Log of Key Moderator Actions

6ix silenced for two hours

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Day off for 6ix

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DrChesspain silenced for a day for this and related posts

I will comment on this a little more than usual. First, it’s not correct that forechecker is a sock puppet, and this has been pointed out before. Second, this is anonymous forum, and users should feel free to remain anonymous and/or create new accounts if they want to. Obviously there are some limits to this, but that isn’t in play for this situation.


jmakin silenced forever while he awaits anonymization a day

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AngryQueer silenced for a day

I gave AngryQueer a chance to clarify his comment by PM, but they have not responded.

6ix silenced for a day


One day

@realDonaldTrump silenced for a day for spamming the forums


One day

Deleted this user that was created solely to vote in the new moderator thread

Jalfrezi silenced for one day for repeatedly doxxing commonWealth and/or describing how one would doxx commonWealth.

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audit_the_audit banned according to previous arrangement he made with the forum

Warnings issued to: Trolly, Jalfrezi, and Churchill in accordance with the moderation policy.

We’re killing the old drama everyone, my hope is that everyone just knocks it off and co-exists peacefully but if not we’ll proceed within the new policy.


Warning issued to @hokie in accordance with the moderation policy. A warning was also earlier issued to @tesla, and I was at the store and forgot to log it so I’m doing that now.

Suspended @churchill for 2 weeks for doxxing/doxxing adjacent behavior. He referred to me by my initials after a recent in depth discussion between myself, jalfrezi and others about my real name and doxxing. No toleration of this. This goes beyond “personal attacks” or “references to old drama.”


Edited @j8i3h289dn3x7’s undertitle to remove a trolling reference to the NoModsNoMasters site, and issuing a warning. No trolling, jman.

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Warning issued to @6ix in accordance with the moderation policy (name calling).

Warning issued to @Sabo in accordance with the moderation policy (name calling).

Warnings issued to @boredsocial and @anon59375068 for trolling each other.

Suspended @6ix for one day for a series of personal attacks, culminating in this one:
