***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread***

Wow I even thought about Paterno

Can I draft awval


You’d be an a-hole not to

Man you can draft the whole university.

Pick #2: Moscow Mitch McConnell

Chapter 1: Before the Senate

Every monster has a beginning.

Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. was born on Feb 20, 1942 to Addison Mitchell McConnell, Sr. and Julia Odene “Dean” McConnell in Sheffield, Alabama.

Remarkably I was able to find footage of his birth

https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ypxjm (looks like the NSFW parts were cut)

In 1944, at the age of two, Addison Jr’s upper left leg was paralyzed by a polio attack. The treatment potentially saved him from being disabled for the rest of his life. Addison Jr stated that his family “almost went broke” because of costs related to his illness.

I just want to take a second to have that last paragraph sink in.

Anyways, it turns out being willing to reach out to special interest groups to further your political gains can actually be an innate trait. In a foreshadowing of what was to come when Mitch ran for student president in high school he knew to reach out to the popular cheerleaders for their “endorsement”. He won, and we are now all worse for it.

He got his BA from Louisville, and his JD from Kentucky. Fuck you, I see what you are up to. He did what every power hungry fucker does at this point in his political career. He enrolled in the military. But the military said he was too much of a chicken shit even for them.

He did some of your standard aiding clerking at this point until he set his sights on Jefferson County Judge/Executive, basically the top political office in Louisville.

MCEVERS: But once he saw an opening, that’s exactly what McConnell did, says Randy McQueen, who back then was a member of the Tobacco Workers Union. One labor leader said McConnell found him on his bowling night to try to get his endorsement. And McQueen says he showed up at the annual AFL-CIO awards dinner for people who had done community service.

MCQUEEN: It was a nice affair. People got all dressed up. He was right there with us. You’d have thought he was Samuel Gompers’ cousin.

MCEVERS: In order to get the labor endorsement, McConnell had to sit for an interview with Randy McQueen.

MCQUEEN: Of course, one of the questions that I was assigned to ask him was, what’s your position on collective bargaining for public employees? And he said, I support it. I support it wholeheartedly.

MCEVERS: I asked Kentucky journalist Al Cross, who has covered McConnell for decades, about this.

Do you think he was himself a union supporter?

AL CROSS: I doubt that was any real deep-held belief. The general lesson is that when you’re climbing the greasy pole, you grab for anything. For him, it says that the priority is winning.

MCEVERS: In the end, McConnell got the labor endorsement, and he won the race for county judge executive by about 11,000 votes. But then when McQueen and others went back to talk to him about collective bargaining…

MCQUEEN: He said, well, you all misunderstood me. I said if the state would pass a collective bargaining bill for public employees, I would support it. Well, sure, you would. I mean, if it becomes the law, you have to. That was his position.

MCEVERS: In other words, that thing McQueen says McConnell promised he would do before the election was not going to happen.

MCQUEEN: I felt - what’s the word? I felt crapped (ph) on, lied to. You know, I had dinner with him one night at a labor function. We sat at the same table and chatted just like old buddies. You know, he was right there with us.

Moscow was already doing whatever fucking brazen lying he needed to do back in 1977.

Well lets go into his first senate campaign…sigh…

MULLINS GRISSOM: In August of 1984, we were 40 points down. It’s a little hard to get lower than that.

MCEVERS: McConnell was running against sitting Senator Dee Huddleston, a well-liked Democrat, a former sports radio announcer and an incumbent in a 2-to-1 Democratic state. Almost every day, McConnell would tell Grissom we need to find something on Dee Huddleston. We need a silver bullet. McConnell knew Huddleston had missed some votes in the Senate, so he asked Grissom to see if he had been earning money for appearances on the same days he was missing votes. Nothing illegal - it just wouldn’t look good.

MULLINS GRISSOM: Mitch just kept after me. He’s like, you just need to check. We just need to check.

MCEVERS: So Grissom stayed late one night.

MULLINS GRISSOM: Just to get Mitch off my back.

MCEVERS: She compared the Congressional Record with Huddleston’s financial reports and found that Huddleston had given paid speeches in Puerto Rico on days he missed votes.

MULLINS GRISSOM: I’m like, oh, my God, it’s the silver bullet. I mean, I remember calling Mitch at 2 o’clock in the morning going, you were right. We finally got him on something. So the next step was to bring in Roger Ailes.

MCEVERS: Yes, that Roger Ailes, creator and longtime head of Fox News, who was forced out after allegations of sexual harassment and who died in 2017. Back in the '80s, Ailes was a media strategist. In his book, McConnell writes about a suggestion he made to Ailes.


MCCONNELL: (Reading) I think we should do some positive TV ads, I suggested at a meeting. Sure, we could do that, Ailes said. Do you want to look nice? Or do you want to take out your opponent and win this thing? I want to do what it takes, I said. I want to win this thing.

Yes it was Roger goddamn fucking Ailes, an easy first round pick in this if he was alive that helped give the boost Moscow needed to win his first election. I mean you have to give them credit. This is a fantastic fucking ad

Moscow won the election by .4%. And we are all worse for it.

