About Moderation

Maybe this is a language barrier thing here, but nothing she’s said here seems remotely insincere. I obviously can’t read minds but her being bothered by dudes calling each other fucking pussies seems at least as reasonable as you being upset and the word “tankie” getting tossed around.

Whether these insults warrant moderation is obv something people can have good-faith disagreements about.

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paging @SweetSummerChild

Do you honestly think that Jalfrezi would stop personally insulting me if I asked him nicely?

SPOILER:I have. repeatedly. It’s worked out so well.

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which is why you never crossed my mind when i mentioned overflagging. this entire conversation feels like you think i have anything against you or in favor of jal’s posts at you.

i repeatedly mentioned it to no avail. but jal on going feud with a lot of the people in the forum doesn’t mean every other discussion should be solved by moderation.

The juxtaposition is inescapable.

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I doubt it’s a language barrier cause my english is probably better than most of yours. I can go on about the use of “language barrier” and ESL in conversation with foreigners but i’ll keep it for another time.

I at no point said she is not allowed to be offended by the use of the word pussy or that it is unreasonable. So yeah, I find @skydiver8 posting here extremely insincere and very disappointing as I never treated her with anything but respect, including in this conversation. And as I mentioned, I received much harsher insults than she ever did because I disagreed with the notion that american soldiers are to be blamed for american foreign actions.

He’s gotta be trollling right, like, the same dude that just didn’t comprehend the 2 of 3 content-full words in the phrase “short BTC pussy”? And is now saying people don’t comprehend simple English? Wild shit.

I will say that a year later this forum still delivers even harder.

Yuv properly chastised me over this btw.

That is not it at all. There’s nothing personal here (well, not with you, anyway)

I was responding as the representative of a demo (probably the smallest minority here, actually) that I felt was being wronged by the initial post where you said you thought flags for gender-based slurs were silly. Now that you have clarified that you think all flags for slurs are silly, I understand that you weren’t condoning one type of slur over other types.

As for the Jal stuff…obviously I’m quite used to it by now and really only respond to him to get the truth on record. I tried to be civil, and you saw how that worked, so i resorted to flags.

I think flags are silly when a simple conversation could have worked if people were sincere about it is the way to go.

Also there are many flags that are seriously titled like “this is technically against the new rule” or similar stuff. Simply to try and get their enemy moderated.

This isn’t about slurs. It’s about going to moderation instead of talking to each other or ignoring things you dislike that are within reason. this is why you vs jal never crossed my mind as it’s obviously not similar to the majority of flags.

Meb was correct, but not correct enough. There’s about 10 people that need to be permabanned immediately.

It’s almost 2023, how is jalfrezi still allowed to post here


this isn’t helpful.

the only language barrier is that of the inability of written forum text to properly convey meaning or emotion.

Nothing I’ve posted has been insincere. I haven’t insulted you. Before you posted that you think all flags for slurs of any type are silly, of course I zeroed in on the implication in your first post of this brouhaha that some flags are silly and some aren’t. That’s the way I read it, and I responded to the implication that you seemed to think gendered slurs specifically were OK. I wasn’t the only one who thought that, btw.

I don’t understand how my gentle pushback against perceived sexism could be considered insincere here.

Because you put no effort in understanding my point and view while snipping parts you tried to dunk on. That’s normal internet behavior sure, especially in a very unsuccessful dogpile attempt like this. Even with the language barrier though, I tend to stay pretty rational so the only emotion i have here is disappointment.

I am flat out telling you that I was not being insincere and I was not dunking on you.

My first post was literally ASKING you to clarify your thoughts on flags for gendered insults, to which you responded that you’d think it was a silly flag. Nothing about how you think all flags for slurs are silly.

My next post was me trying to confirm if you actually thought this because to be honest, I was slightly taken aback that you were implying that gendered slurs were ok when other kinds weren’t.

So what am I supposed to think here? You answered my question of different types of slurs with the implication that gendered slurs are not flagworthy, and the other types are. Being a member of the target gender for the vast majority of gendered slurs, OF COURSE I’m going to be a bit shocked and hurt by this response. Mainly because I NEVER thought you were sexist before!

I deal with shock and hurt by being snarky. It doesn’t mean I’m being insincere. Snark is my armor, and probably a self-harmful way of trying to appease people. If they can laugh, they won’t see how actually hurt and shocked I am, right?

If you’re disappointed by me defending myself and my gender, then I don’t know what to say.

i didn’t even know tankie is right wing lingo. is it? wiki says pejorative, but i did not see it as a slur. certainly not to the level that gendered slurs are perceived or are.


pretending you don’t do forum wars is quite an insult to the intelligence of the users here but you do you.

It think if a moderator is repeatedly complaining about “too many flags,” he is possibly reaching the point of burn-out.

Well, fwiw I should have not let the discussion go down that route anyhow and focus on the plethora of actual nonsense flags i see and ignore to make sure i’m not offending anyone (ignore means the flags stay for other mods to decide).

I hope you now do see that i’m attempting to improve forum discourse by discouraging people to use flags as weapons. It doesn’t mean that all flags are unnecessary.

It’s quite old fashioned (I haven’t seen it used seriously outside of UP) but yah I understood it to be disparaging towards left wing people (who were considered to sycophantically love the Soviets just because they expressed dislike of capitalism/capitalist countries)

You are probably the easiest person to read his mind. But i did bet you’d go “Hahahaha” and maybe some cApS instead of the clown emoji. Can’t win them all.