About Moderation

Yes. That is what trolling is.


you’re not wrong

Well at least these guys are consistent. You’re trolling if you don’t support US proxy wars, you’re trolling if you don’t support US Soccer. USA#1, if you don’t love it leave it.


cuse, not that you’ll elaborate, but I’d love to hear how choosing the wrong soccer team to root for is trolling. Oh, you’re not taking questions, right.


From now on, anyone who flags posts in bad faith then shows up arguing against said moderation in response to their flags loses any right to have their flags stay private.


Would love to know how any of my posts today are trolling

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Starting to have second thoughts about my affirmative vote for Cuse, ngl


Last week you had an Iran logo. When they lost, and orange logo

You are rooting against the US in the US World Cup thread. It’s just trolling ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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What’s wrong with rooting against the US?

It isn’t the US world cup thread.

You can’t consider the possibility that he just doesn’t want to back the US football team for the same reason, perhaps (I don’t know) that some English people don’t want England to win, which in the latter’s case would be horrible and excessively jingoist celebrations?

I want everyone to remember that rooting against Bama is trolling


new moderation framework


I have rooted against USMNT since the 2006 World Cup, including and especially in the IRL presence of my USMNT-fan friends

It’s fun. It’s not that big a deal. The Iranian players probably wouldn’t personally kill me and y’all are so fucking terrible at ascribing people’s views to their rulers’ actions.

Making this a federal case because it’s KEEED says hilarious things about people


They just haven’t been the same since they lost Donatello

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Keeed has not been moderated at all. However, someone asking how to ignore him (his profile is hidden, so it’s not as simple as ignoring any other user) had their post flagged multiple times by people who tend to align themselves with Keeed. Someone else had a post accusing him of being one of the Ron accounts flagged for a personal attack, again by someone who tends to align with Keeed on these matters.

So I simply said ok, fine, you guys want me to moderate the people snapping back at Keeed from here on out? Cool, you can have it your way. But he doesn’t get free reign to troll the thread anymore. I’ve basically allowed trolling in the sports threads because talking shit on opponents is part of it. But we all know what Keeed’s shtick is and I’m not going to pretend to be stupid.

If Keeed wants to poke at people in that thread, fine, but they can poke back. If they can’t poke back, he can’t poke. I really don’t give a damn which way it is, so I decided to defer to the people flagging posts - all of whom claim to want less or no moderation, by the way.

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A guiding principle of good moderation:


I didn’t flag his post. I told him how to ignore me!!!

How the fuck did I troll the thread? Post examples. You won’t because you’re just making this up.

I don’t have any problem with anyone’s posting except you lying about me trolling the thread. By…rooting against the US?