The Inso0 AMA: Now featuring, "it's just a flu"

There will be ~150,000 deaths to breast, colon, and cervical cancer this year in the USA. Given how much better screening and treatment has become, how many of the future victims are sitting on a waiting list right now because an empty hospital turned them away?

I guess if you’re over 60 or terminally ill your life is less valuable than somebody who is 59.

Man how could you be against Obamacare with all the death panels they have?


“Sorry grandma, some slumlord’s lackey said you have to die a really horrible death because his boss needs another bass boat. … Yes, on the internet. … No, he’s not at home, he’s apparently posting from his office. … Right. Also something about streetcars still running being bad. … I’m not sure. Maybe they can walk to work instead? Anyways, love you. I hope they don’t run out of sedatives before they have to jam that tube down your throat. glgl! Tell grandpa I miss him when you get to heaven.”


kinda funny because the only reason my hospital system isn’t doing elective procedures is because the idiot in charge of the country continues to be unable to deal with mass PPE shortages.


You didn’t answer the question. You are also a moron.


What makes his argument even worse is that people with cancer are immunosuppressed due to the treatment they’re receiving which makes trips to the hospital during a pandemic extremely dangerous.

From the most recent numbers, it (at least in Europe) seems to show about 9+ years of life expectancy lost with Covid in the older population - that’s a big number, and STRONGLY suggests that the people dying of covid we’re “not on their way out”




Oh shit, forgot about the other criteria. Testing, lol of course it’s testing. You can’t do surgeries unless you test for covid first, otherwise every procedure would have to be done in airborne isolation (now go back to PPE shortage). Oops the moron in the White House seems to think testing is solved already.

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He’s just using cancer patients as body shields because what he really wants are all the bars, restaurants, and retail stores to open back up. He couldn’t care less if they die just like he doesn’t care if covid patients die.


Yup. That’s the truth about people talking this down and wanting to open everything up. They don’t give a fuck about people dying. Hell, they don’t want to go to work. A good lot of them don’t even work for fuck’s sake.

What they want is for people to risk their lives and health so that they can go to their favorite greasy spoon diner and eat bacon and eggs for breakfast then hit a dive bar at night so they can drunkingly bitch about how liberals are ruining the American way of life.

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Eugenics for thee, but not for my wife!


With Inso being MIA, I was wondering if he drank Clorox. Ahh well, nevertheless.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.


You never cease to be a fucking idiot. ItS tHe FlU wItH nO lAsTiNg EfFeCtS OpEn Er UpPpPpPpP!!!

I mean, for real guys, open it up. Apparently Inso0 needs a pap smear.

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Do you have a problem with death panels?

Now consider the fact that Missile Dog is such a terrible poster that he gets his ass brutalized by Inso0.

Polls suggest that Evers has the support of a majority of Wisconsin and that the people who are pissed off are a vocal minority.

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Sorry, everyone, the 2020 slam dunk contest has just ended.


It seems like you need to be treated for AIDS. At least your posting indicates you have it.
