Non-Pol Hot Takes

Ham sucks in everyone one of those. Ham sucks.

Youā€™re feeling hungry now arenā€™t you suzzer? ADMIT IT

Thinking about iberico ham - yeah.

It only comes from special black-hooved pigs that live on hazelnuts and beer. INSANE if you can find it. Costco is the only place in the US Iā€™ve seen it.


Vegans are obnoxious, as a group. Yes Iā€™ll generalize. I swear to god the sanctimonious bullshit i see from vegans on social media is getting out of control. Just stop. No one cares youā€™re a better person for not eating meat. No one. Seriously no one.

I canā€™t remember the last time Iā€™ve seen or heard a vegan say anything about being a vegan. Whenever the last time was, Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve heard jmakin complain about it a dozen times since then.


Lol. They arenā€™t, but Iā€™m not interesting in debating that really. The attitude is the worst. Like how many times have you been surprised to hear someoneā€™s a vegan? Zero times. Theyā€™ll tell you within minutes of meeting them.

Iā€™ve never seen such a lame world view so consume peopleā€™s entire identity quite like veganism.

The ideal pizza is pepperoni, bacon, pineapple and anchovies. The anchovies and pineapple complement each other perfectly.

If a slice of pineapple improves your pizza youā€™re eating really really bad pizza.

And this is the worst take in all history.



Oh yeah and a thin crust.

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ITT people from middle America andā€¦ Ireland? tell us what makes a good pizza.

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Is it? Do you know what it takes to farm, say, almonds? Industrial agriculture is incredibly damaging to the environment and to local fauna like bees and bats.

This is the lame false dichotomy vegans present and youā€™re perpetuating it. That your carbon footprint is drastically lower while eating plants only (it isnā€™t) and the alternative to not doing so is to be a shitty polluter with dubious morals.

This isnā€™t the case and the reduction in carbon footprint from the vegan diet is barely noticeable above say, simply cutting beef from your diet.

Bananas are berries

Strawberries are not

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This is beside the fact that itā€™s frequently framed as a moral argument by vegans and not an environmental one. The environmental being a stronger argument, but the way most vegans vegan, I would argue theyā€™re barely better off environmentally than most meat eaters.

Oh snap

In the 1893 United States Supreme Court case Nix. v. Hedden , the court rule unanimously that an imported tomato should be taxed as a vegetable, rather than as a (less taxed) fruit.

Capitalism strikes again

So I can simply cut beef out of my diet (I have) and Iā€™m on the same moral standing as vegans. Great. Iā€™ll see how that one goes down at the next vegan circle jerk I walk into (surprisingly common)

I always thought pork was fairly damaging as well? Obviously not as much as beef but still not great.

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Pigs and cows both consume a lot of resources per food delivered. Chicken not so much. But still, chicken significantly more than most fruits and vegetables. Fish are a different set of problems.

Another thing about pork is that ham is disgusting.

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Yeah, the unprocessed pig shit that giant pig farms spew around the land with agricultural sprinklers and rivers of it that flow into the ocean are not cool.

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You canā€™t go half a block in this neighborhood without hitting a vegan restaurant. Iā€™m surrounded. In the circles I find myself in thereā€™s inevitably one or two.

I would just once like to hear a vegan say the words, ā€œIā€™m vegan but Iā€™m also okay with however you decide to live your life, and that doesnā€™t make you any better or worse than me.ā€

Incapable. I tell you. If those words came out of a vegans mouth Iā€™d tell you they eat meat sometimes.

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