LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


If we’re gonna give people passes based on that, I’d be shocked if Trump wasn’t personally pro-choice.


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They do speak for the electoralist-wing of DSA which ruthlessly threw bureaucratic wrenches in all the serve-the-people direct actions that briefly made DSA popular

They just want to be the ground game for politicians, and they’re all trust fund PMC Buttigeig types with more time and resources than the DSA apparatus they’re dismantling

They never gave people all the money they raised for Charlottesville victims

@anon38180840 care to comment?

I have a comment, myself!

My comment is that I find it beyond disgusting that you took the annual wage figure and said “this is way above median annual wages, so if they want to focus on something other than wages, that’s their fault for focusing on wages all this time”

You haven’t the SLIGHTEST clue what those wages average out per hour, and what the work involves. When you work for their railroads, that is your ENTIRE life. That dollar figure is your compensation for every minute of the entire year of your life that has gone only to the railroads. People are simply trying to make it so they can occasionally visit the doctor when sickest. To have those 7 days not be given to the railroad. But your belief system depends on you never understanding that. You gamed it out in your head, and worked backwards from those baseless conclusions to form your bad arguments.


Short term disability is a huge pain in the ass, and a small fraction of your normal weekly pay.

I had to wait like 3 months for them to approve mine, despite admittance to a hospital

I was actually talking to a retired train engineer a few weeks ago. He said he loved the job but it required basically his entire life… Like almost 0 time off… Lots of unexpected over nights when trains broke down or weather snowed them in on the wrong side of the pass.

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the actual amazing part of this tweet is finding out that feinstein’s handlers are so fucking dumb that they’re allowing her to talk to reporters

hey who could have seen this coming



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So now she runs third party handing the seat to a lunatic?