Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Problem is that the distant 3rd/4th place candidate (even 5th in one state) became the runaway frontrunner in like 4 days.

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Jesus Christ this constant vetting of history is so boring.

Let’s assume everything Bernie fans say is right and the sole reason he lost was Warren and the “enemy of the people” media.

How does that matter anymore? What does constantly discussing it accomplish? I’m seriously asking what is the value?

Really amazing how that went from impossible to “it’s all wrapped up folks - time to move on to the general” in those 4 days with a hardly insurmountable lead and plenty of states to go.


People argue here because they hate each other, not because they hate Warren. Anyone is free to post their thoughts on Reddit or Twitter if they want to tell it to randoms, or Facebook if they want to tell it to friends and family.

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Fair point but it’s so odd they hate each other given everyone here is so closely aligned politically outsiders wouldn’t be able to tell one of us from the other.



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Literally what are you even talking about here.

Biden was way behind then became the nominee in 4 days after one primary.

If you thought Biden was a distant 4th place contestant the day before the SC primary, I don’t know what to tell you.

It was even a story before the primary that Joe had put everything into South Carolina. He had to come out and deny calling it his backstop. The narrative could easily have been “We expected this, Joe had put everything in SC. Let’s see how he does going forward.”

I’m just outlining what I think eye was saying. :grin:

FWIW, I consider this an insult every time you say it, so please stop.


But single payer!

That’s because you have completely lost the plot in favour of tribalism.

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Or, alternatively, you habitually present yourself as an ally to the left when you’re anything but.


Your pretty tribal though, right? On top of generally dividing the world up into teams and sometimes allowing your team to be as much as half the people in the world, you’re really quick to call lots of people “just like Trumpkins”.


Of course, I’m tribal. All humans are. It’s a question of degree, not kind.

In general, knowing nothing else, I’m going to support the left over the right. That’s tribalism. I’m going to support the secular over the religious. Also tribalism. There are countless other examples.

The difference is that’s not the end of my heuristic.

A few people on this site don’t seem to care about anything but ensuring their membership, in just the right kind of leftist group, is well understood and widely known. They seem to care more about ensuring their membership in that tribe than in actual progressive policies. That’s a level of tribalism I simply don’t think I exhibit.

That’s not to say I’m not tribal. As I said, we all are.

As for the “like a trumpkin” thing it has nothing to do with tribalism. That is a psychological label and I 100% stand by it. Some of the same people I mention above employ precisely the same psychological heuristics as trumpkins to defend their tribalism; media attacks, whataboutism, semantics arguments, bad faith debate, assumptions that literally all people not in the tribe are equally and totally evil, unwillingness to compromise, and a cult of personality.

What I mean is, you’re one of the most tribal people on this forum. You’re also one of the most abusive and simultaneously one of the people who complain the most about discord on this site.

Sorry. Criticism is part of the culture of the left. I’m just being leftist.


Like who? Victor? Having 7 friends and everyone else yelling at him is his tribalism? Maybe he should consider a different tribe.

Or do you mean “virtue signaling” or “self-righteousness” or “smugness”?

(@Vict0ar, I’m 99.9% sure you know I’m not calling you those things)