

Remember how Megyn Kelly went on a mini-rant about the US being way behind the rest of the world when it came to paid time off for new parents? Want to guess what had just happened in her life to get her to think that?


Exactly. They could very reasonably print “Socialism for me, Capitalism for you” on the US dollar bill and make it the official slogan of the country.


If there is no police report. There is no sexual assault that happened am I right?

“I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Joe Biden must have nodded when he heard that.

A best friend of mine was a victim of sexual assault when she was 19 years old. The stories she told me make what you write in this thread just so insane. So out of touch with what victims go through. The victims get their entire character attacked by the Feltstein’s of this world. “Progressive”.


Got “pretty close” on most. Underestimated the percentage who support free college. Overestimated the percentage who support decriminalisation of border crossings (although I knew it would be low, I still guessed too high).

The decriminalization of border crossings might actually be an important policy difference. It’s not that Democratic voters are too anti-socialist for Bernie, it’s that they’re too xenophobic.

Yeah, sadly if bernie had specifically run on the socialism for “real americans” dogwhistle he might have pulled it out.

Not sure how long you have been here under other names or whatever but believe me there’s a bunch of us who’d already be gone if the “leave” option was viable.

No doubt that’s part of it, but it could come down to how the poll is worded. “Medicare for all” polls significantly better than “A national health insurance program for all Americans that replaces private health insurance”, which is the wording 538 mentions. Bet you anything you like a large number of people hear “decriminalise border crossings” and think “open borders”.

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Unfortunately I don’t think it would have mattered. There are still too many living boomers who equate “socialism” with gulags and secret police and and the Dems still can’t message for shit.

Not just Democratic voters.

If Trump every figures out how much a message of “Build The Wall and Medicare For All” would play, he would absolutely crush Biden.

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And they’d freak about about “open borders” because they’re xenophobic.

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Yep. A lot of talk about James Comey and media mentions and all kinds of secondary factors, but a huge majority of Republicans, a strong majority of Independents, and probably a majority of Democrats don’t want to hear “press 2 for Spanish” and that’s why Trump is POTUS.


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