The Crapto Thread

i really doubt ODB is a crypto bro or have fun being poor crowd and he’s pretty old. all he meant is that you’re an asshole (he did, i have no opinion on the matter)

This shit seems too dumb to be real. They literally did a “meme round” of $1b at $420.69 from 69 investors. Thanks VCs!

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When they went under they still had tons of bitcoin and cash just not enough to cover everything. It would have been done a lot sooner if it wasn’t for some obviously failing lawsuits from people trying to get in front of people like me. They also found a wallet containing 78000 bitcoin at some point after the bankruptcy and the private key to access it.


Irrational markets can stay irrational much longer than most people can stay solvent. See, TSLA.


The Motley Fool forums chronicled a bloodbath for dotcom shorters from 1997-2000 - the bulls laughing at them the whole way. Then when the crash happened the bulls had a sad, and mostly just left.

It’s not enough to be right, you have to be right and time the market.


p.s. should’ve neon underlined the date also cuz, like, you know, these ain’t rhodes scholars we’re dealing with

p.p.s. in before SILENCE

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Imagine if one time before we all died your ignorance would stop you from running your mouth.

fucking amazing

go nuts champ

it’s an excellent take

I loved that song. Can we get a “Oh baby boy we were going to have mad sex / but you lost all your money on FTX” in the next remix?


Just your quarterly reminder that BTC is up about 15,000% since Riverman started LOLing it.

Good call Riverman, you were right!

P.S. I don’t mind if crypto goes busto, I just think it’s hilarious that someone who so far has been spectacularly wrong is dunking.


how are you people real lol


mf can’t even get new material


Yes, you need to use it at least thrice a day to obtain your official cryptobro ID card.

Any chance this FTX thing could have happened under modern banking regulations (if it was subject to them)?


hey, i know that guy!

a rare good take from doug

Depends whether you mean legally or not. In his piece Levine links to a story about Barclays in which they are alleged to have lent Qatari investors $3 billion for them to use to turn around and invest in the company, in order to make it appear solvent. That is obviously illegal. I think the stunt FTX were pulling would probably be illegal as well, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t happen.