Trump's America

People are greatly underestimating how ugly things will get in the immediate aftermath of a Trump loss in 2020.

There will be violence, and people are going to die. It is still better than the alternative though.

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No way. They’ll Ins0 it up and vanish for 2 years.

Then reappear just in time to vote en masse for the Tea Party 2.0 because they’re upset about checks notes the Federal deficit or something.


You’re giving them way too much credit for bravery, or at least not being total cowards.

They imagine they’ll be fighting hippies or something and not cops. The cops are sympathetic to their cause, but they like their monopoly on violence.


There has been an awful lot of right wing violence in my lifetime resulting in quite a large number of dead people, and the numbers have been skyrocketing since Trump’s election. Sure, maybe the average suburban boomer isn’t going to take up arms, but many on the fringes already have and it seems pretty likely that at least a few more will do so in protest of him involuntarily leaving office.


There will be a few incidents, clearly, it’s a big country, but most of these people aren’t doing shit.

I can’t remember where I saw it, but a light bulb moment for me was reading someone say that what these people want is literally the words. That is, they don’t want to go to war with Iran, for example, they just want to hear people say that if those fuckers get out of line, you will own them. Representation is reality. Like that’s the frustrating thing about Trumpism right? He just has to say “manufacturing is coming back and we’re building the wall” and it’s true to these people whether it’s actually happening or not.

What most of these people want is to be immersed in a fantasy world where they have agency in their lives and they don’t have to experience the crushing feeling of alienation that we all feel in this age. Actually doing something isn’t just too hard, it’s impossible because it would expose the fantasy nature of this control they are asserting over things.

Edit: Like it’s hard to get your head around because most of us want concrete things to happen in the world as a result of politics, but if you entertain the idea that they don’t, things fall into place. For example, the fact that they don’t care that Trump is a transparent bullshit artist. Representation is reality to him too, that’s why they connect.




That sounds about right for 98% of the MAGA crowd. The other 2% could do some real damage though.

Trump and the bulk of the GOP will not recognise the result.

Any institutions that want to go along with that will have cover from half the press and a plausible (in their eyes) claim to legitimacy.

Is it likely that the US will tip into actual violence? Probably not. Is it possible? Absolutely

Remember that guy in texas who got arrested for saying he’d kill someone while playing WoW? The thing is the people saying all this civil war bullshit are the exact same people who support the laws that make everyone into criminals. I’m not sure I’m suggesting that they should be locked up for talking about Civil War 2.0 but it’s pretty hypocritical if by their own law and measure of moral responsibility they should be sat down and talked to.


If my kids grow up to be Republicans I will spend a really lot of time examining what I did wrong as a parent. It’s absolutely unfathomable if you teach empathy and gratitude.


A gunman opened fire in a church in Texas, killing one parishioner and wounding another before being shot dead by a member of the congregation…

Several other parishioners also produced handguns and trained them on the attacker.

Praise be the Lord.

Guess the NRA was right. A good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. /s

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Especially when the Good Lord is on their side, Hallelujah!

Also a couple weeks ago 6 people were killed at a Jersey Kosher market and the other day someone broke into a Hanukkah party at a Rabbi’s house in NY and stabbed 5 people.

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Driving back from Heathrow today I listened to a lengthy news report about those attacks and the effect they’re having on Jewish people in the US. I thought of you and how disturbing it must all be. :(

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Seen another headline but didn’t get the full picture saying its on the rise over here too unfortunately… :disappointed:

Bad news for Trump… every Jew I’ve ever known in my entire life cares waaaay more about being targeted for antisemitic violence than they do about fucking Israel. He’s probably lost that demo along with their political contributions. Except maybe in FL. Old people gonna be old.

I’m not even sure if my views about old jews in FL are even still up to date tbh. They could have all died and I wouldn’t have noticed, I don’t even visit there, too afraid of Florida Man.

The 14th biggest state by area, 39th most populated by rank, 44th by population density is “full”.