About Moderation

Zero flags on Keeeds posts today as far as I know, zero penalties given to Keeed. If he wants to have it so that people can poke back at him and all is well, I’m fine with that and will ignore the flags on posts directed at him ITT. Like I said, I really don’t care, it’s just going to be fair both ways. I sided with the people who tend to be on Keeed’s side who were flagging posts directed at him. If he wants to call them off, I’m good with that too.

You what?


If Keed wants to keep dressing that way, then I’m going to ban him for the assaults he receives, because of balance


Strange way to spend your time. Endlessly shit posting on a niche political forum for another country. Constantly trolling and driving off other users. Having the highest post count in all moderation threads. It’s honestly impressive.


My stance is that the correct way to mod that thread is that everyone gets to troll teams and countries they don’t like, no one gets to make personal attacks, and people incorrectly using flags in an egregious manner should be outed.

You what?


Call who off??? This bullshit has nothing to do with me.

Keeed hasn’t posted anything close to a bannable, it is trolling but sports trolling. He shouldn’t be moderated for others actions. That said, I agree mods don’t need to be stupid and fully support just straight ignoring flags without explanation from people who seem to be abusing flagging and revoking ability if software allows. If dealing with flags is a nuisance and software won’t allow revocation then flags should be moddable.


You seem to be saying it’s either no poking or anything goes. Why shouldn’t it be that he can troll and they can troll back, so long as they don’t break rules about stuff like personal attacks or bringing up old drama?

I am fine with this approach, it’s up to Keeed, who keeps answering this offer with questions.

Yeah I mean it’s that (in the WC thread, to be clear), I’m not saying personal attacks or old drama are fine. I’m saying I’m not going to let him troll the thread, then start handing out warnings and bans to anyone who dare point out that he’s trolling.

This message board is America. Love it or leave it.


What offer? You threatened to ban me for trolling because I rooted against your team. What exactly are you “offering” here?

I believe locking a user at trust level 0 prevents them from flagging posts.

What percentage of people reading this would you say think you’re posting in good faith

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What is “up to me”? You seem to be saying you need me to do something or agree to something and I have no idea what you want me to do or agree with.

If a user is abusing flags, should mods be allowed to set them to trust level 0 to prevent them from casting flags?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure/Don’t know

0 voters

He wants you to agree that nobody can be modded for attacking you

That people can poke back and I’ll ignore any flags of their posts, and allow you to keep doing your soccer schtick unimpeded. Obviously general rules about personal attacks and old drama apply.