About Moderation

I know you’re not stupid enough to not believe that it’s a symbol of two contradictory things at once

I know I am not stupid enough to pretend I know better than the Iranian people.

Where’s the argument about moderation

Take out ‘in this forum’ and it’s a perfectly fine post. We follow fight club rules outside of AM

@anon38180840 you did not link to my post when you logged the warning in the log thread

This seems to go against your standard practice. Is there an oversight, or a reason why?

People are going to think I did more than post a silly meme that had relevance to the discussion that has taken place in the thread I posted it.

Part of the meme made fun of your position on the railroad strike. Could you let other mods moderate things that affect you personally?


Who is “we” here?


@econophile phil please reconsider your de-mod. We need you here.

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I guess I’ll quote myself from the log here to make it clearer

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I was just playing with ChatGPT.

Generate a detailed backstory for this:

Stop bringing up old forum drama. No-one cares which poster was banned for posting badly. Stop generating new forum drama.

This forum drama began when a new user joined the forum and started posting controversial opinions. This sparked a heated debate between the new user and some of the more established members of the forum. The debate quickly escalated and the new user was eventually banned for posting inflammatory comments. This caused a lot of tension between the members of the forum, with some feeling that the new user had been unfairly treated and others feeling that the ban was justified.

The drama continued for weeks, with members of the forum taking sides and arguing over the issue. Eventually, the moderators stepped in and put an end to


Who is the owner of this website? Not looking to start a metaphysical debate as to whether the users own the site - just from a purely legal standpoint, who is the owner?

I think @spidercrab is the owner of the server and @simplicitus is the owner of the domain.

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Wonder why that’s important now? Seems like people should know


did someone do an internet crime


Are we about to get Taibbi’d?

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All of the dick pics I’ve been pm’ing people are 100% legal, don’t be fooled by appearances.

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Btw the correct response to someone threatening bullshit litigation is to tell them to fuck off, revoke access to the backend of the website, and to ban them permanently. Hypothetically of course.


Lolllllllll. I really hope to see a mod note saying ‘banned for 8 days for suing’


Man i couldn’t even script how ironic this is.


Orly? Do tell!

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