About Moderation

workd cup is world proxy war. i’m surprised you want america in it at all.

I don’t, we should leave it to real soccering nations.

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how do you feel about jamaica in the wonter olympics?

I feel like it’s none of my business

silence is violence my frenemy

It’s possible to talk shit on opponents without devolving into personal attacks. I don’t know why you can’t allow sports trolling while still modding any personal attacks. Keeed should be allowed to root against the US and everyone else should be allowed to dogpile on him for doing so, so long as they follow forum decorum. If they’re too emotional to poke back within the rules, that’s on them.

People being morons about flagging posts should be an independent issue.

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Is it though? Are we really thinking it’s just a coincidence that Keeed is throwing poo around in that thread and then his buddies are immediately flagging anyone who responds?


I think in that scenario, the problem isn’t Keeed posting, just the idiots flagging any response.

Yes I think it’s more likely that you changed your avatar 4 times in the last 2 weeks because you wanted to agitate people than as part a moral statement about how much worse US nationalism wrt sports is than Iranian or British nationalism.


Who cares? I think this forum should allow passive-aggressive trolling via avatars and likes because those aren’t thread derails.

lol who the fuck would get agitated by anyone changing their avatar to the opposite side in a sports match? That’s fucking insane.


Some people here get agitated when they see who hearts which posts, you’d be amazed!


Rooting for your team against the USA is fine

Changing the team you root for to the team the USA is playing with the intention of lolling once we lose. Is trolling.

That’s why he was warned for trolling.

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It’s the most fucked up forum I’ve ever been a member of that’s for sure.

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They’re coordinating this bruce. It’s not two separate actors.

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Did I do that?

All of this perfectly illustrates why people should care less, have thicker skin, have a laugh at their own expense, take their internet personas less seriously and just generally drop the grudge bullshit that certainly helps no one. All sides.

That being said I am eagerly awaiting Riverman being moderated for rooting against the US in golf competitions. Also I went to OU law and actively call them the Gooners both here and with my irl people. And also enjoy laughing about how the US cant even do sports right in lots of areas. I am also on a warning so I assume this is the last straw.


unfounded conspiracy theories itt

In the absence of flags, Keeed’s posting isn’t a problem.

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