Walrus grab bag - signup thread

Category host name: Canadamatt3004
Category: Female fronted rock groups
Musical tastes: Check out my prior Walrus for some ideas. I am looking mostly for non radio play singles, since I know most of that shit. Prefer more recent to older since it’s hard to find chick rock from the 60s and 70s I’m not familiar with.
Any other judging notes: Sticking to rock for this category obviously. For sure there are some great groups fronted by females in other genres, but that’s not what I’m looking for here. Also female fronted doesnt mean the lead has to be solely female. If the band has a male singer as well that’s fine but the lead vocals should be primarily female led.

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In and submitted their category:

In and still to submit their category (by end of day tomorrow, but the sooner the better):

Space for 1 more.

Friendly reminder to @Nicholasp27 and @LouisCyphre to get your categories in the next 12 hours or so please.

Mumble and not misogynistic might be mutually exclusive categories so you’ve probably killed two birds with one stone there.

Will post category tonight

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Category host name: Louis Cyphre

Category: A song that hypes you up. It can be one that gets your adrenaline flowing, a work-out song, something that gets you dancing etc.

Musical tastes: I mainly listen to rock and metal (from vanilla to extreme) and their siblings, cousins and bastards. I also listen to pop, hip-hop, some classic, a tiny bit of opera and I can generally find something I like in most genres.
Basically no-hoper genres: hardcore techno/gabber, Operetta
Dubious genres: Electronic, Jazz, country/western, disco, RNB

I listen to a lot of stuff, so just about everything else is in with a shot.

Any other judging notes: I previously judged a Walrus and you can find the reveal thread here:

Warning: This time I will judge very well-known songs much more harshly.


I greatly enjoyed your Walrus. Going to go back over it now for some Friday night entertainment.


I will jump in if you want one more.

Absolutely! Still one spot open, so its all yours if you have a category in mind :-)

I thought it might be useful reference to have all the categories in one post:

(CanadaMatt3004) Female fronted rock groups
(ChrisV) Something that evokes a sense of loss, regret or wistfulness. There’s a broad one for you.
(Eyebooger) A song from a band/artist where live right now
(jalfrezi) A track which includes any instrument that isn’t a guitar, keyboards or drums (or voice
(LawnmowerMan) Best Use of the Otamatone in a Musical Work
(Louis Cyphre) A song that hypes you up. It can be one that gets your adrenaline flowing, a work-out song, something that gets you dancing etc.
(miliboo) An electronic dance track that makes me wanna hit the 'floor.
(Nicholasp27) TBD
(Pauwl) Songs that invoke dreamlike thoughts. Dream Pop or New Wave, No Wave, Dark Wave, Psychedelic, Proto-punk etc.
(pyatnitski) A track that obviously uses repetition. A track that obviously uses repetition. A track that obviously uses repetition.
(Rivaldo) Videos or live performances from MTV’s 120 Minutes or Headbanger’s Ball.
(seities) Animal. The artist name could be an animal. The title could be an animal. There could be the name of any animal in the track. The word “animal” itself also counts.
(skydiver8) an uplifting song about life, personal growth, etc., preferably by a male artist/group, but that isn’t required. (finding songs by female artists in this category is easy)
(SwankyWilder) Debut single.
(suzzer99) Songs have a cool twist at the end, like last minute or so, which doesn’t appear in the rest of the song. Rather than try too hard to explain this I have provided two examples below.
(Yuv) Humor. A song you actually like and find funny/humorous/witty. It can be just one line you think is amusing, it could be comedy music. Hell, it could be a funny composition if you’re into that. It just have to be intentionally funny and not “It’s funny cause it’s terrible and she can’t sing”.


Category host name: Lawnmower_Man

Category: Best Use of the Otamatone in a Musical Work

Musical tastes: Everything.

Any other judging notes: I’m looking for the single best use of the Otamatone in a work of music. All styles of music are go for this category. I will be judging on factors like creative arrangements, pitch accuracy, sound and recording quality, interesting use of processing such as effects, sampling, post-production, etc. It is not a prerequisite that all instruments on the track must be an Otamatone.

I will likely prefer two things: (1) pieces that are serious works of recorded music (read: not amateurish Youtube videos) and (2) completely original pieces of music, should either of these things exist. In light of this, I will accept a wide range of submission formats and platforms including but not limited to Soundcloud, Spotify, Amazon Music, links to audio files, etc.

Best use of Obamaphones?

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You should totally do it.

With respect, I genuinely had no idea what a tomatophone was until your category and I think a lot of people won’t. I wouldn’t even know where to start looking for a song that meets the criteria, unless I was googling for lists and listening to them trying to find something to submit.

Would you mind changing to something that is more general? Something that is easier for someone to connect songs they might know without having to research?


Thanks! I am actually going to put together a spreadsheet tomorrow morning which people can use as a reference since there are a lot of categories here.

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Bonus points if otamatone submission includes a wobble board?

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I mean, sure, just link your favorite Queen song and I’ll rank them from best to worst without listening since I already know them all.

All categories are submitted and in this post. Contestants can use it as a reference and template if they want to. You can easily send all these entries to me by clicking my name in this post. You will get an option to message me, and it will use this post to do so. Then you can just go through and add all your submissions. Remember - manually remove my category from the end and send that to SwankyWilder.

Let me know if this is unclear or I can make it easier somehow. End of day Sunday the 26th of April will be the deadline for submissions. Try to give youtube links or something else people can access without needing an account.

We can allow 2 weeks for all the reveals to happen from that point. I will make a separate reveal thread of course. Try to give youtube links or something else people can access without needing an account.

Message these to seities:

Category host name: eyebooger

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: miliboo

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: suzzer99

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: ChrisV

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: skydiver8

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: SwankyWilder

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: jalfrezi

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: pyatnitski

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: Yuv

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: Pauwl

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: Canadamatt3004

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: LouisCyphre

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Category host name: Nicholasp27

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

Send these to SwankyWilder

Category host name: seities

Your submission: Title - Artist

Link to submission:

Any commentary (optional):

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I appreciate you wanting to run a category that requires something a bit more specific, and a bit more research. The idea of something like that has already been discussed, and it’s been decided a different Walrus will be a better fit for those types of categories.

If you’d still like to join in this one you are most welcome. Just pick a different category that is going to be easier for people to find submissions for.