Walrus grab bag - signup thread

Nice! With skydiver8 and ChrisV in, we are now at 13 plus 2 likely entrants, taking us to our cap. Anyone else interested is still welcome to register as a sub.



Category host name: suzzer99
Category: Songs have a cool twist at the end, like last minute or so, which doesn’t appear in the rest of the song. Rather than try too hard to explain this I have provided two examples below.
Musical tastes: Everything - as long as it moves my butt around in the chair. That’s my only requirement.
Any other judging notes: The more anthemic the better.

This one’s kinda subtle but I really like the synchronized guitar riff thing they start with about 50 seconds left and play the song out to. I guess it’s not that unique compared to the rest of the song - somehow in my mind it was. Or it could just be my shitty laptop speakers. Anyway I will judge loosely on qualification.

That sample of Black Betty by Ram Jam just kills me every time - I have to turn it up to ear-splitting volume in the car.

And I just learned that this apparently the actual original - fucking cool:


Category host name: ChrisV
Category: Something that evokes a sense of loss, regret or wistfulness. There’s a broad one for you.
Musical tastes: Broad, but dubious choices include punk, opera, classical, metal with growled vocals, bluegrass, mainstream country.
Any other judging notes: Well-known or dull choices are likely to finish mid-table. “Dull” is best defined by something like the Foo Fighters, I like them fine but they’re middle of the road rock with a lot of radio airplay. I’m not very concerned with category fit for this one.


Well its early days but I gotta say I’m liking how this is shaping up. Lots of great categories.

Also I am going to count suzzer in since they submitted a category straight up. If someone drops out we won’t replace them to run with the planned 15. Otherwise we will run 16.

Category host name : skydiver8
Category : an uplifting song about life, personal growth, etc., preferably by a male artist/group, but that isn’t required. (finding songs by female artists in this category is easy)
Musical tastes : Easier to say what I dislike: modern country-pop, mumble rap, and screamer metal. Pretty much anything else is fair game.
Any other judging notes : I will throw your submission in the bin if it’s blatantly racist or misogynistic. I won’t dock points for a female artist, but it’s less likely to win


I’m going to bow out this time. Really appreciate you organizing, seities, but I am super busy right now.

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all good man, but you’ll be missed. Hope you can still rail.

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I wouldn’t mind doing a category if more people drop out.

Noted! You are sub 1 and first in if anyone else drops out after cassette.

@seities I also think I need to back out. I don’t think I’ll have the time for this either. Very cool idea for format though, and I look forward to railing as much as I can.

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Hey Guys - put me on the subs bench please

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I’m out, too, swanky can sub for me

sorry bereft of ideas

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GOAT twist in the tail song

How have I not heard that line till now?!

Category host name : SwankyWilder
Category : Debut single.
Musical tastes : All over the place - Pretty much anything that isn’t Stadium Rock and Jazz. My favourite thing is discovering new bands/Artists and seeing them at small clubs before they hit big/disappear without trace. I did once see have a run of live gigs that went Yellowman, The Spice Girls, MC5, Jim Jones review, so hope that narrows it down a bit
Any other judging notes : A great debut single doesn’t necessarily mean a great band/artist and I hope to find some obscurities that I don’t know but a great song is a great song,

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I really can’t imagine - what the hell were you doing in 1976?

Category host name : jalfrezi

Category : A track which includes any instrument that isn’t a guitar, keyboards or drums (or voice)

Musical tastes : Make me feel something, but it’s easier to say what not to submit - ABC music of any genre (eg that means 99% of metal), stadium rock apart from a few of the 70s giants, tepid 80’s jazz/funk, boy/girl bands, C&W, Autotune, that 80’s keyboard/drum machine sound, bongos, virtuosity for the sake of it, singers who sound like massive wankers (aka Morrison/Morrissey syndrome)

Any other judging notes: Points deduction for over-familiarity. Also, if it’s very long it needs to be a lot better than a 4 minute version of the same song would be. More pointers in my walrus.

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Category host name : pyatnitski

Category : A track that obviously uses repetition. A track that obviously uses repetition. A track that obviously uses repetition.

Musical tastes : From my Walrus:

My musical history is that, mesmerised by The Velvet Underground’s White Light/White Heat at age 13, I quickly disappeared down a noisy/avant-garde rock hole. I then slowly dragged myself out via (largely) jazz, folk and ‘the classics’ in my 20s, but have then listened to all sorts this past decade or so. Perhaps unusually I probably listen to more stuff without singing than with. I will warn that my musical kryptonite is useless indie bands being ‘moody’ or anything that sounds like it should have a tune but doesn’t.

I realised after the walrus I could just have said “my musical kryptonite is useless indie bands.”

Any other judging notes: Like others I’ll be deducting if I know it well, unless you happen to submit something I absolutely love. I won’t be able to help it, I just always prefer listening to something new. And I will deduct if I don’t think the repetition is there or prominent enough.


@Rivaldo and @MimosaDef thanks for the heads up guys. Would love to see you railing if you have some time and feel inclined!

@Yuv You are in!

So we now have:

In and submitted their category:

In and still to submit their category (by end of day tomorrow, but the sooner the better):

Space for 1 more if someone wants in.

Feel free to start thinking about your entries for some of the known categories :-)