Chapter 2: Money in Politics

Alright I’ve already spent more time on Moscow’s history than it probably deserves. But he really was born a shadow monster.

Ultimately I believe Hannibal McConnell’s legacy will go down in 4 major parts. But all of them intertwine. The first is the absolute disgusting amount of money in politics.

In 2012 John McCain and Russ Feingold worked together to create the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002.

Who led several filibusters trying to block its passage? Who wasted absolutely no time to bring this to the Supreme Court?

Well by a 5 v 4 decision, this managed to hold. Think that will stop Moscow Bitch?

Moscow Bitch commended the decision saying “an important step in the direction of restoring the First Amendment rights”

It is also reported he was happy it would let him eat the faces of his constituents.

I’ve linked that video several times. It has become ever so increasingly true. We are fucking there. The amount of money being thrown at campaigns everywhere is fucking terrifying. This fucking asshole was at the fore front of it. Fighting even John McCain over it. Now we all feel forced to have to donate to these campaigns that spend millions and millions. But ultimately the money from the PACs controls everything.

Chapter 3: The Judiciary

Well we can’t talk about Bitch without the massive damage he has done to our judiciary.

Bitch refusing to call a vote for Merrick Garland is going to be a turning point for the SCOTUS.

Why the fuck should a senate majority ever hold a vote for a SCOTUS judge if it isn’t from their own party now? (Of course fucking piss ant democrats will try to find an old centrist judge if Biden wins and needs to nominate a SCOTUS judge, and Vader will still try to fucking fight it). Fuck. I don’t know how many fucking times I heard, well I hate Trump, I hate Darth Bitch, but man we need to fill this SCOTUS seat with a Rep president. Fuck it all. Garland was the fucking centrist choice.

Orrin Hatch even said “The president told me several times he’s going to name a moderate [to fill the court vacancy], but I don’t believe him. [Obama] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man. He probably won’t do that because this appointment is about the election. So I’m pretty sure he’ll name someone the [liberal Democratic base] wants.” God fucking dammit. Orrin fucking Hatch was bating Obama to nominate Garland to the SCOTUS. Obama did, and that wasn’t even enough for MOSCOW. God fucking dammit.

Nope Bitch gambled and fucking won. We now have Neil fucking Gorsuch and Rapey McRapeFace on the supreme court now thanks to Bitch. GorSUCH is 52 years old, and McRapeFace is 55 years old. Mother fuck, I am going to have to deal with these fucks for the next 30 fucking years. Fuck

Thats not to even get to fuckery with Kennedy resigning just so we could nominate rapeface to the supreme court. Bitch made sure to whip up the votes so rapeface could get on the court. Sure Reps could always nominate someone who wasn’t a Rapey McRapeFace. But no this was Moscow’s guy. Darth Moscow had to make sure he got on the SCOTUS.

But that’s just the supreme court. Fucker has done massive damage up and down the judiciary.

Oh But Harry Reid used the nuclear option for lower courts. We had no choice to use the nuclear option for one supreme court nominee.

Oh shut the hell up.

Not like Moscow wouldn’t have nuked it for lower courts where he is now filling it with young ideologues. Here’s one for you.

Sarah has never tried a case or taken a deposition. She was rated not qualified by the American Bar Association. But she is 42, clerked for Judge Rape, and is pro-abortion. So she now has a lifetime judgeship.

She ain’t the only one by far.

Chapter 4: The War with Obama, cuddling up to Trump

“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

lol bipartisanship. Don’t worry. Sleepy Joe still thinks he can work with the other side.

The fucker just accused Trumps slow response on Coronavirus on democrats impeachment hearings?

Fuck what even needs to be said?

Jaws wanted Clinton impeached for lying. Trump we can’t even get witnesses.

ACA, lets delay, block, add amendment on amendment until it is Romneycare, (Thanks Lieberman my 4th round pick). Then shout repeal and replace for 8 fucking years. But oh wait you never had a better plan did you? You just played with the health of the nation for your political gain.

The only reason I am health insurance is because of the ACA. But it is still fucked. I’m still fucked if I had a critical surgery.

Chapter 5: Election Security

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked two election security measures on Thursday, arguing Democrats are trying to give themselves a “political benefit.” …

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) had tried to get consent Thursday to pass a House bill that requires the use of paper ballots and includes funding for the Election Assistance Commission. It passed the House 225-184 with [one] Republican voting for it.

But McConnell objected, saying Schumer was trying to pass “partisan legislation.”

“Clearly this request is not a serious effort to make a law. Clearly something so partisan that it only received one single solitary Republican vote in the House is not going to travel through the Senate by unanimous consent,” McConnell said.

Fucking ball game folks. Election security favors democrats. Expanding voting rights, and making it easier to vote favors Democrats. We lost, Scar won. We are falling into the stampede.

Just look what just fucking happened in Wisconsin. McCovid’s SCOTUS is forcing residents out to vote during a pandemic, for a supreme court seat, so they can make sure Wisconsin’s election this November is fucked. Anyone really think the elections in November aren’t going to be utterly absolutely fucked? Not having federal mail in voting after this Covid is appalling.

