Forechecker Banned for Creating 20 New Accounts, Sharing Logins With Others, Impersonating Existing Users, Creating Fake 'Unique Users'

@j8i3h289dn3x7 Are you accusing someone of making fake accounts to vote in the last mod elections?

that’s a different mod department

No. I’m alluding to the fact that there was a concerted effort in the last 10 minutes of voting to register a bunch of new accounts from peopel who no longer posted here, and this latest thing is the obvious continuation of that strategy. It’s not old drama as it appears to me at least to be a continuing problem. We need voting rules, and that vote should be redone.

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i hope you don’t consider it a personal insult it was just my instinct reaction

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Yes. There are 100% people VPNing into their accounts on this site and we have no idea who they may be.

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And, I mean, yeah I’m also alluding to the fact that both Cassette and Forechecker voted in that election, and now we know that they’re sharing logins, so there’s at least one vote there that’’s suspect and/or they are the same person, and Wookie lost by what, 2?


Only thing you can do - ban all accounts that voted against Wookie (they are probably all forechecker)


In all seriousness though, other than not allowing any new users without invite (done easily enough on discourse), how does UP control the gimmicks (if they actually use VPN now that it’s been pointed out to them) thus ensuring smooth votes/operation?

Every other website I’ve ever participated in requires that you actually register with a real email address, and also blocks vpn logins. I mean, when I was a moderator at 2+2 I seem to remember they blocked people from registering a new account using a VPN. Obviously we need to do that here.


Genuinely didn’t know that was possible (/didn’t know you could register without a real email address here).

It seems like the original plan of doing something better than 22 has really fallen by the wayside in recent months


My recollection is they had shit like blocked, but this is years ago so my memory is foggy. I’m sure someone who’s still a mod there or a more recent mod could chime in.

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Should you be knowing who they are?

I thought we valued anonymity here.

I’m not talking about their names IRL, I’m talking about whether or not people are (or will be) maintaining and voting with multiple accounts.

Which of these three scenarios is true:

  1. Forechecker and Cassette are the same person;
  2. Forechecker and Cassette were pm’ing (or privately emailing, whatever) each other logins for the accounts; or
  3. All of this was discussed and planned on the other site, and the logins and passwords were posted there for anyone to use, but Cassette was the only one who did so.

I mean, everything else you’re posting is just smoke at this point as everyone who posts on the other site necessarily knows which one of these is true, either directly, or by process of elimination.

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Seriously for how much I post on this ducking g site I feel like I’m always completely in the fucking dark when drama happens