Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Lol at Bernie, or any other Democrat for that matter, converting a single Trump cultist.

The argument for Bernie is that he will turn out people that don’t normally vote, or at least didn’t in 2016.

Not. All. 2016. Trump. Voters. Are. Trump. Cultists.

Jfc the degree of ignorance here is jarring. Lots of 2016 Trump voters didn’t know jack shit about his policies and still don’t. They wanted someone to shake things up and thought Hill was untrustworthy or just didn’t like her. Bernie is primed to win over lots of low-info voters that want to shake things up.

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I guess some are Bros who vote for Trump if Bernie’s not the nominee. Bernie would get those votes.

1.6 million felons will get a chance to vote the first time in Florida if this appellate decision holds.

We have no idea what impact that will have.

No. There are people in swing states, lots of them, who voted Obama and then Trump. I don’t know how many more times this idea that they don’t exist has to be debunked:

But the national vote doesn’t count, and Mrs. Clinton is not the president. She lost primarily because of the narrow but deep swing among white working-class voters who were overrepresented in decisive battleground states.

Just 74 percent of white Obama voters with a high school diploma or less backed Mrs. Clinton in the voter study group cited by Mr. Milbank.

Similarly, the Cooperative Congressional Election Study found that Mrs. Clinton won just 78 percent of white Obama voters without a bachelor’s degree. The figure was even lower in the key Rust Belt battlegrounds.

SUPPORT FOR TRUMP’S AGENDA The Obama-Trump voters generally support Mr. Trump’s key campaign pledges on immigration, police, infrastructure spending, trade and the environment. This isn’t too surprising: Surveys conducted long before the 2016 election showed that a large share of white working-class Democratic-leaning voters backed the conservative-populist position on these issues.

MANY REMAIN PERSUADABLE The C.C.E.S. found that 26 percent of Obama-Trump voters identified as Democrats in their postelection study, while 35 percent were Republicans and 37 percent were independents. Including those independents who lean toward a party, Republicans led by a wider margin of 45 percent to 30 percent. Even so, that’s a significant share who continue to identify with the Democratic Party despite voting for Mr. Trump.

More generally, there is reason to think these voters are likelier to vote for a Democrat against a more traditional Republican who hasn’t developed a message to match Mr. Trump’s appeal to white working-class Democrats. These voters, for instance, tend to support abortion rights and same-sex marriage. They support a higher minimum wage.

These voters can be won back by a message which emphasises things like a minimum wage hike, opposition to NAFTA, infrastructure spending and so forth, that is, an economic-populist New Deal type of message. Bernie is by far the best positioned of the Dem field to win these voters back. How many of them can be won back is an open question, but these are extremely high-leverage voters due to their position in swing states, so even 1 or 2 percent might make the difference.


I live right smack in the middle of those voters. The number that are truly in play is miniscule. They are firmly on team Trump, even if it’s obviously against their self interests.

The five other candidates saying the person with the most delegates shouldn’t be the nominee should be the end of the Democratic party


I’m a bit whatever about this, honestly. That’s the system, all the candidates on stage did was to reaffirm that that’s how it works. First-past-the-post voting is a dumbass system in a multi-candidate field as well. Like while choosing a candidate who got 20% over one who got 40% certainly should be the end of the Democratic party, saying “nah we have to pick this guy who got 25.1% over this guy who got 25% because the will of those 0.1% is sacrosanct, let’s not worry at all about what the other 50% thought” is a bad and anti-democratic way of deciding as well, or at least you can construct situations where it might be.

The reality is that Sanders is for “respecting the popular vote” and the others are against it because it can only possibly help Sanders and hurt the others. If a brokered convention could help Sanders, I would predict approximately 0.000% of Bernie supporters would turn out to be pure of heart champions of first-past-the-post voting. They’d all en masse decide that first-past-the-post is anti-democratic and we need to simulate the results of ranked-choice voting and respect the process.



At least when Bernie starts to enforce laws against white collar crimes, the Villages residents who get caught will die before they can vote again.

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I’ll give you older and less coherent, but HRC was probably the most loathed candidate ever put forth in 2016 for a huge percentage of the electorate (of course Trump is the all time champ, but that wasn’t as knowable, IMO). If HRC hadn’t run a completely horseshit campaign we wouldn’t be here right now. She represents everything about the democratic party that I loath, and if they keep her wrinkled self-righteous pasty white useless ass as far away as any marginally important piece of the 2020 election, it would be more helpful than almost anything I can imagine in terms of beating the GOP.

But, yeah, Joe isn’t what I want to see running in 2020.



Hey maybe even the next former president won’t have to pay whatever fines he is assessed with since it seems hes not the type that would pay debts, to society or otherwise.

HRC at least inspired people who wanted to see the first female president. What’s inspiring about Joementum 2.0? What is his hardcore constituency, credit card companies and non-dead family members?

Don’t disagree with you at all about Joe - as I’ve previously referenced is the version of 1972 Muskie - a guy who was supposed to get the nomination because it was his turn, but unfortunately he turned out to be a completely horseshit campaigner and sank like a stone - which is where I think Joe will end up.
I don’t want to relitigate HRC because 1) fuck her 2) fuck the DNC 3) it doesn’t matter at this point anyway 4) but fuck her again for managing to losing Donald Fucking Trump.



Those are all the reasons I enjoy re-litigating HRC. I mean, one of my reasons for supporting Warren is because I think it will kill HRC inside to see another woman become the first female president.

Man, where was Warren the last 4-6 weeks.

And yeah, it couldn’t happen to a nicer person - you were SO close to the brass ring, and failed.


Oh no