US Kills Soleimani in Airstrike


Confirmation of what was reported.

We (UK) have troops in Iraq - thanks for the nod to one of your oldest allies.

(and Brexiteers can fuck off again as well for connected reasons)


I’d just like to see a news organisation say what we all know is true, which was that this “he was planning attacks” thing was going to be the line on Soleimani no matter what. While it might be true, we have no way of knowing. The statements of the various arms of the US military are worthless. When the question is whether what they did is justified, they always just lie and say it was. 100 percent of the time. Instead we have to play this groundhog day game, going through this charade where we pretend they might be a reputable source on this issue. It’s fucking exhausting. Get some inside sources and report that at least. I sincerely don’t give a fuck what Pompeo says.


Appears to be a unified mandate.

Democracy in Iraq, seems like mission accomplished to me


So I’m guessing George thanked him for his time, rather than press him on answering the actual f’ing question?

The question to be asked is “what was it about killing Soleimani that caused these imminent attacks to be aborted?” From an operational standpoint, why are these attacks no longer possible?


Pompeo was just asked this on MTP. He danced around it (obv)

Not too late to add war crimes as an article of impeachment


Both groups have majority Kurdish people but the KRG and the PYD are not the same. They have had conflict with each other and Turkey has supported the KRG. I’m not saying the KRG in Iraq was happy the US pulled out of Syria, but it’s not the same thing and I think the chances of the Kurdish controlled areas of Northern Iraq rejecting a US presence are very small.

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Suggested response for those of you who, like me, have evangelical/super religious friends and family whose response to concerns about global warming has become “God is in charge, he has a plan, nothing we can do”: “I respect that opinion, but would you please do me a favor and stop voting? God has a plan and you will be ok, no need for you to keep voting for corrupt warmongerers.”

So we aren’t leaving. Cool, cool.

Very excited for Trump to get credit for ‘bringing the troops home’ when they are forcefully expelled. media/Trump cult going to treat killing a bad guy and having the troops removed as some master stroke when of course he’s just a bumbling idiot who could’ve withdrawn troops if he wanted (but we clearly didn’t want to). Good thing Republicans stole those two elections, world definitely would not be in a better place if Gore had won in 2000.

Edit: I will say so far this looks like an obvious fuck up on Trump’s part, maybe people will actually see it for what it is.

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Am i reading this right? Trump basically used Iraq government as a pawn in a plot to kill Soleimani under the guise of mediation with Iran? WTF


According to the US backed Iraqi PM, that is exactly the case.