The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I wouldn’t count on wall to wall rally coverage being done when the election is in full swing. They are going to be dying for elective coverage and if trump
refuses to debate but instead holds a rally to blast his opponent, I have no confidence any of the networks wont cover it.

Yeah this “we are too busy” nonsense from people who probably rack up six hours of some gem game on their phone.

It is not exactly confusing. Any literate person should have read the summary of the call Trump himself released and said “Oh shit”.


I don’t have the expertise to say whether this is a good or bad thing, but my first reaction is to say this is good? I am posting it ITT because there is a part about the end that raises a question for me about Trump. Any help appreciated.

The homeless and their advocates say ticketing homeless people does nothing to solve the bigger housing crisis.

“Paying lawyers six figures to write briefs is not really going to build any more housing,” said Howard Belodoff, a Boise civil rights attorney.

Maria Foscarinis, executive director of the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, added: “Housing, not handcuffs, is what ends homelessness.”

My confusion here is this part:

The case now returns to the 9th Circuit.

I would have thought that the SC declining to hear the case would mean the previous ruling is now considered settled law. But if the SC declining to hear the case means it returns to a lower court to be re-re-litigated, does that mean we would have seen the same thing happen to Friday’s announcement about the Supreme Court agreeing to rule on the Trump case?

Are they actually ensuring expedited judgement by agreeing to hear the case rather than remanding it back to lower courts?

I obviously have next to no clue about this stuff, so any law bro please feel free to jump in.

They had an election last week and the Conservative party won huge. He’s saying they’ll also have a huge conservative win in 2020. This was one of his more coherent thoughts.

It turns out that domino theory was completely correct if you substitute inequality-fueled oligarchy in for communism.


Sounds right


He should tell Michelle that


Fucking right?

She would win the nomination in a landslide, right?


I would hope so, how would she not be doing at least as well as Biden atm, who the hell knows though

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I hate that Im mad about that, but its true. Just like with Biden in 2016. Sometimes the greater good is more important than what you think is best for yourself.

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yes she would win easily and would beat trump. She doesn’t want it though. Been there dealt with that bullshit.

If you thought right wing media was bad with barack in charge? Holy **** if she was POTUS.

See above.

I’ve resigned myself to Biden winning. He’s made it clear he is a mumbling, stuttering pile of GOP lite garbage, wholly unprepared to respond to the gravity of the moment and likely to dribble oatmeal down his chin while the country descends further into the shitter. This election will be the Boomers’ ultimate fuck you to the country on their way out.


Just a few cliffsnotes from the Dissenting Views section:

From p199:


Ballsy. The articles of impeachment of course include Obstruction of Congress, yet the dissent says the impeachment is invalid because the IC refused to hear “even one fact witness.” Just LOL that it’s even possible to get away with this.

Some other highlights:


Turley got eviscerated, but I don’t guess they left themselves much room to appeal to anyone else’s testimony. Perhaps hopeful nevertheless that quotes from Turley are their biggest appeal to authority.


In case you were wondering what their defense against Obstruction of Congress will be:


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I think their defense is fuck you.


I think they got the ultimate fuck you in 2016.

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as we get closer to the debates, if he’s still floating not debating, wouldn’t it be the easiest thing in the entire world to say:

“he’s a chicken. he’s too chicken to debate because he knows he’ll lose. he’s a big chicken, he’s always been a chicken (ahem bone spurs) and he’ll always be a chicken… the only way he’s not a chicken is to debate, but he won’t bc he’s…CHICKEN”

there’s no way that doesn’t instantly send him into a tizzy and overruling all of his handlers.