Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Either way get a fucking move on!

I’ll keep all my plans close to my chest
Wait for it, wait for it, wait…
I’ll wait here and see which way the wind will blow

… She is who we thought she was…

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I’m one of the most cynical and pessimistic people I know and I still don’t get the defeatism itt. We’re still drawing very live to a Sanders win for dozens of different possible reasons, including simply having more people pay attention to Biden when he speaks and realizing his brain has turned into oatmeal.


I think I’m a little more pessimistic about it than you, but I agree that it’s not as bad as it has felt for the past few days. A lot of people are feeling a lot of anger and needed to release it.

I’d feel a lot better if there were more debates scheduled.

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Lol at all the “Warren lost because of sexism” takes currently blowing up my twitter feed.

I like her, she’s smart, she would make a great president. But she had control of the race and blew it with a series of own goals.


Doubt Warren would go hard after Biden even if she teamed with Bernie. But it’d probably be Bernie’s best chance at the nom.

Grunching for a quick update on Skydiver’s take on Buttigieg endorsing Biden.


I wish I could go tonight in Phoenix but I’m busy and fuck going into a big crowd right now. No thanks.

It’s pragmatic to further his career but she voted for Bernie and hates that other Pete supporters blindly just went to Biden with absolutely zero thought or consideration given.

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She voted for Pete and said she doesn’t care about the endorsement, and defended Pete supporters who are going to Biden because it will help Pete’s career.

Like - Pete did a LOT of damage to the progressive movement in this country. I don’t see myself on the same team as him, or his volunteers. But I’m sure I’ll have Trolly here in a minute to lodge meta-complaints about how I’m piling on skydiver.


I actually voted for Pete like, two weeks ago. Early voting, yo.

But I would vote for Bernie if I had a do over.

@anon I don’t hate it. I know why they did it…because Pete asked them to. And they are a group of voters who value decency and goodness. I value those things, too, and I won’t lie and say that I would have had to stop for a second and think about it before casting my vote for Bernie. The rat memes and Salo screenshots, etc got to me too, and I get it. I posted about it often.

But in the end I got over it. I supported Pete because he had policies and priorities that best matched my own, and I still believe he would have beaten Trump by quite a lot, especially in the places where it matters. Now that hes out, I have to move to my second criteria, and that is the ability to beat Trump. I think Bernie is better situated for that than Biden.

All that being said, Bernie, if you’re reading, the filibuster has GOT TO GO.

@catfacemeowmers defending and understanding are two different things

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My bad. Was just trying to convey my appreciation for you giving thought to it and understanding both lines of thinking.

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I mean it turns out the filibuster won’t end up mattering. Grandpa Joe is going to reach across the aisle to get things like a ramped up defense bill and increases in oil and natural gas subsidies passed without having to worry about it!

Also I agree Pete did a lot of damage to the progressive movement in this country and deserves blame. Pete supporters (who I have to imagine were mostly never progressive skydiver excluded) I don’t think deserve anymore blame than any of the other non-progressive groups out there. They supported and voted for who they liked, there is nothing wrong with that.


Unfortunately this group put in a ton of work on Super Tuesday to increase the odds of Trump winning re-election in November. Really no way around that fact.


how? No seriously, how?

He directly attacked it over and over. He painted it as an unaffordable pipe dream which frankly isn’t the truth. He literally said “HOW ARE YOU GONNA PAY FOR IT” at least 100 times at debates. At the critical moment of the campaign he delivered his supporters to the DemE candidate who is not only not progressive but a literal fan of things like segregation, the Iraq War, insurance companies and the like and changed the results of Super Tuesday and likely the primary.

He had every right to do that but to act like he didn’t do those things or that they didn’t have an impact seems kind of ridiculous.

He literally sold out the future of the country so that he could maybe one day be a cabinet stooge in the Biden administration. If you aren’t disgusted by that I don’t know what to tell you.


I guess I’m more looking for your definition of what, exactly, the “progressive movement” is.

It’s easier to say what it isn’t. What it isn’t is selling out the common working American to further your own political interests or the interests of your donors. That much I know for sure.


if we’re going to brand the public option plan which, as we know from experience would either suck or be unaffordable for most americans, as part of the “progressive movement” than we might as well give up. it’s not going to change anything, it’s not going to make any progress