…oh wait…

Moscow proudly called himself the grim reaper of the senate because of all the bills he is refusing to put a vote. Fuck, I can’t even use this.

Chapter 6: Other dealings

Did you know he tried to attack porn?

Hey fucker, where’s the tobacco industry?

Hey fucker, where’s the coal industry?

Oh wait you used both in campaigns at different times. When you knew the industries were dying, and knew you would be crushing those areas dependent on them. But your propaganda works. All of them still vote Republican because of muh guns and babies.

Oh and how are farmers doing with all the tariffs now?

Once asked “Do you believe in climate change?” “I’m not a scientist.”

He tries to kill babies

Did you know he once pro choice? Of course he was because he has no true beliefs, except power at all costs.


What a dick

Do you remember when he once vetoed his own bill?

Oh God, while I’m going over Daily Show clips how could I forget

Playing politics over 9/11 first responders. There is no bar too low for Sauron. This is after Jon Stewart has to beg in 2010, and then Jon Stewart had to go back to congress in 2019 because yeah, fuck 9/11 first responders right?

Chapter 7: Final thoughts

Look I’m not saying Moscow is fully responsible for everything I have posted. Not even close. But he has certainly had a hand, and he has pissed me off the most. He alone makes me a little ashamed to say I am from Kentucky.

If you want to see the type of ads I get to see and hear whenever its time for McCovid to run for reelection here you go.


Fucker was making special private appearances in Kentucky was Judge Rape bragging about stacking the courts while stalling the stimulus.

Fuck this fucking asshole. Sure he isn’t the chaotic evil most of you have picked or even neutral evil. Bitch is a very precise lawful evil. This fucker knew his polio treatments nearly bankrupted his parents.

Diablo didn’t care. When it came to the ACA, Fuck it. Lets jam through Republican after Republican amendments. Let’s bleed Americans dry to pay for treatments. Fuck you, I got mine. The GOP mantra.

Mitch McConnell has done irreparable harm to my state. He doesn’t just fuck around with the big things either. He seeks to destroy. Last election cycle he looked for state legislation races and sent his PAC on them. He has made sure to extend his style of politics to every corner of the state.

Ultimately he makes me sad. I know I joke about my “favorite deplorable” from the bridge club. But she makes me sad every time I see her spout the GOP hate that has been infused in her brain from propaganda. You were once a registered Democrat, what happened? I’m sad when I hear my dad say he would vote against Mitch, but he doesn’t want the GOP to lose the senate. I’m sad when I look at our state of discourse, and the state of our government

Fuck you sir.


Additional Reading:

Eh there are plenty of articles out there if you want to find them

  1. Embedded podcast

Some of my quotes were from this. A pretty good look at his past.

  1. Mitch Please by Matt Jones


Matt Jones is a popular sports radio host here in Kentucky. I always thought he was the perfect one chance to beat Bowser. This book is 3 stories wound into one. Its the story of Matt Jones traveling to all 120 counties of Kentucky. How Bowser has hurt Kentucky. Finally about Matt Jones considering his run. Book probably would have been better if Kentucky had fewer counties (I mean 120 is dumb). But dammit Matt was visiting all 120 counties.

Quick excerpt (this excerpt was found on Amazon)

I do have to end with a small rant on Chuck Schumer reading this book. You dumb motherfucker thinking Amy McGrath was the one to run against Moscow. You see a candidate who can’t beat Andy Barr in Lexington’s district, and think she can beat Moscow in a statewide presidential year? You dumb fuck. Matt Jones wanted to meet with you. But no, you like losers, as long as losers can raise money. Yes I even saw a few reddit posts bragging about Amy outraising Moscow last cycle. It doesn’t fucking matter, Moscow will outraise you if he has to. Hillary raised more than Trump. But hey lets keep running loser candidates.

Actually sorry I can only end on

Fuck you Mitch







Mitch McCovid

heh that’s pretty good

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Close it up. Nothing getting better treatment than that

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I knew this wouldn’t disappoint.


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Late second round pick? This goddamn motherfucker is prepared to watch USA burn to get corporate liability in order to get any sort of bare bones stimulus out there.


There are other countries aside from America in this world.

Reality is that McConnell is nothing special compared to the hundreds of thousands of politicians who do the same or worse.


No there aren’t.

Every politician in North Korea and Russia is worse than McConnell. Of course that excludes numerous African and Asian dictators along with their political supporters. Let’s not forget regional warlords in rural Africa and the Middle East that are completely unheard of outside of a few experts in the area.

There are a bunch of brutal regimes that are so bad that people are still choosing to seek asylum in America despite knowing that they are likely to be separated from their children.

Or are you referring to there not being countries other than America?

I was sarcastically agreeing with you and making a point about the relentless self-obsession of many Americans with their own country.

lol, of all threads to have this argument

  1. of course, given that this forum is US-centric, our selections of biggest assholes largely skews towards people we see on a regular basis
  2. there were several non-Americans chosen in this draft
  3. if you have a nominee, let’s add more write-ups!!
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I mean yea, I suppose a guy that robs a bank or rapes a woman is technically a bigger asshole than Mitch, but that goes against the spirit of the thread.