About Moderation

Ask ILP that piece of shit.

Your read is shit. Yuv is mad, that’s all. Yuv is incapable of just not responding or just letting something go. My favorite is when he told everyone he doubted it was a language barrier as he knew English better than most of us, you know, native English speakers.

I’m actually interested and somewhat wildly speculating about why the legal owner of the site is suddenly relevant. However, I’m not speculating about legal threats made by people here recently, shit Yuv did that in public yesterday.


Surprising that your “favorite” is me defending the most common racist trope by trolly.

But watching you embarrass yourself here is on par with that stupidity i suppose. Like the time you called yourself a professor.


But we could make it interesting if you trust your read (remember when you bragged about being a professional 2-5 nlh player?). I will lay you 1:100 with a 1k minimum bet on who is responsible for Jonny’s question.


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Wait, just to be clear, you’re offering an unsecured 100k bet with no verification method or escrow?

Buddy, you mad. Like hilariously fucking mad.


That part is fine of course, but


seem to be speculating about who the parties may be. Given recent events (as someone who follows most of the About stuff), I read that as implying two parties, but maybe you didn’t mean to imply anything, then my bad. Yuv seems to have taken you as implying something about who the parties are too, and like literally knowing what this is about he is telling you that it’s something else.

Huh? We can easilly secure it in various different methods you find suitable. You called smrk’s read “shit”. Im offering you an easy 100k if you’re right. I mean im offering more but you already went to the lowest allowed amount.

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Yuv is running around making absurd 6 figure bet offers with no actual terms because of butthurt. He’s not a rational person here. I’ve done nothing but make vague allusions to legal threats that Yuv knows happened but doesn’t feel fit to reveal to the community.

@Yuv I’m not taking your stupid ass bet because I’d honestly feel bad taking money off you like that if I was right. Like get your shit together dude.


You should have been a lawyer with the creative thinking being used by you itt. Vague allusions is beautiful

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Not my place to reveal it to the community. I already alluded that the party you advised to “fuck off” was a buddy of yours. Smrk tried to explain that to you. Sadly your control of the english language is subpar and you still cant figure it out.


Hey yuv did you notice this?

My guess would have cost you 100k tbh. Think my read was spot on

Oh sir that is a valid effort but that money can go to charity. You can even pick a charity you like, something that preserves your culture, but a charity nonetheless.

I know it must sting to be a respected doctor and get humilated for the 2nd night in a row by a foreigner, but rest assure it’s just because you are very bad at this. It’s not me.


Sure buddy, you’re nailing this

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At this point yuv, I think I know more than you. But you’re utterly inacabable of not losing your shit, so go on and get the last word.

Also I love how mad people always work in me being a doctor into their insult, like thanks for remembering man, sick burn!


lol omg he admit it gif

Easiest work ever


Now ikes is implying he had known what happened all along, was lying here and was actually part of the plan to take legal actions against the site owners. I personally think he rather go down like that than admitting how hilariously wrong he was, but it is an impressive hail mary nonetheless.

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Lol yuv you’re sooooooo mad. What’s next? I believe yuv esquire says I can sue for defamation under bird law statute 69 section 420

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You can try, but that won’t help your performance here. You now claim to know more than me about this. Which can only imply you are an accomplice.

It’s beautiful to watch the length you went to not just admit you were wrong and take the L. First you decided to go full white pride over your american education, then pivoted to actually being right from the beginning and now you rather imply you are part of the conspiracy instead of just saying that the Jew got you.

Solid work, a total rational behavior sir. You’re nailing this.

ETA - just so you’d stand a fighting chance in the future - “u maaad” hadn’t won an online argument since 1995. “go ahead say the last word” last triumphed in 92. I want it to be a fair match.


You can tell you’re mad by how long and substantive your responses are compared to his. A calm person always speaks in concise bursts.


Seems like u mad is doing pretty damn well tbh.


True. They also laugh at their own post. That’s a must.