About Moderation

Rooting for the Islamic Republic of Iran (currently murdering women demanding to…. Not wear a head scarf in public) to own the libs.


USA has killed far more women

And you’re supposed to choose the lesser of two evils. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good

US imperialism is largely responsible for the opportunity of oppressive regimes to take hold elsewhere


Again, Keeed has not been moderated for this at all. Nobody took issue with anyone taking runs back at Riverman over that, so it was a non-issue. As this would have been, if not for others getting flagged in bad faith.

That’s not even the worst of it, I had to root for two different British Empire teams! Tough group for me to be sure.

So when are you emigrating to Iran?

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Sure, but that’s not the situation is it? There’s no need to pretend like these things aren’t related.


lol stop making shit up. I don’t want anyone to flag anything. Make all flags public imo.


So you chose a country that would either execute you or force you to transition to live as a trans woman?

Sorry, am I being homophobic for pointing that out?

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Great! Seems like if you tell your buds to cut it out then we can all move on easily.

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I have no idea who flagged what. Stop making shit up about me, thanks buddy.


You can just post it here as a general request then SK, easy fix! Hell already fixed, we can all move on!

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Is “buddy” a personal attack here?

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The Iran team asked football supporters around the world to back them specifically because they’d shown resistance to their regime.

The real question is why didn’t YOU support them?


Because I’m not as brave as you! Hero!

I think we should let Keeed shit-post freely in the World Cup thread and just punish the dumb flaggers. There’s no reason to throttle Keeed as a way to keep the flaggers in line.

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Don’t be shy

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When a moderator says Keed is trolling, in a highlighted message, and says Keed will be banned for further posting, of course people are going to ramp up flagging and needling of Keed as part of their Forum Warz.

And LOL at Cuse calling what he did “Keed not being moderated”

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Imagine having fun in a sports thread and Jwax13 comes in and says “you’d be murdered for being gay” and doesn’t think he’s being demeaning or homophobic


Imagine posting the Islamic Replubic of Iran flag and calling someone homophonic for pointing out the absurdity of it.

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