About Moderation



Bless your heart doc. What a show.


IMO itā€™s just some idiot trolling the forum pretending to be a lawyer suing this site.




almost all of that is true!



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Is this really a useful line of posting? Do you just need to get under CNs skin? Itā€™s these little slapfight posts, from various different parties and for no legitimet reason I can discern, that seem to be dragging at least a segment of this site down.

I still donā€™t understand this recent blowup or why Jman is leaving, but above one poster [forechecker] left a long message and admitted to a lot of intentional trolling and said he was leaving. After reading that, I had assumed that most of the problem was solved.

If there are legitimate problems can they be articulated in a clear and coherent way, such they could be made subject of a vote? As far as anyone threatening to sue, Iā€™m not worried about that. People have the right to delete their own posts. Thatā€™s the remedy they have available if they want old posts deleted.

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lets not pretend ikes is posting like a Buddhist monk here. As yuv said, heā€™s only human.


BTW, to the extent some postersā€™ conduct can be regarded as trolling in a manner intentionally designed to damage UP, we should probably have a rule forbidding that. If someone is accused of doing so in a serious way, we should probably be able to vote for a permaban, with 60% vote required, 48 hrs notice, and no votes from nonunique accounts that havenā€™t been registered for at least 90 days.

I do not normally read this thread and, having now done so, do not find it informative or entertaining. I would like to go back to where I feel I can safely ignore ā€œAbout Moderationā€, hopefully because itā€™s not important, but that takes some level of good faith from forum members and mods. Letā€™s all take a chill pill.


That sounds reasonable. Iā€™m not aware of this sort of trolling damage though, even from the recently permabanned forechecker. There was no damages or harm, the crack team of Forum Cops confirmed this by letting forecheckerā€™s dumb gimmick registration continue unabated so they could get up to 22 accounts they could spread on the table for their victorious cop picture.


youā€™re going to get a few different answers to this. some of the big ones that come to mind from the past couple of days:

  • Some are going to say that the problem is an admin who accessed PMs that they were not party to and failed to notify anyone of the ā€œviolationā€ (I put this in quotes bc the discord software specifically allows for admins to be able to do this)

  • Others are going to say the problems are mods who routinely overstep their authority. Case in point being the notice to the community of the above incident without a (perceived) honest attempt to get to the bottom of it before putting the whole thing on blast. There are other examples, such as rules being implemented unilaterally (and unevenly?) by mods when theyā€™re brought on board.

  • And yet others will argue that there is too much coddling of the ā€œtrollsā€ (like those creating multiple gimmicks) and not enough bans. Conversely, others say the issue is that there is moderation at all.

This is not meant to be exhaustive and Iā€™m sure others will share other perspectives. The devil is in the details. And not sure how any of this is solved with votes


My personal impression was that forechecker was doing more trolling than substantive posting. Based on his own post, he seemed to let it get out of hand, likely pursuing vendettas, which are rarely good for a site (as this thread demonstrates). That said, gimmick accounts have important uses and can be good content and should be encouraged/tolerated, as long as they donā€™t spam or vote on substantive issues.

Iā€™m not saying that he wasnā€™t trolling or that he shouldnā€™t have been banned. Iā€™m saying the forum cops knew this was happening in real time and let it happen so they could inflate their arrest numbers. If there was real, substantial harm being done they would have acted right away, right?

Was there any harm at all from Forecheckers gimmicks?

Yeah the forum cops waited to see what the point was, then another one of your buddies jumped in with it too! All a coincident though Iā€™m sure that no one at nmnm knew

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There could have been. Ergo eieio

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My only concern would be how you really ensure the voting is fair, i.e. if a dedicated troll creates 30+ accounts with unique addresses and sits on them for 90 days how do you stop them from fucking with a vote. Maybe thereā€™s a tech solution. I donā€™t like the idea of taking votes away from people who are legitimately lurking.

Ok? Simp and I were talking about trolling resulting in actual harm. What are the damages here?