Brother to join the forum

also doesn’t care about the military budget but cares bigly about the healthcare budget

All of them. It’s not my choice not was it my request to show up. Thus why @wirelessgrind were didn’t show.


Is this true? What “special rights” to gay people have with regard to marriage?

Projection is a terrible thing brother, get help!

I give Bruce credit for trying but it is all lol predictable.

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via Imgflip Meme Generator

Just kidding, this is an easy decision for Heritage to let the masses die.

As Patrick Henry famously said: “Give me liberty or give me the death of every American”


Can’t tell me why Paris isn’t a joke but moved on! Lol


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It’s definitely plausible every one will
Die. You agree? Or just acting a donkey?

I’d like to take a tally of how many folks here are scared for one reason or another. Y’all do me that favor? Just comment “I’m scared.”

Booger, there you go lol

Were you scared to show up tonight?

Ah, the triple axel safe space pivot.

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Just say you’re scared bro

You’re scared bro.


Nah I’m here cuz

“What special rights don’t they have?” HNH

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I said we would save 1.9M lives with this social distancing per Trump and asked if that 1.9M was worth it and you said you’d rather everyone die than lose your “rights.”

I’ve been clear that I think with our current efforts we are looking at hitting your 46k in March, 100k in Summer and likely 1M overall. If we still had sports and school and eat-in restaurants and Disney World then we would be looking at the ballpark of 4M instead

If we did more, we could bring it down to 400k or do range, but we won’t do more because of people like you.

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I think everyone is equal, so why do they heed special rights?

What special rights are you talking about? They don’t have special rights.