About Moderation

Well you hate to see it, but your performance in the last hour doesn’t leave me with too much sympathy for you. Get some help.

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This is the content of the PM I sent

I asked Goofyballer if he wanted his $90 back

Conveniently, potatomod made it very vague and doesn’t allow me to post a screenshot of the PM he is lying about and calling harassment

Unfortunate timing on the PM thing as I just sent you one AQ. Send me one on 22 if you want.

This convo has run its course, man.

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Closest we’ve gotten:

Which lol

I don’t even know what you’re talking about with this.

I didn’t ban boredsocial for a PM so again, I don’t know what the reference is there.

I didn’t know the :man_shrugging: emoji was short for “I couldn’t make it 8 hours without PMing the mods to go fuck themselves”, TIL.

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Anyway I’d start a thread about how @otatop is lying about “harassing PMs” to punish his enemies, but I can’t, because he set my trust level at 0 when lying to punish me

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Do you have a link to this? I checked Alex’s posts and didn’t see one where he shared a PM from anyone.

Does it feel good lying about me in the moderator log, knowing what people will imagine when you write “harassing PMs” to refer to one PM that can in no truthful way be called harassment?

I have not read anything in this thread and don’t plan to but saw we are removing trust level from angry queer?

We have lost the plot here guys. If you think he is the enemy I have no idea what to say to you. This Hatfield McCoy thing has moved beyond a mild annoyance to straight up unhealthy insanity.


Because I sent one PM to goofyballer asking if he wanted his 90 dollars back.

@otatop is mad at how many times I’ve pointed out his heavy handed biased modding, so he took this opportunity to lower my trust level and vaguely write “harassing PMs” in the moderator log, knowing what connotations that has with people

His goal all along has been to drive people he doesn’t like off this site


if it’s for a PM, it should be included like bans for offending posts are linked

Sheer mod spite.

sHeEr MoD sPiTe

Kinda wish I could just read everyone’s PMs to see exactly how untrue this is, because we all know it wasn’t “Hello good sir, would you like 90 dollars?”

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I’m sorry, now you’re saying my avatar is the problem? I thought it was a PM

All you did was post evidence of your campaign of drawing attention to me

For one I quoted your text, I didn’t screenshot it, and for two the PM isn’t mine to share screenshots of.

I’m saying your trolling avatar combined with your trolling PM mean you’re harrassing goofyballer, this isn’t rocket science.