Forechecker Banned for Creating 20 New Accounts, Sharing Logins With Others, Impersonating Existing Users, Creating Fake 'Unique Users'

I mean, that’s obviously waht’s going to happen the next time they try this.


This thread needs a title change. The stuff that was just revealed is fucking ridiculous and everyone should be aware of it. It shouldn’t be buried 40 posts deep int his thread.


‘Several captains are committing the greatest sin in the history of the internet’

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Also can I suggest again, BAN NEW USERS

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You’re just going to try to keep this up even though we now have at least two users from your other website sharing logins in a coordinated fake user campaign? Just lol.

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I still don’t know who the captains are or who commissioned them


The Queen commissioned them and then she died




I mean given what happenned with the Wookie for mod vote, it seems pretty clear this was a concerted effort to get more accounts with voting rights on future issues. It was done in the stupidest way imaginable without a VPN and with multiple people from the other site sharing logins lol. Good thing I guess or they would have gotten away with it the same way they got away with torpedo’ing the Wookie for mod vote.


Which is why we need to develop some rules about this.

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I think you should just go ahead and make one up :vince2:


Ban any new users? Or maybe only you can approve new users? Moar RFCs?

Yes, forechecker also PM’d me from this account, claimed to be a unique new user, and was PMing me from other accounts to vouch for himself as an actual new user. I can only assume in order to be able to vote in future votes, I can’t think of any other reason.

@LarryJerry PM’d me as Cuepee claiming to be Cuepee.

They both gave me a song and dance about how they found the site which was verifiably false based on my own knowledge.

How do we even know that Cassette and Forechecker were different people?


We’re going to end up finding out that like 20 different regulars from the other site are all one dude at this point.

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There were no unaccounted for votes in the last mod elections, which appears to be what you’re alluding to here. so that’s a false accusation.