Non-Pol Hot Takes

So “uncured” really means: “Cured, but in some stupid way that hides the fact that you’re still eating a bunch of nitrates because people are idiots who are irresistibly drawn to bullshit”?


That’s not bad.


You should write the descriptions for Trump’s next catalog.

As long as I’m not eating raw ham, call it whatever you want.

Fancy pants,

I don’t really even know what that is.

Name of restaurant please? @Jalfrezi

Pineapple on pizza is one thing, but fruit in curries can definitely fuck off. Get your lychees out of my red curries. Sultanas or raisins in curries rise to the level of a crime against humanity.

A friend asked the other day “what is the carbon footprint of kangaroos” and I realised that killing kangaroos has a negative carbon footprint because they are all shot in the wild and if left alive they just eat vegetation. We must murder them all and eat their delicious flesh for the sake of the planet.

About 3 days after my first born was born I stumbled out of the hospital, sleep deprived, shell shocked and so on, and into the nearest café wanting something, anything to eat. I just about made out the menu and saw they had duck breast, which is lovely, so ordered that. When it came I almost cried for the ninth time that day as it was in a blackberry sauce and I hate fruit sauces in non desserts, but I ate it anyway as otherwise I’d have had to go back to a screaming baby. It was delicious.

And that’s why hot fruit is great.


The pizza discussion is adorable

Cicchetti (an offshoot of San Carlo). Don’t let the generic west end restaurant interior put you off, the food is fabulous.

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Is that post supposed to be making a good point or just be funny? It does neither, but I’m wondering about the intention.

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I don’t know what the ecological impact of the 'roo population is in Australia, but in much of N. America and all of the northeast there is a very serious problem with deer overpopulation. Encouraging people to kill and eat them really is a good thing.

I don’t think that was actually his point. If so, great, but what does that have to do with pigs and cows?

Is it just “lol, you gotta admit we should kill some animals, ha ha”?

Seems like encouraging people to kill animals for fun is gonna have some negative consequences.

I’m surprised how much impact there is on one transatlantic flight.

Also, how come they didn’t put “install 10000 solar panels with your own hands” on that chart?

edit: I guess it’s just for a year. Make that less surprised and 1000 solar panels. But, that makes changing light bulbs look less impactful than it is. LED light bulbs will generally last more than one year. Are they counting all of that?

It had just never occurred to me that eating kangaroos is (insignificantly) net positive from a carbon point of view and it’s a weird place for environmental logic, absurdly applied, to lead. Obviously I’m not serious that it’s incumbent upon us to eat animals (although I do eat kangaroo in preference to other red meat where possible). Sorry you didn’t like my post, I’ll try to post better in future.

It’s not uncommon for kangaroos to be culled for various reasons and some of the meat comes from that, but much of it just comes from hunting for the purpose of getting meat as well. You need to be a professional with a licence to shoot kangaroos and at least in theory they are all supposed to be killed with head shots, they are also not supposed to kill females with joeys. Definitely one of the more ethical ways to eat red meat.

I think I misinterpreted your post as anti-the post you were responding to.

Confirmed. One shelf of three at my local grocer is all detroits.

Lighten up Francis.