About Moderation

Are we about to get Taibbi’d?

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All of the dick pics I’ve been pm’ing people are 100% legal, don’t be fooled by appearances.

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Btw the correct response to someone threatening bullshit litigation is to tell them to fuck off, revoke access to the backend of the website, and to ban them permanently. Hypothetically of course.


Lolllllllll. I really hope to see a mod note saying ‘banned for 8 days for suing’


Man i couldn’t even script how ironic this is.


Orly? Do tell!

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I can’t nor is it my business, but let’s just say your part here is perfect.


I have a guess but I’m only going to share what it is if it’s right. But if I’m right, just seriously, it’s really not worth it.

UP has finally proved the internet is IN FACT serious business. Eff the haters

This is extremely wolfy.

I mean, are we not referencing how you recommended legal action yesterday, or that a thread got moved because of a laughable lawsuit threat similar to the bullshit recommended by you? Or are you referencing the sites TOCs that state people can delete their posts? Hypothetically ofc.

There’s a reason you’re being vague. Let the people know!

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nope sir. that wouldn’t be perfect. and your role is perfect. it has nothing to do with me or anyone you’d consider close to me. that’s the beauty. thank you for your service of comedy.


Oh bless your heart. I really enjoyed your legal advice yesterday btw, unfortunately internet butthurt doesn’t qualify for damages

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While I appreciate your concern, I don’t believe it is the moderation team’s information to share. The information has been provided to the relevant parties. If they wish to share that is their prerogative. I would request that everyone respect this.

LOL. it’s amazing. every post you make is perfect for what’s happening.


CN knows waaaaaay too much about getting sued for internet crimes, I think he’s been here before. It’s very sus.

I honestly can’t believe how funny ikes had been in this conversation considering who really prompted this conversation to begin with and why. Like it’s ghost writer level, cause no way ikes is intentionally that self-deprecating funny.

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Maybe CN not speculating wildly and Yuv at least somewhat containing his glee that CN is obviously wrong would help us all respect the interests of the people who have to address this.

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i’m only human

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