Log of Key Moderator Actions

Victor suspended until July1 for trolling the forum.

Jalfrezi banned until july 1 for bad faith posting

SenorKeeed suspended until July 1 for bad faith posting.

tabbaker given a night off for personal attack

d2_e4 banned until Aug 1 for once again posting in About Unstuck after being warned not to.

cassette banned until Jun 30 for personal attacks (not sure if it was chads or myself, i think we did it at nearly the same time)

Jman banned until monday for a personal attack.

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6ix suspended until tomorrow for a personal attack

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i2i suspended for multiple personal attacks and making himself a deliberate nuisance to the mods.


Marty banned til next week for personal attacks

Churchill and gimmick suspended 11 days on top of the self-requested ban for anit-vax bullshit in the covid thread.

6ix suspended until Monday for a personal attack


Marty suspended for a week for multiple personal attacks.


Jesus suspended.

This gimmick has potential, but is so far just tangential references to forum drama.

Only a temp. Jesus can come back in…

3 days.


Kerowo temp ban for 1 day for deliberately fanning the flames after being asked respectfully not to.


Created a new thread for bickering in BBV. Moved a bunch of stuff there from the moderation vote thread. Future backward looking derail dramas are likely to end up there too.


Permanently banned @jmakin by his request in About Moderation.

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Smrk banned for 4 weeks for doubling and trippling down on the racism.

Edit. Reduced to 2 weeks based on feedback.

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Churchill banned for a week for trolling the covid thread again.


Watevs banned for two weeks for an unprovoked and unnecessary personal attack. Have your opinions dude. Just dont be a dick with it.