Iowa Caucus Predictions... SEASON Thread

“Overwhelmingly” might be overstating things.

American lawyers lean to the left of the ideological spectrum. To help place this in context, the mean DIME score among the attorney population is -0.31 compared to -0.05 for the entire population of donors. Moreover, some 62% of the sample of attorneys are positioned to the left of the midpoint between the party means for members of Congress. Morover, the modal CFscore is in the center-left. This places the average American lawyer’s ideology close to the ideology of Bill Clinton. To be more precise, the modal CFscore for American lawyers is -0.52 and Bill Clinton’s CFscore is -0.68. This confirms prior scholarship and journalism that has argued that the legal profession is liberal on balance. To our knowledge, however, this figure represents the most comprehensive picture of the ideology of American lawyers ever assembled.

There is however a (quite slight) bimodal nature to the distribution and a cluster of right-leaning attorneys has views similar to those of Mitt Romney. Not so many lawyers are true extremists, at least not in this data set.

Not a lot of Trumpkins, anyway.

Dems have taken over the professional classes. Basically any profession who think for a living trend Dem and the ones who don’t but still make money trend GOP.


Anecdote here but my Wife works in surgery and is the only non-trumpkin in the OR

Yeah surgeons are a special case, their set of personality traits align GOP. Meaning 1) bad at relating to people 2) better at “doing” than “thinking” (though not dumb, obviously) 3) very ambitious.

So true. Some of the creepiest weirdos I’ve ever interacted with. There’s a French Canadian spinal surgeon that she works with a lot. He keeps saying that if the US ever gets m4a he’s moving to another country that doesn’t have universal care. I haven’t had the chance to ask him where he thinks that’s going to be :joy:

My meditation teacher likes to say that there are three ways to relate to the world, doing, feeling and thinking, and that people tend to have one that is their primary mode, one that’s a backup, and one that they suck at.

As things are at the moment, the Dems have people who relate to the world via thinking and the GOP have people who relate to the world via doing (think about the emphasis on Triumph of the Will, action for action’s sake, the military etc etc) and there’s a fight over people who relate to the world via feeling. “Feeling” here suggests warm and fuzzy Marianne vibes but that’s not necessarily the case. People who get super upset over abortion relate to the world via feeling. Ditto people who feel a great sense of injustice over immigrants supposedly getting special treatment over Real Americans or whatever. You really don’t want an alliance of Doing and Feeling types where they agree to tell the Thinkers to go fuck themselves, as that describes the Nazis and most totalitarian movements in history.

A lot of the bewilderment Dems have over the behaviour of non-Dems is a failure to recognise that they simply don’t approach the world the same way. This is also the reason we need good stories with clear villains to convince the undecided. Things which logically benefit them if they think about it aren’t necessarily going to make an impact.


The problem I see with this is that you will also have to raise taxes in people who will keep their private or employer provided insurance. Many if them will not approve.
It will be a constant battle and the talking points write themselves. The GOP will make it their life’s mission to gut and defund the public option.

I don’t know the specifics of any plans but you can already buy insurance to add on to Medicare right now, right? So I don’t see why not.

Your understanding is wrong. Bernie is proposing to give you a better plan than you currently have.

Why are you against better healthcare for yourself and the entire country while simultaneously saving the country $1 Trillion per year? Your position is indefensible. Your posts in here come from such a privileged and ignorant position. You’re taking a shit on every person who has had to see their family members and friends go through serious health issues or had personally gone through them themselves because you’re scared that your privileged world might be upset by someone giving you better healthcare for less money. It’s one of the dumbest possible positions someone could take. Get your head out of your ass.


Fuck this. I’m usually the leader of pro civility on here but being against Univeral Single Payer Healthcare in 2020 makes you an enemy of the people. You are pushing for the continued suffering of millions of Americans and against the betterment of 99%+ of Americans purely based on inane worries that your privilege might be hurt. These people should be treated the way you would treat someone saying we should continue locking up kids at the border.


How many ways are there to get to the best place?

Specifically, Bernie’s plan.

I don’t think this will be true for everyone.

Are you currently one of the 1% richest Americans? If yes, maybe. If no, yes it will be better.

Marksman just posted this in the healthcare thread but anyone seeing stories like this and thinking this is the system we should be protecting may not be as progressive as they think.

This, and it also does nothing to control costs. We pay much more per capita than any other developed country for rather worse outcomes. A public option will not change that. The public has to be the dominant buyer in order to effectively negotiate prices and have the will to set prices if negotiations fail.
A public option without the real ability to lower prices might be worse long term than the status quo. It will amount to even more redistribution of wealth to the richest 10% from the rest of us in an effective direct subsidy of this industry.

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This is exactly the kind of hyperbolic bullshit I’m talking about and objectively makes this forum a worse place.

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This sounds a lot like something an Enemy of the People might say, comrade. Off to the re-education camps for you!


It’s not hyperbolic. Feel free to point out what is incorrect in my statement. People are dying and suffering every day in this country because of our for profit healthcare system. People are being forced to fly to Mexico to be able to afford the prescriptions they need. Sorry, not gonna worry about offending someone’s privileged sensibilities to wake them up to the reality of the system they are fighting to protect.


Right but is it better to brand jman an Enemy of the People or is it better to say well what about supplemental insurance, seems like we can work something out to still let you have more or less the same insurance you have currently. I understand the former is more fun.

Although, again, I don’t know the details of Bernie’s plan but if he somehow outlaws supplemental insurance or something, then someone please correct me.

He’s never mentioned outlawing supplemental insurance to the best of my knowledge.

Spot the lie in Mebs post. He’s right on.