The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

I support cancel culture. Lots of people need to be canceled.

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McConnell said he was too busy in Kentucky to Skype in.

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Why is he warning them… shut up dude let them have their names on a permanently saved video of trump convention as supporters in 2020.

The peasant guillotine list isn’t going to write itself.

Adolph Hitler
Idi Amin
Jeffrey Dahmer
Robert E. Lee
Mason Malmuth
Benito Mussolini
Jody Arias


Barron and Rudy G. are in charge of Cyber.

Wow Mitch going to finally fix Kentucky! So excited.

(fuck you you piece of shit ***Biggest Assholes Alive Draft Thread*** - #517 by Chuckleslovakian)


Look! We have a black guy!

Someone on Twitter said if Tim Scott woke up white his career would be over.

And due to unforeseen circumstances Herman
Cain had to be replaced.

Ted Bundy
Charles Manson
Ted Kaczinski(?)
Wayne Lee Gacy
Sirhan Sirhan
Lee Oswald
OJ Simpson
Susan Smith

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Four unscripted trump speeches in prime time has to be the biggest gift to Dems could dream of.

How many times can he talk about his “early travel ban from Chiner”?

Is there somewhere I can bet on us getting at least 5 minutes from Trump on Dems buying children online disguised as expensive yuppie shelving?

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While it sucks that he’ll get hours of unchecked airtime, hopefully it will be the first time a lot of people actually watch him speak in the last 4 years. Hopefully it will be a chance for apathetic voters or non-voters to see just how unhinged he has become. Hopefully it will blow up in his orange face.


In before NEW TONE!


Is there anything that is more telling of the state of the Republican party in 2020 than having fully half of your keynote speakers having the last name Trump?


Agree. The death cult requires blood ties for rejuvenation.

You guys have way more faith than I do in the ability of numbnuts A and B from Ohio to be able to rationally analyze whatever garbage Trump spews.

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Over half if you consider orangey is going 4 times himself.

Glad we were able to sidestep that Clinton dynasty, though.




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With Donald speaking every night, I think what we’re actually going to get is the same damn off the cuff rally speech he always gives, packed with the same damn lies he always tells, four nights in a row, and we have to deal with the punditosphere pretending like he’s not a senile crazy man who can’t remember he’s told you the story he’s telling you right now three times already.

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How do they possibly fill 2 hours every night with just that list?