World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

That looked promising for a second. Died with JF, although I didn’t hate his touch there. Decent idea. But a true #9 just wants to pivot and strike, right?

99% of strikers on earth are shooting there.

Stupid USA

How is Daley Blind starting for the Dutch? Are they that starved for talent?

Just shoot when you are on the box like that. Deflections are a thing.

damn, nice shot

JF has to get off immediately. Move Weah central.

Pretty much. Their bench is quite poor. De Ligt is great, but their best attacker off the bench is Bergjwin, who was like the 5th best Spurs attacker then went back to Ned to play

ok this is better. Surprised the Dutch (ok Van Gaal so maybe shouldn’t be) are playing so deep. They look like the underdogs here.

Vn jynx

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Oh well. 2026 then.




Netherlands just doing the FIFA hack of centering the ball.

So many teams with poor centre back play in this world cup, only the Dutch are really solid. Too bad they have other weaknesses all over the pitch.


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Dutch putting on a clinic on how to absorb feckless pressure from a team that doesn’t know how to finish in the box, and punish on the counter.



Our striker be like, “Are you allowed to just… shoot like that? Is that allowed? I gotta plead ignorance on this whole shooting thing!”

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