Non-Pol Hot Takes

So I can simply cut beef out of my diet (I have) and I’m on the same moral standing as vegans. Great. I’ll see how that one goes down at the next vegan circle jerk I walk into (surprisingly common)

I always thought pork was fairly damaging as well? Obviously not as much as beef but still not great.

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Pigs and cows both consume a lot of resources per food delivered. Chicken not so much. But still, chicken significantly more than most fruits and vegetables. Fish are a different set of problems.

Another thing about pork is that ham is disgusting.

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Yeah, the unprocessed pig shit that giant pig farms spew around the land with agricultural sprinklers and rivers of it that flow into the ocean are not cool.

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You can’t go half a block in this neighborhood without hitting a vegan restaurant. I’m surrounded. In the circles I find myself in there’s inevitably one or two.

I would just once like to hear a vegan say the words, “I’m vegan but I’m also okay with however you decide to live your life, and that doesn’t make you any better or worse than me.”

Incapable. I tell you. If those words came out of a vegans mouth I’d tell you they eat meat sometimes.

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Sriracha isn’t even that good.



Chicago is middle America, though.

In before people shit on deep dish pizza, which is something a huge majority of Chicagoans never eat or order. Deep dish is for tourists.

I think all the cool kids are eating Detroit style pizza these days.

Deep dish is deeply delicious.


Deep dish is a perfectly fine meal.

It’s not pizza.

An environmental argument is a moral argument.

Okay but I have only been to Chicago once many years ago, and I didn’t get to try deep dish. I asked for “a slice” and they laughed me out of the restaurant. I’ve always regretted letting that stop me from trying again. Should I give it another go?

Yeah, definitely try it. It’s very good, it just doesn’t hold a candle to traditional pizza imo

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I’m about to find out.

Wife got to pick from different options at work for a xmas gift. We went with the Charcuterie and Cheese Basket.

All-natural, salty, creamy Prosciutto from Niman Ranch is joined by Danish blue and smoked apple walnut cheeses, olives and Fermin Salchichon Iberico, crafted from wild pigs who roam the hillsides of the Iberian Peninsula feeding only on acorns.

Also, @microbet

Eggs Benedict?

Thank you :+1:

This is where I seamlessly transition to DiGiorno really is better than delivery

But good competition against Papa Murphy’s

What the heck is uncured prosciutto?

Niman Ranch Prosciutto Niman Ranch’s smooth prosciutto with a hint of salt and sweet starts with the best-tasting pork and is handcrafted using time-honored techniques by a family who has been curing prosciutto for three generations. They have honed their techniques and created a traditional seasonal process that mimics the prosciutto making in old world Italy.

I don’t even know what this means.

In Italian, prosciutto means “ham,” and just as in America, there are many different types of ham – cooked and uncooked, cured and uncured , boiled, smoked, it’s a long list. The Italian term for cooked ham is prosciutto cotto, while uncooked ham is referred to as prosciutto crudo