LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

@anon38180840 care to comment?

I have a comment, myself!

My comment is that I find it beyond disgusting that you took the annual wage figure and said “this is way above median annual wages, so if they want to focus on something other than wages, that’s their fault for focusing on wages all this time”

You haven’t the SLIGHTEST clue what those wages average out per hour, and what the work involves. When you work for their railroads, that is your ENTIRE life. That dollar figure is your compensation for every minute of the entire year of your life that has gone only to the railroads. People are simply trying to make it so they can occasionally visit the doctor when sickest. To have those 7 days not be given to the railroad. But your belief system depends on you never understanding that. You gamed it out in your head, and worked backwards from those baseless conclusions to form your bad arguments.


Short term disability is a huge pain in the ass, and a small fraction of your normal weekly pay.

I had to wait like 3 months for them to approve mine, despite admittance to a hospital

I was actually talking to a retired train engineer a few weeks ago. He said he loved the job but it required basically his entire life… Like almost 0 time off… Lots of unexpected over nights when trains broke down or weather snowed them in on the wrong side of the pass.

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the actual amazing part of this tweet is finding out that feinstein’s handlers are so fucking dumb that they’re allowing her to talk to reporters

hey who could have seen this coming



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So now she runs third party handing the seat to a lunatic?

Can’t say what I want to happen to her.

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Setting up that 2024 Presidential run where she’ll win literally tens of votes (and rake in millions from super PACs)

ETA: “She did note, however, that she expects to keep her committee assignments”. Sounds like she’s caucusing with the Dems anyway. That or she’s even more delusional than I thought.

Would guess in practice this just makes anything partisan harder in the lame duck and makes judge confirmation modestly harder next session because Sinema more likely to push for judges that can get 60 votes or some other meow chow letting manchin retain more power.

Will be more problematic if manchin follows suit or teams up to require 60 votes for judges, but honestly outside of that since rs control the house anyways w/e

You guys are right though, Senate seat dead if she runs and certainly will get enough funding to be a viable spoiler.

I doubt she’ll push for the 60 vote threshold on judges given that she’s voted for 90+ of them so far in Biden’s term without it. I think she’s just massively high on her own supply and thinks there’s some “silent majority” out there that loves her. She correctly identified she can’t win a D primary against Biden but I bet she thinks she can win the whole thing as an independent picking off all the disaffected Rs and Ds. That or she just thinks it’s gonna be easier to grift tens of millions in PAC donations from all those private equity guys she preserved massive tax breaks for running as an independent.

I get some (partial) credit here:


I guess the only good news is that she waited until after the run-off. Doing it earlier (in theory) could have animated more Repub turnout.

She would not have done it if Walker had won.


My guess would be she sees this as a power grab opportunity. Probably think ghat by going I it will make her vote less certain or some such.

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We should have voted harder.


She just likes attention.

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