The Inso0 AMA: Now featuring, "it's just a flu"

You never cease to be a fucking idiot. ItS tHe FlU wItH nO lAsTiNg EfFeCtS OpEn Er UpPpPpPpP!!!

I mean, for real guys, open it up. Apparently Inso0 needs a pap smear.

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Do you have a problem with death panels?

Now consider the fact that Missile Dog is such a terrible poster that he gets his ass brutalized by Inso0.

Polls suggest that Evers has the support of a majority of Wisconsin and that the people who are pissed off are a vocal minority.

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Sorry, everyone, the 2020 slam dunk contest has just ended.


It seems like you need to be treated for AIDS. At least your posting indicates you have it.



it is good all hospitals offer free screenings of every disease to the uninsured. Would not want people dying because they were not diagnosed soon enough.

Bahahaha. You dumb motherfucker

I’m glad I could bring you all together on this. I had a hard time finding the posts where people justified having all of these hospitals effectively closed to anyone that isn’t a COVID-19 patient, and exactly how long we’re going to let many of them be empty until they can go back to work. You guys got all excited about dunking, but forgot to address that.

I’m personally loving the lockdown because my daily commute has never been faster, but it’s undeniable that the ends won’t justify the means and we need to make some changes. Six months from now when 50% of small businesses go bankrupt, we lose 70% of restaurants, and everything else is consolidated under an Amazon umbrella, everyone should look in the mirror and ask themselves if this was all worth it.

Ha ha ha, gtfo


Can we give Inso0 the undertitle, “Resident Covidiot”?

On second thought, maybe drop the “Cov.”

Whatever makes you happy.

As with all conservatives, it’s always about what’s best for you.


So I’m a dick because I’m enjoying the lockdown, but also because I think it should be walked back. Which is it?

That’s if every man woman and child in the country gets it and current mortality rates hold.

So does this mean you’re in the camp that says we need to continue this until a vaccine is creates? What’s the level after hyper hyperinflation?

Inso why aren’t hospitals doing non-emergent procedures?

If you really mean that, fuck off.

No, you are an asshole because you can’t possibly think of anything other than how this benefits you. You don’t care that the shutdown is saving lives. You are a ghoul.

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Holy shit at anyone other than @jalfrezi still having the ludicrous whatabout the flu! take after everything that has happened.