Forechecker Banned for Creating 20 New Accounts, Sharing Logins With Others, Impersonating Existing Users, Creating Fake 'Unique Users'

I loved that show. Me and my grandmother would watch it together.


Nice try - ‘AQGrandmother’ account will be banned on site.


Are you sad that Conrad died?


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@anon38180840 now that some time has passed, have you been able to think of any other reason than “secretly trying to vote” that someone would create a dozen accounts all named Ron?

What was your “friend’s” name who voted on this website? Was it fuckin… oh shit, it was Ron!!! What the hell, what are the odds? Do you think forechecker just assumed any account named Ron couldn’t be questioned? Maybe that’s it. He wanted to vote with a dozen accounts named Ron.



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That was the reason I posted for the T7split account and Cuepee account that both attempted to pass themselves off as unique new users. I said the Ron accounts were trolling about old drama.

Lol, nice try. Except for all the non-Ron accounts he created, the accounts impersonating other users, and the accounts that tried to pass themselves off as real unique users.

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Right, dude created TWENTY accounts.

It was at least 22

I think I might have nuked one, too, hard to keep track.


Oops, my mistake! It was definitely hard to keep track along the way.

It’s hard to keep track when so involved in those community discussions before implementing any rule changes

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holy shit, a tactical nuking of accounts succeeded? it’s an early xmas miracle.

i wonder what the writers have in store for 2023


@yuv As a moderator here, and as a poster on nomodsnomasters, were you aware that users over there were hatching a plot to impersonate user accounts over here and were sharing logins and passwords to do so? Was it posted publicly on nomodsnomasters? This activity is deeply concerning and the fact that you have ignored it is also concerning.

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Hey guys, just wanted to say how happy I am this site exists and I think you’re all really good people who make the world a better place


That’s why you changed your sn, right,? Your concern

i know i shouldn’t engage with this bad faith posting but I’m a sucker for correcting bad posts.

I disagree with basically all of your post. Yes, I was aware that people at NMNM created silly gimmicks to mock moderation and your previous attempts to commit voting fraud (aka - therons). No, i didn’t know who created them specifically or if they were shared.

The idea that any of it was anything other than a silly (or dumb, depends on your point of view, i’d accept both) troll attempt is on par with everything that led us to this point. But like I heard recently, I expect nothing of you guys tbh.

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“Yeah I knew they were creating accounts to troll here, so what?”


Again, this was not voting fraud. It was a unique individual who posted on 2p2 pol occasionally who I tried to recruit to this community. They took one or two looks around, said lol no way, and left. I wonder why?

You can also IP check this yourself, and you will see that there are zero matches. You’ll also see an IP address that is clearly not a VPN and clearly shows where that user was at the time, and it’s nowhere near my location.

I’m obviously not posting another persons info like that with specifics, but you have access to see it and you’re not checking and spewing inaccurate allegations.

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