Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I’ll give you older and less coherent, but HRC was probably the most loathed candidate ever put forth in 2016 for a huge percentage of the electorate (of course Trump is the all time champ, but that wasn’t as knowable, IMO). If HRC hadn’t run a completely horseshit campaign we wouldn’t be here right now. She represents everything about the democratic party that I loath, and if they keep her wrinkled self-righteous pasty white useless ass as far away as any marginally important piece of the 2020 election, it would be more helpful than almost anything I can imagine in terms of beating the GOP.

But, yeah, Joe isn’t what I want to see running in 2020.



Hey maybe even the next former president won’t have to pay whatever fines he is assessed with since it seems hes not the type that would pay debts, to society or otherwise.

HRC at least inspired people who wanted to see the first female president. What’s inspiring about Joementum 2.0? What is his hardcore constituency, credit card companies and non-dead family members?

Don’t disagree with you at all about Joe - as I’ve previously referenced is the version of 1972 Muskie - a guy who was supposed to get the nomination because it was his turn, but unfortunately he turned out to be a completely horseshit campaigner and sank like a stone - which is where I think Joe will end up.
I don’t want to relitigate HRC because 1) fuck her 2) fuck the DNC 3) it doesn’t matter at this point anyway 4) but fuck her again for managing to losing Donald Fucking Trump.



Those are all the reasons I enjoy re-litigating HRC. I mean, one of my reasons for supporting Warren is because I think it will kill HRC inside to see another woman become the first female president.

Man, where was Warren the last 4-6 weeks.

And yeah, it couldn’t happen to a nicer person - you were SO close to the brass ring, and failed.


Oh no

Yeah, Biden only has a chance in the hypothetical where you lock him in a cupboard until November and that somehow gets you votes. He is not good at campaigning. Just actively bad at it. The last two Dem Presidents you had were very, very good at campaigning. Other than Bernie, is there anyone in this field you would say is good at this? Steyer and Yang maybe get some points for coming out better than they began, but everyone else is in a worse place then when they began, depending on how you feel about Klobmentum.

At a pub quiz here in Straya and between rounds they have a thing called “Humanagram” which is just an anagram of a celebrity’s name you have to solve. This week it’s DIE BARRENNESS :slight_smile:

Edit: A team member pointed out that a better one is BARE NERDINESS.

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I think the Warren from last night is the authentic Warren, and the watered down version that lost her toehold on the nomination was the over-consulted to version. One of the worst features of modern American politics (and there are a lot of bad features) is that there is a large consulting class that hovers around candidates looking to hoover up their money in exchange for terrible inside-the-beltway recommendations that largely amount to moving to the middle to where lobbyists can make more money. When people complain about lack of sincerity in federal politicians, a lot of it comes from this consulting class and their outsized influence. They polish up candidates to be appealing to insiders, which is almost diametrically opposed to what is appealing to the general public.



I 1000% agree. Polling has absolutely ruined politics for the last 30-40 years. The idea that you make decisions on the basis of whether it’s popular before implementation needs to be killed with fire. So does politicians listening to messaging consultants who are busy telling them how to sound more presidential.

I’m going to let you guys in on a little secret: My wife thinks the way I talk on the phone is completely unprofessional and it cringes her the fuck out. Meanwhile I make a small fortune brokering trucks and my customers think I’m better than sliced bread. So do the trucks. Why? Because I’m seriously as far from a corporate company man as possible and I’m ruthlessly honest with people. You guys know exactly how I sound because it’s how I sound here. If something is bad I call it bad, if something is good I call it good, and when people tell me to be more professional I tell them that accusing me of sounding unprofessional is the last defense of the incompetent.

I believe so strongly in my own personal communication style that I’m going to start a fucking business podcast with cwar from 2p2 sometime in the next few months. Not only do I think it works, but I think it’s fucking gold.


These are the people who are truly terrified by sanders and the idea that they might have to get actual jobs.


I mean that’s great and all, but my guess is that felons will vote at a rate of approximately .0001 percent.

Idk, it’s been a big enough issue here any rationally acting campaign will be working to get them registered. We’re talking about a million and a half mostly black mostly older mostly men. I think you’re off by an order of magnitude or 2.

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Bernie is just smart and experienced enough to tell these people to scram.

Jman may have an exaggerated point, but also don’t expect them to all be liberals.

I’d be shocked if Bernie’s campaign wasn’t already aggressively working that cohort