Log of Key Moderator Actions

2 days off for @cassette trolling AM.


Permanently suspended @dadbud which is @cassette circumventing his ban. Adding 4 days to his ban, as well, for circumventing it.


Suspended @MaxCutAntifa forever for circumventing his ban again, adding 2 weeks to the previous suspension of @MaxCut for circumventing it/personal attacks:


Edit on 11/29: Suspended @MaxCutNoMalarkey forever for circumventing his ban again. Granting some leniency this time since there were no personal attacks with it and his main account is already suspended until 12/22 as the result of six incidents of personal attacks/trolling/old drama and four ban circumventions (@MaxCutGimmick @MaxCutAlt @MaxCutAntifa @MaxCutNoMalarkey) and I am really hoping he will knock it off with the ban circumvention and personal attacks and return on 12/22 without further incident. Edit, 12/1: Deleted another new account circumventing the ban. Edit, 12/2: Deleted another new account circumventing the ban.

Edit, 12/3: Suspended another one forever for circumventing. Choosing to be charitable and not taking any additional action on now the 7th circumvention of this ban. Edit, 12/3 again: Suspended another one forever, registered a new one to PM me to complain about the previous one. Again, charitably not extending the original suspension but warned him that enough was enough. Edit, 12/3 again: Alright, enough’s enough. Permanently suspended @MaxCut_4thAmendment. He’s now circumvented the ban nine times, most to stir up more drama. I gave him four or five freebies but this can’t go on forever, and this is the third time today. Adding one month to the original suspension.

Edit, 12/4: Deleted new user @MaxCutLikes and blocked his IP, as he created 3 new usernames in the last 32 minutes on top of his previous 9? 10? circumventions and a couple other accounts he created in the last few days but didn’t use. I’ll undo the IP ban when his normal ban subsides.

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Warnings issued to @Riverman and @WichitaDM for some personal attacks/abusive posting in the Crapto thread.

Suspended @6ix two weeks for another personal attack.


Silenced @T7split and @RonFromSanDiego for two weeks as obvious sock puppets/gimmicks here to cause drama. No way a new user is going directly/almost directly to About Moderation.

I plan to permanently suspend them after the two weeks, just leaving it at two weeks for now on the off chance that we somehow got a new user who’s immediately interested in the inner workings of the About Moderation thread and wants to argue their case.

Edit 12/2: Deleted @RonFromSanDiegoReads after he posted in About Moderation to complain about being silenced.

Edit 12/2: Deleted @ColonelRonaffi for being a brand new obvious gimmick only here to troll.

Edit 12/3: Suspended another RonFromSomewhere account as a brand new obvious gimmick only here to troll about old drama.

Edit 12/3: Suspended @RonFromMunchen forever as a brand new obvious gimmick only here to troll about old drama.

Edit 12/3: Suspended @RonaldoFromJuarez forever, ditto.

Next time I’m taking all the Ron gimmicks.

Edit 12/3: Suspended @RonFromPhoenix forever, ditto. Not doing this one by one so @RonFromSanDiego @RahnFromBonn @ComradeRon @RonFromHell are permanently suspended as well.


Suspended @j8i3h289dn3x7 one day for personal attacks:


Permanently suspended GolfThreadPoster for impersonating another user.


Warned @FuncrusherPlus for a personal attack.

Permanently suspended @CNsBuddy for being an obvious gimmick here to disrupt (by signing up and immediately flagging ~10 posts as their first action).

Set @Jalfrezi to TL0 so he can’t flag posts. I’ll restore this in two weeks if he asks (can’t set it on a timer as far as I know).

Warned @AngryQueer for bringing up moderation arguments outside the About Moderation thread.

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Permanently banned @Forechecker for creating multiple sockpuppet accounts impersonating other users.


Adding to this, @Forechecker (ctyri) made the following 20 accounts over a period of four days:

Attemtped to Impersonate Other Users (6):
@j8i3h289dn3x7reading (obv)
@GolfThreadPoster (jmakin)
@18holer (jmakin)
@econophilesghost (obv)
@CNsBuddy (vague)
@otamot (obv, probably more to troll him than impersonate him)

Attempted to Pass Off as New Unique Users Via PM With a Moderator (To get voting rights?):
@LarryJerry (Registered this as Cuepee, so also impersonating a 2p2 user who is not a user here afaik)

The Rons (8)

Random (4)


Suspending @cassette one week for his trolling efforts via the RonFromPhoenix account. We don’t know exactly when he logged into it and who posted what from it, but we know that cassette and @forechecker both used that account, which was entirely a trolling account.


Silenced @AngryQueer for 1 day for referencing old drama.


Suspended @boredsocial for a day for multiple personal attacks.

I have changed the suspention to 7 days for calling another member a Nazi. That is a federal offense where I’m from and I take personal offense at any attempt to belittle the holocaust. Next such offense will result in longer bans.


I closed the Allegations Regarding Prior Admin’s Breach of Privacy (How to Check if Your PMs Were Read) thread and moved it to the Staff forum for preservation after receiving a request to do so.

Any future posts referencing the thread or the allegations regarding prior admins contained therein will be deleted as soon as they’re brought to the attention of forum staff.


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