About Moderation

You’ll allow me to “do my soccer schtick?” How gracious of you. So yeah, I do have some questions. What posts of mine in the soccer thread are you itching to punish me for?


Shouldn’t you in general be ignoring flags that aren’t violating those general rules anyways?



Then I will do nothing different.

So…what the fuck was this about:

You’re cautioning me not to “troll” and threatening me with one of your insane exponentially escalating bans. What posts were trolling exactly?


If he agrees he can keep trolling the soccer thread and people will not be moderated for calling that out. If not he has to stop, and anyone who attacks him in that thread will be moderated. This is not that complicated.

Why should Keeed be discouraged from trolling the soccer thread?

You’re entire shtick in that thread is trolling and we’re not litigating this. It’s your call how I moderate that thread, the options are clearly laid out. Make your choice or the current warning to everyone in that thread stands.

Imagine how trolled a person who was a fan or citizen of the teams the US played would have felt in the WC thread!


@anon38180840 This is what you think is trolling? These are my posts today from before your “trolling” warning:

You’re out of control if you want to ban me for this.

But right, “we’re not litigating this”. I wonder why?

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Keeed makes a lot of good faith posts and some trolling ones. So does 95% of the forum to varying degrees.


Yup, and Keed seems to be in that 95% of the forum who hasn’t been moderated recently. Seems like there’s a little nothingburger being intensely debated.

Uh the Head Mod says I need to stop making posts in the thread like the ones quoted just above or I will get banned for two days.

Alright I’m an idiot for playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes by giving any credence to bad faith flags. Keeed do your thing in the World Cup thread, have a ball. Everyone, feel free to poke back in the World Cup thread. Bad faith flagging will be dealt with instead, as I should have done initially. My bad.


Maybe stop trying to micromanage every aspect of everyone’s posting and you won’t put yourself in spots like this.


Good edit! We know you can be a good boy!

What are you talking about?

Jwax clearly got mega trolled!

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I am light headed and anemic and had a blood transfusion earlier this week, so maybe it is just that, but I am not following any common thread here. Like your stance is changing unannounced

Edit: I grunched this post replying to an unannounced change, before the announced change