Who will run in 2020?

Lol that was my term and the only succinct way I could think of to say “someone who commits fraud”. Apparently I am an 80-year old in a 40-something body. Like I said, I’m not knowledgeable enough about it to make a sweeping claim like “decriminalize all border crossings” because even though that sounds great, what happens when there actually IS human trafficking going on?

I will wait until the full plan is released. All of Pete’s plans are interconnected and draw on each other in many ways, I’m sure his immigration one will be no different. He’s already briefly mentioned immigration expansion in his rural plan, so I’m reasonably sure he’s working on an immigration-focused plan.

As for the ICE overreach, pretty sure every Dem on the stage wants to reign that shit in.

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Ok boomer.


Everyone wants to reign in atrocities even while they support a system that makes them inevitable.


And I wasn’t making fun of the term “fraudster” because it sounds funny. Lots of people who could easily be said to commit fraud crossing the border should not be locked up. And a lot of people who will end up making the determination are racists and nativists who want all the people crossing to be locked up.


No it’s true because cowards like him feel it’s true so they vote that way.


The next Dem POTUS needs to act not just like the preceding POTUS was Donald Trump, but like they will be followed by Donald Trump. They need to not just not be oppressive, they need to dismantle tools of oppression.


One of the things I really appreciate about supporters of Warren and Bernie is that I consistently see them willing to admit their candidates own faults. You never get the feeling that either is thought of as perfect. Which is good, because believing such a thing essentially makes you a cultist like many Trump supporters.

My Tier 1 is Warren and Bernie and my Tier 2 is Yang, Booker, and Castro (although he’s barely a real candidate at this point). The best reason I can give is that group has authenticity. When they talk about their policies you believe that they are actually interested in helping all people, especially those who need the help most. It’s helpful that they all also have a history of putting in the work to help those who are under privileged.

The thing that separates my two tiers is that when talking about Liz and Bernie both give the feel that being President was never really either of their goals but they have more felt that this has been thrust upon them by the moment.

At the end of the day if you had to pick who the people are in this race that are here for selfless reasons, no one stands out above these two.


I like Bernie on immigration a lot, and this is an example of an issue where the omfg MITCH MCCONNELL refrain is not nearly as applicable since any President can Bern immigration enforcement down without signing any new laws. Scared to run on the politics of it, but if elected, that should be the policy of every Dem.

back in the “it’s only bad if Pete says it” camp, I give you:


Also, this is kind of gross. I like AOC generally, but really…

I thought Bernie was an uncompromising zealot who wouldn’t give an inch to try to get anything passed.


How about who GAF about who’s fault it is? I’m sorry if my conclusions hurt your pride. I’m interested in understanding the objective reality of the race. We do this ITF by assessing evidence, forming opinions, arguing those opinions, and adjusting our opinions based on further evidence and the arguments of others. A necessary implied step is dismissing opinions of those who are obviously wrong and not worth considering. That’s what I’m doing with anyone who believes Bernie has a chance of being our next President. You can do the same for me (in before someone clips the quote here without the “but” for context), but it’s my opinion that doing so is rejecting the reality of the race in favor of a fantasy that serves to benefit the Bidens and Bloombergs. Like, that was the entire point of my post. I might care if anything we said here scaled enough to make a significant impact on the race, but it doesn’t, so yeah, feel free to dismiss me or blame me for whatever unrelated outcome you want.

I understand from your posting history that your view of the candidates is so shallow that you actually believe this. It’s obviously wrong, but to correct someone who’s done so little research or introspection to keep their biases in check would be a monumental undertaking not worth my time.

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ok boomer

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That was his old plan. His new one doesn’t appear to have means testing

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LOL yeah, attacking presidential candidates can only come from … :checks notes: … Mayor Pete


Why not, he’s running for President?

So, that’s the pool of people who can attack presidential candidates and their policies?

I feel like I’m being leveled.

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here, you can check this blog for proof that Pete has never once sent an email like this to raise money. Not once. ok, I’ll find it for you.


wut? You don’t think Pete is fundraising off of his attacks on AOC et al? Are you for real?

What weird rule is this that you’re referencing? No names in emails?

And when he starts doing that, let me guess, it will be OK. “Oh, well now that it’s down to just a few candidates, he has to use names in emails. It’s time to draw distinctions!”

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Not really, and I don’t care, but Pete is running and campaigning for a certain office against a certain set of candidates. I have no idea what the accepted practices are, but I’m guessing that generally congress people don’t fund raise off of attacking primary candidates, would you be happy if Nancy Pelosi was fund raising by attacking Bernie Sanders by name?

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Sure, if Bernie Sanders was attacking progressive policy ideas from the right.