The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

I would hammer the point that the stock market has lost 1/3rd of its value so far and all of his gains have been ERASED. And also that there’s no end in sight, and that maybe his legacy will be reducing the stock market by half while Hussein Obama doubled it. Just raise reraise reraise reraise reraise reraise until he does something insanely stupid. Maniacs always have to put in the last bet.


Futures approaching the shutdown loss limit in 5 minutes. Working hard, thank you.


He’s now listing all gowns, gloves, masks etc - with exact numbers - to each of the states

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Lolol Cuomo’s press conferences getting so much attention and praise have so obviously gotten to Trump. He’s really struggling trying to imitate Cuomo.


You have to humiliate and attack the ego until it gets to complete meltdown. Direct personal challenges. “Mr. President, can you explain why the stock market has lost over a third of its value on your watch while Barack Obama–some say the best president of all time–was able to triple the stock market. Is it because you are incompetent with respect to virology and disaster management or is it simply because Obama had a much larger penis?”



… 2A will get a mention in a minute.

Highest Vet approval rating in history

Rational self-interest for the win.

Ayn would be proud if she hadn’t died after soaking up all the public assistance she could get her greedy little hands on.


“We have 14 to 24 masks coming soon. Its fantastic. Until then we invented something called Telehealth.”

Also this guy sucks ass at reading. Needs to get on Hooked on Phonics asap. Also remember when Pence promised a huge announcement tonight. Lol Mike.


Tuesday … for something?

Two weeks ago today Trump was golfing, and the day before. Then the next day he tweeted about how much worse the flu is than this.

There is absolutely nothing new here today than yesterday

We are very united “people are saying things that three weeks ago they werent saying.”

Like fucking what asshole?

How can anyone watch this and not realize we are heading for bread lines and mass graves. Fuck this shit.

Our whole lives we just cause them elsewhere. Now we get to experience it first hand!




“Its my opinion this will be a victory much sooner than anyone is anticipating.”

Based on fucking what, you fucking piece of shit?


3 minutes. Jesus christ I cannot handle this


Just a feeling. He’s a really smart guy. Gets a lot of things right.