Walrus grab bag - signup thread

Damn wasted DJ Shadow :(

I think we are probably going to end up having 0-2 reveals most days. But for sure we could allow for Jiggy to reveal near the end if that helps him to join if he wants to (and isn’t all Walrus’d out after hosting).

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So far we have:

cassette Nicholasp27 pyatnitski Rivaldo miliboo eyebooger seities jalfrezi CanadaMatt3004 LouisCypher Pauwl

Probably MimosaDef and Mjiggywiggy

I have held a spot for ChrisV as well. So I can accept one more confirmed entrant, and start taking substitutes from there in case someone drops out or doesn’t take their allocated spot.

Apologies in advance to those who miss out.

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I’m in. I will submit a category shortly


Hey. Sure, I’m in. Figuring out a category now.


Category host name: seities
Category: Animal. The artist name could be an animal. The title could be an animal. There could be the name of any animal in the track. The word “animal” itself also counts.
Musical tastes: I always find this difficult. But if I had leanings in any direction its probably faster/harder/grittier. Apply that loosely to rap/punk hardcore/rock/metal/EDM. With that said I have awarded the number one spot to songs which would be the opposite of that, so you are still totally in the running if you submit some catchy pop.
Any other judging notes: You are going to have a better chance if the track was from the last 30 years. I am going to mark down if the song is generally well known.

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Nice! With skydiver8 and ChrisV in, we are now at 13 plus 2 likely entrants, taking us to our cap. Anyone else interested is still welcome to register as a sub.



Category host name: suzzer99
Category: Songs have a cool twist at the end, like last minute or so, which doesn’t appear in the rest of the song. Rather than try too hard to explain this I have provided two examples below.
Musical tastes: Everything - as long as it moves my butt around in the chair. That’s my only requirement.
Any other judging notes: The more anthemic the better.

This one’s kinda subtle but I really like the synchronized guitar riff thing they start with about 50 seconds left and play the song out to. I guess it’s not that unique compared to the rest of the song - somehow in my mind it was. Or it could just be my shitty laptop speakers. Anyway I will judge loosely on qualification.

That sample of Black Betty by Ram Jam just kills me every time - I have to turn it up to ear-splitting volume in the car.

And I just learned that this apparently the actual original - fucking cool:


Category host name: ChrisV
Category: Something that evokes a sense of loss, regret or wistfulness. There’s a broad one for you.
Musical tastes: Broad, but dubious choices include punk, opera, classical, metal with growled vocals, bluegrass, mainstream country.
Any other judging notes: Well-known or dull choices are likely to finish mid-table. “Dull” is best defined by something like the Foo Fighters, I like them fine but they’re middle of the road rock with a lot of radio airplay. I’m not very concerned with category fit for this one.


Well its early days but I gotta say I’m liking how this is shaping up. Lots of great categories.

Also I am going to count suzzer in since they submitted a category straight up. If someone drops out we won’t replace them to run with the planned 15. Otherwise we will run 16.

Category host name : skydiver8
Category : an uplifting song about life, personal growth, etc., preferably by a male artist/group, but that isn’t required. (finding songs by female artists in this category is easy)
Musical tastes : Easier to say what I dislike: modern country-pop, mumble rap, and screamer metal. Pretty much anything else is fair game.
Any other judging notes : I will throw your submission in the bin if it’s blatantly racist or misogynistic. I won’t dock points for a female artist, but it’s less likely to win


I’m going to bow out this time. Really appreciate you organizing, seities, but I am super busy right now.

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all good man, but you’ll be missed. Hope you can still rail.

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I wouldn’t mind doing a category if more people drop out.

Noted! You are sub 1 and first in if anyone else drops out after cassette.

@seities I also think I need to back out. I don’t think I’ll have the time for this either. Very cool idea for format though, and I look forward to railing as much as I can.

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Hey Guys - put me on the subs bench please

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I’m out, too, swanky can sub for me

sorry bereft of ideas

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GOAT twist in the tail song