Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Dude he campaigned for a rather terrible Republican less than 2 years ago.

Debbie Downer but imo you chose the wrong moment to be optimistic. The voters had way more opportunities to realize Joe ain’t got it before today than they will through the rest of this primary.

The Biden campaign knows he’s a fuckup. They’re going to lock him in a cellar for the next few weeks. And why shouldn’t they? He just won states he was projected to lose having done zero campaigning there. His Super Tuesday Joementum will carry him through the March contests. The later states favor him. I’m not seeing the bright spot.

When her staff? leaked that Bernie told her in a private meeting that a woman couldn’t beat Florida Man (or whatever was said), within minutes she was raked as a liar and/or a :snake:. I’m not going to litigate the episode (it’s probably itt though if you want to search for it), but I think that’s where the snake thing originated.

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Speaking for myself, I’m just a rando shouting into the void at our country’s fucked up politics.

Despite the label you casually drop on Bernie supporters, there were hundreds of thousands of good people (much better than me) that supported him that took the time and energy to do exactly as you say, exactly as you saw in California.

Meanwhile, Joe and his people ran a WOAT campaign, stood for nothing and pulled off a victory based on name ID and back room dealings that Pete participated in. Bad! Not trying to change your mind, I just think that is bad, really, really bad!


Do you think that Bernie and Biden are similar, at all, politically? I don’t. And Pete’s policies were much closer to Biden’s than they were to

IMO pretending that Biden/Pete want the same things Bernie and the left does is harmful. It gives the impression to voters that the outcomes of a Biden presidency will be largely the same as the outcomes of a Bernie presidency. That’s why you get people voting based on personality and how loud someone is and whether they think their neighbors will like Joe or Bernie more.

The problem is that for 50 years it has been largely correct (minus some outliers like Jackson) that every Dem candidate is going to enact essentially the same BS policies that don’t help their voters in meaningful ways or, in instances like the ACA, provide SOME help but significantly less than a proper progressive policy would.

So no, I don’t think we’re on the same team. But I think my team is better and there is room for everyone on it. I welcome people to join. I encourage people to share their stories and reasons for being on my team and hope that others will hear them and be inspired to join.

And good news - lots of people have! Every state that has voted so far has indicated they prefer a total abolition of private health insurance to keeping any form of private insurance. Progressive prosecutors are being elected across the country in large cities. There is growing support for decriminalizing illegal immigration and drug possession. Sexual assault and gender discrimination has a spotlight on it like never before. There is a movement for doubling the federal minimum wage. An Asian guy convinced millions of people to support UBI, a concept that I guarantee those people had never heard of before. A fucking self avowed socialist is currently tied for the lead in the democratic primary.

So like, yeah, I’m going to be vocal when people like Biden or Pete pretend like joining their team leads to those outcomes. They will actively fight against most of them (although I will say Pete is better on some of this stuff than Biden). And, perhaps incorrectly, I give enough credit to a bunch of grown ass adults that they can take it when I say “you’re on the wrong team” and reevaluate their stances. I was an Obama fanboy back when he pushed for a public option and closing Guantanamo in 2008, but largely due to the people in this forum I have moved away from that type of politics. I didn’t complain about Fly or microbet or whoever being mean to Obama when they pointed out that he was droning civilians. I fucking looked at it and saw it was an evil thing to do, and changed my stances accordingly.

Anyway nobody cares about my personal political manifesto, but I’m sick of people with their hot take of “don’t you think you should try being NICER” because 99% of the time what they really mean is “don’t you think I should be able to join your team while holding my current views?”. That kind of politics works when you don’t have any intention of actually DOING anything politically. Anybody can join team Biden because team Biden doesn’t actually fucking stand for anything. My team does.


Bernie Sanders is far more electable than Joe Biden.

But suckers keep falling for the media bullshit though. “Let’s say electabilty again, because it’s been attached to Joe BIden for no actual real reason!”

The world is full of dolts!


I’m not saying there’s a bright spot. It’s that people are acting like he’s a 1,000 to 1 long shot when the convention is 4 months away and most states haven’t even voted yet. 538 currently has him at 8% in a race with hella swongs, Biden at 31%, and Nobody crushing it with a clear 61% majority. Bernie doesn’t need a miracle to win the nom, just some run-good.

That FL poll though, my God.


Most voters are delusional aspirational morons tho’. Trailer park Joe’s gonna vote for Trump when he sees those pics. That’s what he did 4 yrs ago.

It’s not about representing what the dolts are, it’s about representing what the dolts want to be.

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Florida +47

Fucking olds, man.

Can’t even LOL OLDS on that one.

Age breakdown (18-29)
Biden+Bloomberg: 75%
Bernie+Liz: 18.5%

He’s like runner-runner, my dude. Biden is going to crush FL and you he if Sanders somehow gets a plurality you know he’s not winning a contested convention.

Time to completely forget about chasing Florida. Where’s that Bugs Bunny gif again…?!

… and again … and again … and again …

Maybe I’m wrong, but when is FLA gonna actually come through despite all the effort over decades?

It’s more like a gutshot per Nate & crew.

Eh just let FL sink into the swamp of deep redness and let’s pray for TX to hurry up purplizing itself.

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60% for a contested convention seems stupid high considering only 2 candidates will be getting delegates from now on.

Current PI line is:

Biden: 0.78
Sanders: 0.18
Clinton: 0.04
Tulsi : 0.01

And based on those percentages, in 61% of the Nobody, Biden will have the lead about 75% of the time. So Bernie has 8% chance of a majority, and 15% chance of a plurality… And at least half if not 2/3 of the time he has the plurality, he won’t get the nomination. So realistically he’s got in the neighborhood of a 10-15% shot based on their modeling…

Which last I checked was still frozen pre-ST or partially through ST data, and doesn’t even have the new 61-12 Florida poll.